#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tests for Requests.""" from __future__ import division import json import os import pickle import unittest import requests import pytest from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth from requests.compat import ( Morsel, cookielib, getproxies, str, urljoin, urlparse) from requests.cookies import cookiejar_from_dict, morsel_to_cookie from requests.exceptions import InvalidURL, MissingSchema from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict try: import StringIO except ImportError: import io as StringIO HTTPBIN = os.environ.get('HTTPBIN_URL', 'http://httpbin.org/') # Issue #1483: Make sure the URL always has a trailing slash HTTPBIN = HTTPBIN.rstrip('/') + '/' def httpbin(*suffix): """Returns url for HTTPBIN resource.""" return urljoin(HTTPBIN, '/'.join(suffix)) class RequestsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def setUp(self): """Create simple data set with headers.""" pass def tearDown(self): """Teardown.""" pass def test_entry_points(self): requests.session requests.session().get requests.session().head requests.get requests.head requests.put requests.patch requests.post def test_invalid_url(self): with pytest.raises(MissingSchema): requests.get('hiwpefhipowhefopw') with pytest.raises(InvalidURL): requests.get('http://') def test_basic_building(self): req = requests.Request() req.url = 'http://kennethreitz.org/' req.data = {'life': '42'} pr = req.prepare() assert pr.url == req.url assert pr.body == 'life=42' def test_no_content_length(self): get_req = requests.Request('GET', httpbin('get')).prepare() assert 'Content-Length' not in get_req.headers head_req = requests.Request('HEAD', httpbin('head')).prepare() assert 'Content-Length' not in head_req.headers def test_path_is_not_double_encoded(self): request = requests.Request('GET', " case").prepare() assert request.path_url == '/get/test%20case' def test_params_are_added_before_fragment(self): request = requests.Request('GET', "http://example.com/path#fragment", params={"a": "b"}).prepare() assert request.url == "http://example.com/path?a=b#fragment" request = requests.Request('GET', "http://example.com/path?key=value#fragment", params={"a": "b"}).prepare() assert request.url == "http://example.com/path?key=value&a=b#fragment" def test_mixed_case_scheme_acceptable(self): s = requests.Session() s.proxies = getproxies() parts = urlparse(httpbin('get')) schemes = ['http://', 'HTTP://', 'hTTp://', 'HttP://', 'https://', 'HTTPS://', 'hTTps://', 'HttPs://'] for scheme in schemes: url = scheme + parts.netloc + parts.path r = requests.Request('GET', url) r = s.send(r.prepare()) assert r.status_code == 200, 'failed for scheme {0}'.format(scheme) def test_HTTP_200_OK_GET_ALTERNATIVE(self): r = requests.Request('GET', httpbin('get')) s = requests.Session() s.proxies = getproxies() r = s.send(r.prepare()) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_HTTP_302_ALLOW_REDIRECT_GET(self): r = requests.get(httpbin('redirect', '1')) assert r.status_code == 200 # def test_HTTP_302_ALLOW_REDIRECT_POST(self): # r = requests.post(httpbin('status', '302'), data={'some': 'data'}) # self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) def test_HTTP_200_OK_GET_WITH_PARAMS(self): heads = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} r = requests.get(httpbin('user-agent'), headers=heads) assert heads['User-agent'] in r.text assert r.status_code == 200 def test_HTTP_200_OK_GET_WITH_MIXED_PARAMS(self): heads = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} r = requests.get(httpbin('get') + '?test=true', params={'q': 'test'}, headers=heads) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_set_cookie_on_301(self): s = requests.session() url = httpbin('cookies/set?foo=bar') r = s.get(url) assert s.cookies['foo'] == 'bar' def test_cookie_sent_on_redirect(self): s = requests.session() s.get(httpbin('cookies/set?foo=bar')) r = s.get(httpbin('redirect/1')) # redirects to httpbin('get') assert 'Cookie' in r.json()['headers'] def test_cookie_removed_on_expire(self): s = requests.session() s.get(httpbin('cookies/set?foo=bar')) assert s.cookies['foo'] == 