diff options
authorJochen Topf <>2011-04-13 23:26:31 +0200
committerJochen Topf <>2011-04-13 23:26:31 +0200
commit299c93e809186178583af5bd572e755027c3a87b (patch)
parentd64ea936c4ac4a6c877dfce1e6a2fa71a42e0950 (diff)
Moved tagstats over from osmium repository
4 files changed, 757 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tagstats/Makefile b/tagstats/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bee23c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tagstats/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Tagstats Makefile
+CXX = g++
+CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x -Wall -W -Wredundant-decls -Wdisabled-optimization -pedantic
+#CXXFLAGS += -Wpadded -Winline
+CXXFLAGS += -I../include -I../../../osmium/osmium/include
+LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib -lexpat -lpthread
+LIB_SQLITE = -lsqlite3
+LIB_GD = -lgd -lz -lm
+LIB_PROTOBUF = -lz -lprotobuf -losmpbf
+.PHONY: all clean install
+all: tagstats
+tagstats: tagstats.cpp tagstats_handler.hpp string_store.hpp
+ install -m 755 -g root -o root -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
+ install -m 755 -g root -o root tagstats $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/tagstats
+ rm -f *.o core tagstats
diff --git a/tagstats/string_store.hpp b/tagstats/string_store.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2215761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tagstats/string_store.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#include <list>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <new>
+#include <cstring>
+ * class StringStore
+ *
+ * Storage of lots of strings (const char *). Memory is allocated in chunks.
+ * If a string is added and there is no space in the current chunk, a new
+ * chunk will be allocated.
+ *
+ * All memory is released when the destructor is called. There is no other way
+ * to release all or part of the memory.
+ *
+ */
+class StringStore {
+ int chunk_size;
+ // number of bytes that are available in the current chunk
+ int current_rest_length;
+ // pointer where the next string is stored
+ char *current_ptr;
+ // list of chunks
+ std::list<void *> chunks;
+ const char *_add_chunk() {
+ current_ptr = (char *) malloc(chunk_size);
+ if (! current_ptr) {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ current_rest_length = chunk_size;
+ chunks.push_back(current_ptr);
+ return current_ptr;
+ }
+ bool _add(const char *string) {
+ if (current_rest_length <= 1) {
+ _add_chunk();
+ }
+ char *next_ptr = (char *) memccpy(current_ptr, string, 0, current_rest_length);
+ if (next_ptr) {
+ current_rest_length -= (next_ptr - current_ptr);
+ current_ptr = next_ptr;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ StringStore(int chunk_size) : chunk_size(chunk_size) {
+ _add_chunk();
+ }
+ ~StringStore() {
+ while (! chunks.empty()) {
+ free(chunks.back());
+ chunks.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a null terminated string to the store. This will
+ * automatically get more memory if we are out.
+ * Returns a pointer to the copy of the string we have
+ * allocated.
+ *
+ * Throws std::length_error if the string we want to
+ * add is longer then the chunk size.
+ */
+ const char *add(const char *string) {
+ const char *string_ptr = current_ptr;
+ if (! _add(string)) {
+ string_ptr = _add_chunk();
+ if (! _add(string)) {
+ throw std::length_error("strings added to StringStore must be shorter than chunk_size");
+ }
+ }
+ return string_ptr;
+ }
+ // These functions get you some idea how much memory was
+ // used.
