#uni-building { polygon-fill: #a9ceeb; polygon-opacity: 0.9; polygon-clip: false; [zoom >= 16] { line-color: #330066; line-width: 0.2; } } #uni-building-names { // [loc_ref!='57'] means, don't write the name for building 57, such that the SUSU Shop logo displays [zoom >= 16][loc_ref!='57'] { [loc_ref='42'][zoom>16] { // SUSU Building point-file: url('logos/susu2.png'); [zoom >= 20] { point-file: url('logos/susu.png'); } } text-name: "[loc_ref]"; text-placement: interior; text-wrap-width: 20; text-face-name: @book-fonts; text-size: 8; text-fill: #444; text-halo-fill: fadeout(white, 10%); text-halo-radius: 1.5; [zoom >= 17] { text-name: "[name]"; [loc_ref != ''] { text-name: "[name] + ' (' + [loc_ref] + ')'"; [name = ''] { text-name: "[loc_ref]"; } } text-size: 8; [zoom >= 18] { text-size: 9; [zoom >= 20] { text-size: 14; } } } [minor=false] { text-size: 14; [zoom >= 18] { text-size: 15; [zoom >= 20] { text-size: 18; } } } } } #building { polygon-fill: #a9ceeb; polygon-opacity: 0.5; polygon-clip: false; }