import warnings import sys import errno import functools import socket from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest from urllib3.exceptions import MaxRetryError, HTTPWarning from urllib3.packages import six # We need a host that will not immediately close the connection with a TCP # Reset. SO suggests this hostname TARPIT_HOST = '' # (Arguments for socket, is it IPv6 address?) VALID_SOURCE_ADDRESSES = [(('::1', 0), True), (('', 0), False)] # RFC 5737: is for testing only. # RFC 3849: 2001:db8::/32 is for documentation only. INVALID_SOURCE_ADDRESSES = [('', 0), ('2001:db8::1', 0)] def clear_warnings(cls=HTTPWarning): new_filters = [] for f in warnings.filters: if issubclass(f[2], cls): continue new_filters.append(f) warnings.filters[:] = new_filters def setUp(): clear_warnings() warnings.simplefilter('ignore', HTTPWarning) def onlyPy26OrOlder(test): """Skips this test unless you are on Python2.6.x or earlier.""" @functools.wraps(test) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): msg = "{name} only runs on Python2.6.x or older".format(name=test.__name__) if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): raise SkipTest(msg) return test(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def onlyPy27OrNewer(test): """Skips this test unless you are on Python 2.7.x or later.""" @functools.wraps(test) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): msg = "{name} requires Python 2.7.x+ to run".format(name=test.__name__) if sys.version_info < (2, 7): raise SkipTest(msg) return test(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def onlyPy3(test): """Skips this test unless you are on Python3.x""" @functools.wraps(test) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): msg = "{name} requires Python3.x to run".format(name=test.__name__) if not six.PY3: raise SkipTest(msg) return test(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def requires_network(test): """Helps you skip tests that require the network""" def _is_unreachable_err(err): return getattr(err, 'errno', None) in (errno.ENETUNREACH, errno.EHOSTUNREACH) # For OSX @functools.wraps(test) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): msg = "Can't run {name} because the network is unreachable".format( name=test.__name__) try: return test(*args, **kwargs) except socket.error as e: # This test needs an initial network connection to attempt the # connection to the TARPIT_HOST. This fails if you are in a place # without an Internet connection, so we skip the test in that case. if _is_unreachable_err(e): raise SkipTest(msg) raise except MaxRetryError as e: if _is_unreachable_err(e.reason): raise SkipTest(msg) raise return wrapper