+ int get_chunk_size() const {
+ return chunk_size;
+ }
+ int get_chunk_count() const {
+ return chunks.size();
+ }
+ int get_used_bytes_in_last_chunk() const {
+ return chunk_size - current_rest_length;
+ }
diff --git a/tagstats/tagstats.cpp b/tagstats/tagstats.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1845e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tagstats/tagstats.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#define OSMIUM_MAIN
+#include <osmium.hpp>
+#include <osmium/handler/statistics.hpp>
+//#include <osmium/handler/node_location_store.hpp>
+#include "tagstats_handler.hpp"
+class MyTagStatsHandler : public Osmium::Handler::Base {
+ Osmium::Handler::Statistics osmium_handler_stats;
+ TagStatsHandler osmium_handler_tagstats;
+ //Osmium::Handler::NLS_Sparsetable osmium_handler_node_location_store;
+ void callback_init() {
+ osmium_handler_tagstats.callback_init();
+ // osmium_handler_node_location_store.callback_init();
+ }
+ void callback_before_nodes() {
+ osmium_handler_tagstats.callback_before_nodes();
+ }
+ void callback_object(Osmium::OSM::Object *object) {
+ osmium_handler_stats.callback_object(object);
+ osmium_handler_tagstats.callback_object(object);
+ }
+ void callback_node(Osmium::OSM::Node *node) {
+ osmium_handler_stats.callback_node(node);
+ // osmium_handler_node_location_store.callback_node(node);
+ }
+ void callback_after_nodes() {
+ osmium_handler_tagstats.callback_after_nodes();
+ }
+ void callback_before_ways() {
+ osmium_handler_tagstats.callback_before_ways();
+ }
+ void callback_way(Osmium::OSM::Way *way) {
+ osmium_handler_stats.callback_way(way);
+ // osmium_handler_node_location_store.callback_way(way);
+ }
+ void callback_after_ways() {
+ osmium_handler_tagstats.callback_after_ways();
+ }
+ void callback_before_relations() {
+ osmium_handler_tagstats.callback_before_relations();
+ }
+ void callback_relation(Osmium::OSM::Relation *relation) {
+ osmium_handler_stats.callback_relation(relation);
+ }
+ void callback_after_relations() {
+ osmium_handler_tagstats.callback_after_relations();
+ }
+ void callback_final() {
+ // osmium_handler_node_location_store.callback_final();
+ osmium_handler_stats.callback_final();
+ osmium_handler_tagstats.callback_final();
+ }
+/* ================================================== */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ Osmium::Framework osmium;
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSMFILE" << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ osmium.parse_osmfile<MyTagStatsHandler>(argv[1]);
diff --git a/tagstats/tagstats_handler.hpp b/tagstats/tagstats_handler.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04faecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tagstats/tagstats_handler.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+#include <google/sparse_hash_map>
+#include <bitset>
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <gd.h>
+#include <osmium/utils/sqlite.hpp>
+#include "string_store.hpp"
+ * Hash function used in google hash map that seems to work well with tag
+ * key/value strings.
+ */
+struct djb2_hash {
+ size_t operator()(const char *str) const {
+ size_t hash = 5381;
+ int c;
+ while ((c = *str++)) {
+ hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */
+ }
+ return hash;
+ }
+ * String comparison used in google hash map.
+ */
+struct eqstr {
+ bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const {
+ return (s1 == s2) || (s1 && s2 && strcmp(s1, s2) == 0);
+ }
+ * Holds some counter for nodes, ways, and relations.
+ */
+struct Counter {
+ uint32_t count[3];
+ Counter() {
+ count[NODE] = 0; // nodes
+ count[WAY] = 0; // ways
+ count[RELATION] = 0; // relations
+ }
+ uint32_t nodes() const {
+ return count[NODE];
+ }
+ uint32_t ways() const {
+ return count[WAY];
+ }
+ uint32_t relations() const {
+ return count[RELATION];
+ }
+ uint32_t all() const {
+ return count[NODE] + count[WAY] + count[RELATION];
+ }
+typedef google::sparse_hash_map<const char *, Counter, djb2_hash, eqstr> value_hash_map_t;
+typedef google::sparse_hash_map<osm_user_id_t, uint32_t> user_hash_map_t;
+typedef google::sparse_hash_map<const char *, Counter, djb2_hash, eqstr> key_combination_hash_map_t;
+class KeyStats {
+ Counter key;
+ Counter values;
+ value_hash_map_t values_hash;
+ key_combination_hash_map_t key_combination_hash;
+ user_hash_map_t user_hash;
+ static const int location_image_y_size = 360;
+ static const int location_image_x_size = 2 * location_image_y_size;
