import unittest from urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager from urllib3 import connection_from_url class TestPoolManager(unittest.TestCase): def test_same_url(self): # Convince ourselves that normally we don't get the same object conn1 = connection_from_url('http://localhost:8081/foo') conn2 = connection_from_url('http://localhost:8081/bar') self.assertNotEqual(conn1, conn2) # Now try again using the PoolManager p = PoolManager(1) conn1 = p.connection_from_url('http://localhost:8081/foo') conn2 = p.connection_from_url('http://localhost:8081/bar') self.assertEqual(conn1, conn2) def test_many_urls(self): urls = [ "http://localhost:8081/foo", "", "http://localhost:8081/bar", "", "", "", "", "", ] connections = set() p = PoolManager(10) for url in urls: conn = p.connection_from_url(url) connections.add(conn) self.assertEqual(len(connections), 5) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()