import unittest from urllib3.connectionpool import ( connection_from_url, HTTPConnection, HTTPConnectionPool, ) from urllib3.util import Timeout from urllib3.packages.ssl_match_hostname import CertificateError from urllib3.exceptions import ( ClosedPoolError, EmptyPoolError, HostChangedError, MaxRetryError, SSLError, ReadTimeoutError, ) from socket import error as SocketError, timeout as SocketTimeout from ssl import SSLError as BaseSSLError try: # Python 3 from queue import Empty from http.client import HTTPException except ImportError: from Queue import Empty from httplib import HTTPException class TestConnectionPool(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests in this suite should exercise the ConnectionPool functionality without actually making any network requests or connections. """ def test_same_host(self): same_host = [ ('', '/'), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ] for a, b in same_host: c = connection_from_url(a) self.assertTrue(c.is_same_host(b), "%s =? %s" % (a, b)) not_same_host = [ ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ] for a, b in not_same_host: c = connection_from_url(a) self.assertFalse(c.is_same_host(b), "%s =? %s" % (a, b)) def test_max_connections(self): pool = HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', maxsize=1, block=True) pool._get_conn(timeout=0.01) try: pool._get_conn(timeout=0.01)"Managed to get a connection without EmptyPoolError") except EmptyPoolError: pass try: pool.request('GET', '/', pool_timeout=0.01)"Managed to get a connection without EmptyPoolError") except EmptyPoolError: pass self.assertEqual(pool.num_connections, 1) def test_pool_edgecases(self): pool = HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', maxsize=1, block=False) conn1 = pool._get_conn() conn2 = pool._get_conn() # New because block=False pool._put_conn(conn1) pool._put_conn(conn2) # Should be discarded self.assertEqual(conn1, pool._get_conn()) self.assertNotEqual(conn2, pool._get_conn()) self.assertEqual(pool.num_connections, 3) def test_exception_str(self): self.assertEqual( str(EmptyPoolError(HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost'), "Test.")), "HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Test.") def test_retry_exception_str(self): self.assertEqual( str(MaxRetryError( HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost'), "Test.", None)), "HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): " "Max retries exceeded with url: Test. (Caused by redirect)") err = SocketError("Test") # using err.__class__ here, as socket.error is an alias for OSError # since Py3.3 and gets printed as this self.assertEqual( str(MaxRetryError( HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost'), "Test.", err)), "HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): " "Max retries exceeded with url: Test. " "(Caused by {0}: Test)".format(str(err.__class__))) def test_pool_size(self): POOL_SIZE = 1 pool = HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', maxsize=POOL_SIZE, block=True) def _raise(ex): raise ex() def _test(exception, expect): pool._make_request = lambda *args, **kwargs: _raise(exception) self.assertRaises(expect, pool.request, 'GET', '/') self.assertEqual(pool.pool.qsize(), POOL_SIZE) #make sure that all of the exceptions return the connection to the pool _test(Empty, ReadTimeoutError) _test(SocketTimeout, ReadTimeoutError) _test(BaseSSLError, SSLError) _test(CertificateError, SSLError) # The pool should never be empty, and with these two exceptions being raised, # a retry will be triggered, but that retry will fail, eventually raising # MaxRetryError, not EmptyPoolError # See: pool._make_request = lambda *args, **kwargs: _raise(HTTPException) self.assertRaises(MaxRetryError, pool.request, 'GET', '/', retries=1, pool_timeout=0.01) self.assertEqual(pool.pool.qsize(), POOL_SIZE) def test_assert_same_host(self): c = connection_from_url('') self.assertRaises(HostChangedError, c.request, 'GET', '', assert_same_host=True) def test_pool_close(self): pool = connection_from_url('') # Populate with some connections conn1 = pool._get_conn() conn2 = pool._get_conn() conn3 = pool._get_conn() pool._put_conn(conn1) pool._put_conn(conn2) old_pool_queue = pool.pool pool.close() self.assertEqual(pool.pool, None) self.assertRaises(ClosedPoolError, pool._get_conn) pool._put_conn(conn3) self.assertRaises(ClosedPoolError, pool._get_conn) self.assertRaises(Empty, old_pool_queue.get, block=False) def test_pool_timeouts(self): pool = HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost') conn = pool._new_conn() self.assertEqual(conn.__class__, HTTPConnection) self.assertEqual(pool.timeout.__class__, Timeout) self.assertEqual(pool.timeout._read, Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) self.assertEqual(pool.timeout._connect, Timeout.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) self.assertEqual(, None) pool = HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', timeout=3) self.assertEqual(pool.timeout._read, 3) self.assertEqual(pool.timeout._connect, 3) self.assertEqual(, None) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()