diff options
authorJochen Topf <>2013-02-25 16:34:51 +0100
committerJochen Topf <>2013-02-25 16:34:51 +0100
commit0e9c067bb0195fbc4db302d875d71bcc899d21ed (patch)
parent773c97588c6e5ef5c1171444b925c15690145780 (diff)
Added alpha version of tags/list api call that helps with building map-features-like tables
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/lib/api/v4/tags.rb b/web/lib/api/v4/tags.rb
index 68d5ff5..37dfd94 100644
--- a/web/lib/api/v4/tags.rb
+++ b/web/lib/api/v4/tags.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,110 @@
# web/lib/api/v4/tags.rb
class Taginfo < Sinatra::Base
+ api(0, 'tags/list', {
+ :description => 'Get information on given tags or all tags documented on the wiki with given key.',
+ :parameters => { :key => 'Key (optional)', :tags => 'Comma-separated list of tags in format key1=value1a,value1b,...,key2=value2a,value2b,... (optional).' },
+ :paging => :no,
+ :result => no_paging_results([
+ [:key, :STRING, 'Key'],
+ [:value, :STRING, 'Value'],
+ [:in_wiki, :BOOL, 'In there a page in the wiki for this tag?'],
+ [:count_all, :INT, 'Number of objects in the OSM database with this tag.'],
+ [:count_all_fraction, :FLOAT, 'Number of objects in relation to all objects.'],
+ [:count_nodes, :INT, 'Number of nodes in the OSM database with this tag.'],
+ [:count_nodes_fraction, :FLOAT, 'Number of nodes in relation to all tagged nodes.'],
+ [:count_ways, :INT, 'Number of ways in the OSM database with this tag.'],
+ [:count_ways_fraction, :FLOAT, 'Number of ways in relation to all ways.'],
+ [:count_relations, :INT, 'Number of relations in the OSM database with this tag.'],
+ [:count_relations_fraction, :FLOAT, 'Number of relations in relation to all relations.'],
+ [:on_node, :BOOL, 'Is this a tag for nodes?'],
+ [:on_way, :BOOL, 'Is this a tag for ways?'],
+ [:on_area, :BOOL, 'Is this a tag for areas?'],
+ [:on_relation, :BOOL, 'Is this a tag for relations?'],
+ [:wiki, :HASH, 'Hash with language codes as keys and values are hashes with the following keys:', [
+ [:description, :STRING, 'Description of this tag.' ],
+ [:image, :STRING, 'Wiki page title of associated image.' ],
+ [:width, :INT, 'Width of image.' ],
+ [:height, :INT, 'Height of image.' ],
+ [:mime, :STRING, 'MIME type of image.' ],
+ [:image_url, :STRING, 'Image URL' ],
+ [:thumb_url_prefix, :STRING, 'Prefix of thumbnail URL.' ],
+ [:thumb_url_suffix, :STRING, 'Suffix of thumbnail URL.' ]
+ ]]
+ ]),
+ :notes => 'You have to either use the <tt>key</tt> parameter or the <tt>tags</tt> parameter.',
+ :example => { :tags => 'highway=primary,secondary,amenity=post_box' }
+ }) do
+ pkey = params[:key]
+ tags = nil
+ if params[:tags].nil?
+ tags = @db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT value FROM wikipages WHERE key=? AND value IS NOT NULL AND type='page' ORDER BY value", pkey).map{ |row| [ pkey, row['value'] ] }
+ else
+ last_key = nil
+ tags = params[:tags].split(',').map{ |tag|
+ kv = tag.split('=', 2)
+ if kv.size == 1
+ kv = [last_key, kv]
+ end
+ last_key = kv[0]
+ kv
+ }
+ end
+ res = []
+ tags.each do |key, value|
+ data = @db.get_first_row("SELECT * FROM db.tags WHERE key=? AND value=?", key, value)
+ if data
+ if data['in_wiki']
+ wiki = @db.execute("SELECT * FROM wikipages LEFT OUTER JOIN wiki_images USING (image) WHERE key=? AND value=? ORDER BY lang", key, value)
+ data['wiki'] = {}
+ wiki.each do |w|
+ info = { 'description' => w['description'] }
+ unless w['image'].nil?
+ info['image'] = {}
+ %w(image width height mime image_url thumb_url_prefix thumb_url_suffix).each do |arg|
+ info['image'][arg] = w[arg]
+ end
+ end
+ data['wiki'][w['lang']] = info
+ end
+ wiki_default ={ |w| w['lang'] == 'en' }[0] || wiki[0]
+ %w(on_node on_way on_area on_relation).each do |arg|
+ data[arg] = wiki_default[arg]
+ end
+ end
+ res << data
+ end
+ end
+ return {
+ :total => res.size,
+ :data =>{ |row| {
+ :key => row['key'],
+ :value => row['value'],
+ :in_wiki => row['in_wiki'],
+ :count_all => row['count_all'].to_i,
+ :count_all_fraction => (row['count_all'].to_f / @db.stats('objects')).round_to(4),
+ :count_nodes => row['count_nodes'].to_i,
+ :count_nodes_fraction => (row['count_nodes'].to_f / @db.stats('nodes_with_tags')).round_to(4),
+ :count_ways => row['count_ways'].to_i,
+ :count_ways_fraction => (row['count_ways'].to_f / @db.stats('ways')).round_to(4),
+ :count_relations => row['count_relations'].to_i,
+ :count_relations_fraction => (row['count_relations'].to_f / @db.stats('relations')).round_to(4),
+ :wiki => row['wiki'],
+ :on_node => row['on_node'].to_i == 1,
+ :on_way => row['on_way'].to_i == 1,
+ :on_area => row['on_area'].to_i == 1,
+ :on_relation => row['on_relation'].to_i == 1,
+ } }
+ }.to_json
+ end
api(4, 'tags/popular', {
:description => 'Get list of most often used tags.',
:parameters => { :query => 'Only show tags matching this query (substring match in key and value, optional).' },