+ std::bitset<location_image_x_size * location_image_y_size> location;
+ int grids;
+ KeyStats() {
+ grids = 0;
+ }
+ void update(const char *value, Osmium::OSM::Object *object, StringStore *string_store) {
+ key.count[object->get_type()]++;
+ value_hash_map_t::iterator values_iterator = values_hash.find(value);
+ if (values_iterator == values_hash.end()) {
+ Counter counter;
+ counter.count[object->get_type()] = 1;
+ values_hash.insert(std::pair<const char *, Counter>(string_store->add(value), counter));
+ values.count[object->get_type()]++;
+ } else {
+ values_iterator->second.count[object->get_type()]++;
+ if (values_iterator->second.count[object->get_type()] == 1) {
+ values.count[object->get_type()]++;
+ }
+ }
+ user_hash[object->get_uid()]++;
+ if (object->get_type() == NODE) {
+ int x = int(2 * (static_cast<Osmium::OSM::Node *>(object)->get_lon() + 180));
+ int y = KeyStats::location_image_y_size - int(2 * (static_cast<Osmium::OSM::Node *>(object)->get_lat() + 90));
+ location[KeyStats::location_image_x_size * y + x] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ void add_key_kombination(const char *other_key, osm_object_id_t type) {
+ key_combination_hash[other_key].count[type]++;
+ }
+}; // class KeyStats
+typedef google::sparse_hash_map<const char *, KeyStats *, djb2_hash, eqstr> key_hash_map_t;
+class TagStatsHandler : public Osmium::Handler::Base {
+ time_t timer;
+ key_hash_map_t tags_stat;
+ key_hash_map_t::iterator tags_iterator;
+ time_t max_timestamp;
+ // this must be much bigger than the largest string we want to store
+ static const int string_store_size = 1024 * 1024 * 10;
+ StringStore *string_store;
+ Sqlite::Database *db;
+ void _timer_info(const char *msg) {
+ int duration = time(0) - timer;
+ std::cerr << msg << " took " << duration << " seconds (about " << duration / 60 << " minutes)" << std::endl;
+ }
+ void _update_key_combination_hash(Osmium::OSM::Object *object) {
+// KeyStats *stat;
+ key_hash_map_t::iterator tsi1, tsi2;
+ const char /*other_key,*/ *key1, *key2;
+ int tag_count = object->tag_count();
+ for (int i=0; i<tag_count; i++) {
+ key1 = object->get_tag_key(i);
+ tsi1 = tags_stat.find(key1);
+ for (int j=i+1; j<tag_count; j++) {
+ key2 = object->get_tag_key(j);
+ tsi2 = tags_stat.find(key2);
+ if (strcmp(key1, key2) < 0) {
+ tsi1->second->add_key_kombination(tsi2->first, object->get_type());
+ } else {
+ tsi2->second->add_key_kombination(tsi1->first, object->get_type());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void _print_images() {
+ std::bitset<KeyStats::location_image_x_size * KeyStats::location_image_y_size> location_all;
+ int sum_size=0;
+ Sqlite::Statement *statement_insert_into_key_distributions = db->prepare("INSERT INTO key_distributions (key, png) VALUES (?, ?);");
+ db->begin_transaction();
+ for (tags_iterator = tags_stat.begin(); tags_iterator != tags_stat.end(); tags_iterator++) {
+ const char *key = tags_iterator->first;
+ KeyStats *stat = tags_iterator->second;
+ gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreate(KeyStats::location_image_x_size, KeyStats::location_image_y_size);
+ int bgColor = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 0, 0, 0);
+ gdImageColorTransparent(im, bgColor);
+ int fgColor = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 180, 0, 0);
+ int n=0;
+ for (int y=0; y < KeyStats::location_image_y_size; y++) {
+ for (int x=0; x < KeyStats::location_image_x_size; x++) {
+ if (stat->location[n]) {
+ stat->grids++;
+ gdImageSetPixel(im, x, y, fgColor);
+ location_all[n] = true;
+ }
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ int size;
+ void *ptr = gdImagePngPtr(im, &size);
+ sum_size += size;
+ statement_insert_into_key_distributions
+ ->bind_text(key)
+ ->bind_blob(ptr, size)
+ ->execute();
+ gdFree(ptr);
+ gdImageDestroy(im);
+ }
+ gdImagePtr im_all = gdImageCreate(KeyStats::location_image_x_size, KeyStats::location_image_y_size);
+ gdImageColorAllocate(im_all, 0, 0, 0);
+ int white_all = gdImageColorAllocate(im_all, 255, 255, 255);
+ int n=0, count_grid=0;
+ for (int y=0; y < KeyStats::location_image_y_size; y++) {
+ for (int x=0; x < KeyStats::location_image_x_size; x++) {
+ if (location_all[n]) {
+ gdImageSetPixel(im_all, x, y, white_all);
+ count_grid++;
+ }
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ std::cerr << "grids_all: " << count_grid << std::endl;
+ int size;
+ void *ptr = gdImagePngPtr(im_all, &size);
+ statement_insert_into_key_distributions
+ ->bind_null()
+ ->bind_blob(ptr, size)
+ ->execute();
+ gdFree(ptr);
+ gdImageDestroy(im_all);