'bar' s.get( httpbin('response-headers'), params={ 'Set-Cookie': 'foo=deleted; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT' } ) assert 'foo' not in s.cookies def test_cookie_quote_wrapped(self): s = requests.session() s.get(httpbin('cookies/set?foo="bar:baz"')) assert s.cookies['foo'] == '"bar:baz"' def test_cookie_persists_via_api(self): s = requests.session() r = s.get(httpbin('redirect/1'), cookies={'foo': 'bar'}) assert 'foo' in r.request.headers['Cookie'] assert 'foo' in r.history[0].request.headers['Cookie'] def test_request_cookie_overrides_session_cookie(self): s = requests.session() s.cookies['foo'] = 'bar' r = s.get(httpbin('cookies'), cookies={'foo': 'baz'}) assert r.json()['cookies']['foo'] == 'baz' # Session cookie should not be modified assert s.cookies['foo'] == 'bar' def test_request_cookies_not_persisted(self): s = requests.session() s.get(httpbin('cookies'), cookies={'foo': 'baz'}) # Sending a request with cookies should not add cookies to the session assert not s.cookies def test_generic_cookiejar_works(self): cj = cookielib.CookieJar() cookiejar_from_dict({'foo': 'bar'}, cj) s = requests.session() s.cookies = cj r = s.get(httpbin('cookies')) # Make sure the cookie was sent assert r.json()['cookies']['foo'] == 'bar' # Make sure the session cj is still the custom one assert s.cookies is cj def test_param_cookiejar_works(self): cj = cookielib.CookieJar() cookiejar_from_dict({'foo' : 'bar'}, cj) s = requests.session() r = s.get(httpbin('cookies'), cookies=cj) # Make sure the cookie was sent assert r.json()['cookies']['foo'] == 'bar' def test_requests_in_history_are_not_overridden(self): resp = requests.get(httpbin('redirect/3')) urls = [r.url for r in resp.history] req_urls = [r.request.url for r in resp.history] assert urls == req_urls def test_user_agent_transfers(self): heads = { 'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (github.com/kennethreitz/requests)' } r = requests.get(httpbin('user-agent'), headers=heads) assert heads['User-agent'] in r.text heads = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (github.com/kennethreitz/requests)' } r = requests.get(httpbin('user-agent'), headers=heads) assert heads['user-agent'] in r.text def test_HTTP_200_OK_HEAD(self): r = requests.head(httpbin('get')) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_HTTP_200_OK_PUT(self): r = requests.put(httpbin('put')) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_BASICAUTH_TUPLE_HTTP_200_OK_GET(self): auth = ('user', 'pass') url = httpbin('basic-auth', 'user', 'pass') r = requests.get(url, auth=auth) assert r.status_code == 200 r = requests.get(url) assert r.status_code == 401 s = requests.session() s.auth = auth r = s.get(url) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_basicauth_with_netrc(self): auth = ('user', 'pass') wrong_auth = ('wronguser', 'wrongpass') url = httpbin('basic-auth', 'user', 'pass') def get_netrc_auth_mock(url): return auth requests.sessions.get_netrc_auth = get_netrc_auth_mock # Should use netrc and work. r = requests.get(url) assert r.status_code == 200 # Given auth should override and fail. r = requests.get(url, auth=wrong_auth) assert r.status_code == 401 s = requests.session() # Should use netrc and work. r = s.get(url) assert r.status_code == 200 # Given auth should override and fail. s.auth = wrong_auth r = s.get(url) assert r.status_code == 401 def test_DIGEST_HTTP_200_OK_GET(self): auth = HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass') url = httpbin('digest-auth', 'auth', 'user', 'pass') r = requests.get(url, auth=auth) assert r.status_code == 200 r = requests.get(url) assert r.status_code == 401 s = requests.session() s.auth = HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass') r = s.get(url) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_DIGEST_AUTH_RETURNS_COOKIE(self): url = httpbin('digest-auth', 'auth', 'user', 'pass') auth = HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass') r = requests.get(url) assert r.cookies['fake'] == 'fake_value' r = requests.get(url, auth=auth) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_DIGEST_AUTH_SETS_SESSION_COOKIES(self): url = httpbin('digest-auth', 'auth', 'user', 'pass') auth = HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass') s = requests.Session() s.get(url, auth=auth) assert s.cookies['fake'] == 'fake_value' def test_DIGEST_STREAM(self): auth = HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass') url = httpbin('digest-auth', 'auth', 'user', 'pass') r = requests.get(url, auth=auth, stream=True) assert r.raw.read() != b'' r = requests.get(url, auth=auth, stream=False) assert r.raw.read() == b'' def test_DIGESTAUTH_WRONG_HTTP_401_GET(self): auth = HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'wrongpass') url = httpbin('digest-auth', 'auth', 'user', 'pass') r = requests.get(url, auth=auth) assert r.status_code == 401 r = requests.get(url) assert r.status_code == 401 s = requests.session() s.auth = auth r = s.get(url) assert r.status_code == 401 def test_DIGESTAUTH_QUOTES_QOP_VALUE(self): auth = HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass') url = httpbin('digest-auth', 'auth', 'user', 'pass') r = requests.get(url, auth=auth) assert '"auth"' in r.request.headers['Authorization'] def test_POSTBIN_GET_POST_FILES(self): url = httpbin('post') post1 = requests.post(url).raise_for_status() post1 = requests.post(url, data={'some': 'data'}) assert post1.status_code == 200 with open('requirements.txt') as f: post2 = requests.post(url, files={'some': f}) assert post2.status_code == 200 post4 = requests.post(url, data='[{"some": "json"}]') assert post4.status_code == 200 with pytest.raises(ValueError): requests.post(url, files = ['bad file data']) def test_POSTBIN_GET_POST_FILES_WITH_DATA(self): url = httpbin('post') post1 = requests.post(url).raise_for_status() post1 = requests.post(url, data={'some': 'data'}) assert post1.status_code == 200 with open('requirements.txt') as f: post2 = requests.post(url, data={'some': 'data'}, files={'some': f}) assert post2.status_code == 200 post4 = requests.post(url, data='[{"some": "json"}]') assert post4.status_code == 200 with pytest.raises(ValueError): requests.post(url, files = ['bad file data']) def test_conflicting_post_params(self): url = httpbin('post') with open('requirements.txt') as f: pytest.raises(ValueError, "requests.post(url, data='[{\"some\": \"data\"}]', files={'some': f})") pytest.raises(ValueError, "requests.post(url, data=u'[{\"some\": \"data\"}]', files={'some': f})") def test_request_ok_set(self): r = requests.get(httpbin('status', '404')) assert not r.ok def test_status_raising(self): r = requests.get(httpbin('status', '404')) with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError): r.raise_for_status() r = requests.get(httpbin('status', '500')) assert not r.ok def test_decompress_gzip(self): r = requests.get(httpbin('gzip')) r.content.decode('ascii') def test_unicode_get(self): url = httpbin('/get') requests.get(url, params={'foo': 'føø'}) requests.get(url, params={'føø': 'føø'}) requests.get(url, params={'føø': 'føø'}) requests.get(url, params={'foo': 'foo'}) requests.get(httpbin('ø'), params={'foo': 'foo'}) def test_unicode_header_name(self): requests.put(httpbin('put'), headers={str('Content-Type'): 'application/octet-stream'}, data='\xff') # compat.str is unicode. def test_urlencoded_get_query_multivalued_param(self): r = requests.get(httpbin('get'), params=dict(test=['foo', 'baz'])) assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.url == httpbin('get?test=foo&test=baz') def test_different_encodings_dont_break_post(self): r = requests.post(httpbin('post'), data={'stuff': json.dumps({'a': 123})}, params={'blah': 'asdf1234'}, files={'file': ('test_requests.py', open(__file__, 'rb'))}) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_unicode_multipart_post(self): r = requests.post(httpbin('post'), data={'stuff': u'ëlïxr'}, files={'file': ('test_requests.py', open(__file__, 'rb'))}) assert r.status_code == 200 r = requests.post(httpbin('post'), data={'stuff': u'ëlïxr'.encode('utf-8')}, files={'file': ('test_requests.py', open(__file__, 'rb'))}) assert r.status_code == 200 r = requests.post(httpbin('post'), data={'stuff': 'elixr'}, files={'file': ('test_requests.py', open(__file__, 'rb'))}) assert r.status_code == 200 r = requests.post(httpbin('post'), data={'stuff': 