+ std::cerr << "sum of location image sizes: " << sum_size + size << std::endl;
+ db->commit();
+ delete statement_insert_into_key_distributions;
+ }
+ void _print_memory_usage() {
+ std::cerr << "string_store: chunk_size=" << string_store->get_chunk_size() / 1024 / 1024 << "MB"
+ << " chunks=" << string_store->get_chunk_count()
+ << " memory=" << (string_store->get_chunk_size() / 1024 / 1024) * string_store->get_chunk_count() << "MB"
+ << " bytes_in_last=" << string_store->get_used_bytes_in_last_chunk() / 1024 << "kB"
+ << std::endl;
+ char filename[100];
+ sprintf(filename, "/proc/%d/status", getpid());
+ std::ifstream status_file(filename);
+ std::string line;
+ if (status_file.is_open()) {
+ while (! status_file.eof() ) {
+ std::getline(status_file, line);
+ if (line.substr(0, 6) == "VmPeak" || line.substr(0, 6) == "VmSize") {
+ std::cerr << line << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ status_file.close();
+ }
+ }
+ TagStatsHandler() : Base() {
+ string_store = new StringStore(string_store_size);
+ max_timestamp = 0;
+ db = new Sqlite::Database("taginfo-db.db");
+ }
+ ~TagStatsHandler() {
+ delete db;
+ delete string_store;
+ }
+ void callback_object(Osmium::OSM::Object *object) {
+ KeyStats *stat;
+ if (max_timestamp < object->get_timestamp()) {
+ max_timestamp = object->get_timestamp();
+ }
+ int tag_count = object->tag_count();
+ for (int i=0; i<tag_count; i++) {
+ const char* key = object->get_tag_key(i);
+ tags_iterator = tags_stat.find(key);
+ if (tags_iterator == tags_stat.end()) {
+ stat = new KeyStats();
+ tags_stat.insert(std::pair<const char *, KeyStats *>(string_store->add(key), stat));
+ } else {
+ stat = tags_iterator->second;
+ }
+ stat->update(object->get_tag_value(i), object, string_store);
+ }
+ _update_key_combination_hash(object);
+ }
+ void callback_before_nodes() {
+ timer = time(0);
+ }
+ void callback_after_nodes() {
+ _timer_info("processing nodes");
+ _print_memory_usage();
+ timer = time(0);
+ _print_images();
+ _timer_info("dumping images");
+ _print_memory_usage();
+ }
+ void callback_before_ways() {
+ timer = time(0);
+ }
+ void callback_after_ways() {
+ _timer_info("processing ways");
+ _print_memory_usage();
+ }
+ void callback_before_relations() {
+ timer = time(0);
+ }
+ void callback_after_relations() {
+ _timer_info("processing relations");
+ }
+ void callback_init() {
+ std::cerr << "sizeof(value_hash_map_t) = " << sizeof(value_hash_map_t) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "sizeof(Counter) = " << sizeof(Counter) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "sizeof(key_combination_hash_map_t) = " << sizeof(key_combination_hash_map_t) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "sizeof(user_hash_map_t) = " << sizeof(user_hash_map_t) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "sizeof(std::bitset<x_size*y_size>) = " << sizeof(std::bitset<KeyStats::location_image_x_size * KeyStats::location_image_y_size>) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "sizeof(KeyStats) = " << sizeof(KeyStats) << std::endl << std::endl;
+ _print_memory_usage();
+ std::cerr << "init done" << std::endl << std::endl;
+ }
+ void callback_final() {
+ _print_memory_usage();
+ timer = time(0);
+ Sqlite::Statement *statement_insert_into_keys = db->prepare("INSERT INTO keys (key, " \
+ " count_all, count_nodes, count_ways, count_relations, " \
+ "values_all, values_nodes, values_ways, values_relations, " \
+ " users_all, " \
+ "grids) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
+ Sqlite::Statement *statement_insert_into_tags = db->prepare("INSERT INTO tags (key, value, " \
+ "count_all, count_nodes, count_ways, count_relations) " \
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
+ Sqlite::Statement *statement_insert_into_key_combinations = db->prepare("INSERT INTO keypairs (key1, key2, " \
+ "count_all, count_nodes, count_ways, count_relations) " \
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
+ Sqlite::Statement *statement_update_meta = db->prepare("UPDATE source SET data_until=?");
+ db->begin_transaction();
+ struct tm *tm = gmtime(&max_timestamp);
+ static char max_timestamp_str[Osmium::OSM::Object::max_length_timestamp+1];
+ strftime(max_timestamp_str, sizeof(max_timestamp_str), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm);
+ statement_update_meta->bind_text(max_timestamp_str)->execute();
+ uint64_t tags_hash_size=tags_stat.size();
+ uint64_t tags_hash_buckets=tags_stat.size()*2; //bucket_count();
+ uint64_t values_hash_size=0;