'elixr'.encode('utf-8')}, files={'file': ('test_requests.py', open(__file__, 'rb'))}) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_unicode_multipart_post_fieldnames(self): filename = os.path.splitext(__file__)[0] + '.py' r = requests.Request(method='POST', url=httpbin('post'), data={'stuff'.encode('utf-8'): 'elixr'}, files={'file': ('test_requests.py', open(filename, 'rb'))}) prep = r.prepare() assert b'name="stuff"' in prep.body assert b'name="b\'stuff\'"' not in prep.body def test_unicode_method_name(self): files = {'file': open('test_requests.py', 'rb')} r = requests.request(method=u'POST', url=httpbin('post'), files=files) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_custom_content_type(self): r = requests.post(httpbin('post'), data={'stuff': json.dumps({'a': 123})}, files={'file1': ('test_requests.py', open(__file__, 'rb')), 'file2': ('test_requests', open(__file__, 'rb'), 'text/py-content-type')}) assert r.status_code == 200 assert b"text/py-content-type" in r.request.body def test_hook_receives_request_arguments(self): def hook(resp, **kwargs): assert resp is not None assert kwargs != {} requests.Request('GET', HTTPBIN, hooks={'response': hook}) def test_session_hooks_are_used_with_no_request_hooks(self): hook = lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x s = requests.Session() s.hooks['response'].append(hook) r = requests.Request('GET', HTTPBIN) prep = s.prepare_request(r) assert prep.hooks['response'] != [] assert prep.hooks['response'] == [hook] def test_session_hooks_are_overriden_by_request_hooks(self): hook1 = lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x hook2 = lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x assert hook1 is not hook2 s = requests.Session() s.hooks['response'].append(hook2) r = requests.Request('GET', HTTPBIN, hooks={'response': [hook1]}) prep = s.prepare_request(r) assert prep.hooks['response'] == [hook1] def test_prepared_request_hook(self): def hook(resp, **kwargs): resp.hook_working = True return resp req = requests.Request('GET', HTTPBIN, hooks={'response': hook}) prep = req.prepare() s = requests.Session() s.proxies = getproxies() resp = s.send(prep) assert hasattr(resp, 'hook_working') def test_prepared_from_session(self): class DummyAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase): def __call__(self, r): r.headers['Dummy-Auth-Test'] = 'dummy-auth-test-ok' return r req = requests.Request('GET', httpbin('headers')) assert not req.auth s = requests.Session() s.auth = DummyAuth() prep = s.prepare_request(req) resp = s.send(prep) assert resp.json()['headers']['Dummy-Auth-Test'] == 'dummy-auth-test-ok' def test_links(self): r = requests.Response() r.headers = { 'cache-control': 'public, max-age=60, s-maxage=60', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'content-encoding': 'gzip', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'date': 'Sat, 26 Jan 2013 16:47:56 GMT', 'etag': '"6ff6a73c0e446c1f61614769e3ceb778"', 'last-modified': 'Sat, 26 Jan 2013 16:22:39 GMT', 'link': ('; rel="next", ; ' ' rel="last"'), 'server': 'GitHub.com', 'status': '200 OK', 'vary': 'Accept', 'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff', 'x-github-media-type': 'github.beta', 'x-ratelimit-limit': '60', 'x-ratelimit-remaining': '57' } assert r.links['next']['rel'] == 'next' def test_cookie_parameters(self): key = 'some_cookie' value = 'some_value' secure = True domain = 'test.com' rest = {'HttpOnly': True} jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() jar.set(key, value, secure=secure, domain=domain, rest=rest) assert len(jar) == 1 assert 'some_cookie' in jar cookie = list(jar)[0] assert cookie.secure == secure assert cookie.domain == domain assert cookie._rest['HttpOnly'] == rest['HttpOnly'] def test_cookie_as_dict_keeps_len(self): key = 'some_cookie' value = 'some_value' key1 = 'some_cookie1' value1 = 'some_value1' jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() jar.set(key, value) jar.set(key1, value1) d1 = dict(jar) d2 = dict(jar.iteritems()) d3 = dict(jar.items()) assert len(jar) == 2 assert len(d1) == 2 assert len(d2) == 2 assert len(d3) == 2 def test_cookie_as_dict_keeps_items(self): key = 