+ uint64_t values_hash_buckets=0;
+ uint64_t key_combination_hash_size=0;
+ uint64_t key_combination_hash_buckets=0;
+ uint64_t user_hash_size=0;
+ uint64_t user_hash_buckets=0;
+ value_hash_map_t::iterator values_iterator;
+ for (tags_iterator = tags_stat.begin(); tags_iterator != tags_stat.end(); tags_iterator++) {
+ KeyStats *stat = tags_iterator->second;
+ values_hash_size += stat->values_hash.size();
+ values_hash_buckets += stat->values_hash.bucket_count();
+ for (values_iterator = stat->values_hash.begin(); values_iterator != stat->values_hash.end(); values_iterator++) {
+ statement_insert_into_tags
+ ->bind_text(tags_iterator->first)
+ ->bind_text(values_iterator->first)
+ ->bind_int64(values_iterator->second.all())
+ ->bind_int64(values_iterator->second.nodes())
+ ->bind_int64(values_iterator->second.ways())
+ ->bind_int64(values_iterator->second.relations())
+ ->execute();
+ }
+ user_hash_size += stat->user_hash.size();
+ user_hash_buckets += stat->user_hash.bucket_count();
+ statement_insert_into_keys
+ ->bind_text(tags_iterator->first)
+ ->bind_int64(stat->key.all())
+ ->bind_int64(stat->key.nodes())
+ ->bind_int64(stat->key.ways())
+ ->bind_int64(stat->key.relations())
+ ->bind_int64(stat->values_hash.size())
+ ->bind_int64(stat->values.nodes())
+ ->bind_int64(stat->values.ways())
+ ->bind_int64(stat->values.relations())
+ ->bind_int64(stat->user_hash.size())
+ ->bind_int64(0)
+ ->bind_int64(stat->grids)
+ ->execute();
+ key_combination_hash_size += stat->key_combination_hash.size();
+ key_combination_hash_buckets += stat->key_combination_hash.bucket_count();
+ for (key_combination_hash_map_t::iterator it = stat->key_combination_hash.begin(); it != stat->key_combination_hash.end(); it++) {
+ Counter *s = &(it->second);
+ statement_insert_into_key_combinations
+ ->bind_text(tags_iterator->first)
+ ->bind_text(it->first)
+ ->bind_int64(s->all())
+ ->bind_int64(s->nodes())
+ ->bind_int64(s->ways())
+ ->bind_int64(s->relations())
+ ->execute();
+ }
+ delete stat; // lets make valgrind happy
+ }
+ db->commit();
+ delete statement_update_meta;
+ delete statement_insert_into_key_combinations;
+ delete statement_insert_into_tags;
+ delete statement_insert_into_keys;
+ _timer_info("dumping to db");
+ std::cerr << std::endl << "hash map sizes:" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " tags: size=" << tags_hash_size << " buckets=" << tags_hash_buckets << " sizeof(KeyStats)=" << sizeof(KeyStats) << " *=" << tags_hash_size * sizeof(KeyStats) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " values: size=" << values_hash_size << " buckets=" << values_hash_buckets << " sizeof(Counter)=" << sizeof(Counter) << " *=" << values_hash_size * sizeof(Counter) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " key combinations: size=" << key_combination_hash_size << " buckets=" << key_combination_hash_buckets << " sizeof(Counter)=" << sizeof(Counter) << " *=" << key_combination_hash_size * sizeof(Counter) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " users: size=" << user_hash_size << " buckets=" << user_hash_buckets << " sizeof(uint32_t)=" << sizeof(uint32_t) << " *=" << user_hash_size * sizeof(uint32_t) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " sum: " <<
+ tags_hash_size * sizeof(KeyStats)
+ + values_hash_size * sizeof(Counter)
+ + key_combination_hash_size * sizeof(Counter)
+ + user_hash_size * sizeof(uint32_t)
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << std::endl << "total memory for hashes:" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " (sizeof(hash key) + sizeof(hash value *) + 2.5 bit overhead) * bucket_count + sizeof(hash value) * size" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " tags: " << ((sizeof(const char*)*8 + sizeof(KeyStats *)*8 + 3) * tags_hash_buckets / 8 ) + sizeof(KeyStats) * tags_hash_size << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " (sizeof(hash key) + sizeof(hash value ) + 2.5 bit overhead) * bucket_count" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " values: " << ((sizeof(const char*)*8 + sizeof(Counter)*8 + 3) * values_hash_buckets / 8 ) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " key combinations: " << ((sizeof(const char*)*8 + sizeof(Counter)*8 + 3) * key_combination_hash_buckets / 8 ) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " users: " << ((sizeof(osm_user_id_t)*8 + sizeof(uint32_t)*8 + 3) * user_hash_buckets / 8 ) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << std::endl;
+ _print_memory_usage();
+ }
+}; // class TagStatsHandler