'some_cookie' value = 'some_value' key1 = 'some_cookie1' value1 = 'some_value1' jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() jar.set(key, value) jar.set(key1, value1) d1 = dict(jar) d2 = dict(jar.iteritems()) d3 = dict(jar.items()) assert d1['some_cookie'] == 'some_value' assert d2['some_cookie'] == 'some_value' assert d3['some_cookie1'] == 'some_value1' def test_cookie_as_dict_keys(self): key = 'some_cookie' value = 'some_value' key1 = 'some_cookie1' value1 = 'some_value1' jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() jar.set(key, value) jar.set(key1, value1) keys = jar.keys() assert keys == list(keys) # make sure one can use keys multiple times assert list(keys) == list(keys) def test_cookie_as_dict_values(self): key = 'some_cookie' value = 'some_value' key1 = 'some_cookie1' value1 = 'some_value1' jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() jar.set(key, value) jar.set(key1, value1) values = jar.values() assert values == list(values) # make sure one can use values multiple times assert list(values) == list(values) def test_cookie_as_dict_items(self): key = 'some_cookie' value = 'some_value' key1 = 'some_cookie1' value1 = 'some_value1' jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() jar.set(key, value) jar.set(key1, value1) items = jar.items() assert items == list(items) # make sure one can use items multiple times assert list(items) == list(items) def test_time_elapsed_blank(self): r = requests.get(httpbin('get')) td = r.elapsed total_seconds = ((td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6) assert total_seconds > 0.0 def test_response_is_iterable(self): r = requests.Response() io = StringIO.StringIO('abc') read_ = io.read def read_mock(amt, decode_content=None): return read_(amt) setattr(io, 'read', read_mock) r.raw = io assert next(iter(r)) io.close() def test_request_and_response_are_pickleable(self): r = requests.get(httpbin('get')) # verify we can pickle the original request assert pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(r.request)) # verify we can pickle the response and that we have access to # the original request. pr = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(r)) assert r.request.url == pr.request.url assert r.request.headers == pr.request.headers def test_get_auth_from_url(self): url = 'http://user:pass@complex.url.com/path?query=yes' assert ('user', 'pass') == requests.utils.get_auth_from_url(url) def test_get_auth_from_url_encoded_spaces(self): url = 'http://user:pass%20pass@complex.url.com/path?query=yes' assert ('user', 'pass pass') == requests.utils.get_auth_from_url(url) def test_get_auth_from_url_not_encoded_spaces(self): url = 'http://user:pass pass@complex.url.com/path?query=yes' assert ('user', 'pass pass') == requests.utils.get_auth_from_url(url) def test_get_auth_from_url_percent_chars(self): url = 'http://user%25user:pass@complex.url.com/path?query=yes' assert ('user%user', 'pass') == requests.utils.get_auth_from_url(url) def test_get_auth_from_url_encoded_hashes(self): url = 'http://user:pass%23pass@complex.url.com/path?query=yes' assert ('user', 'pass#pass') == requests.utils.get_auth_from_url(url) def test_cannot_send_unprepared_requests(self): r = requests.Request(url=HTTPBIN) with pytest.raises(ValueError): requests.Session().send(r) def test_http_error(self): error = requests.exceptions.HTTPError() assert not error.response response = requests.Response() error = requests.exceptions.HTTPError(response=response) assert error.response == response error = requests.exceptions.HTTPError('message', response=response) assert str(error) == 'message' assert error.response == response def test_session_pickling(self): r = requests.Request('GET', httpbin('get')) s = requests.Session() s = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(s)) s.proxies = getproxies() r = s.send(r.prepare()) assert r.status_code == 200 def test_fixes_1329(self): """ Ensure that header updates are done case-insensitively. """ s = requests.Session() s.headers.update({'ACCEPT': 'BOGUS'}) s.headers.update({'accept': 'application/json'}) r = s.get(httpbin('get')) headers = r.request.headers assert headers['accept'] == 'application/json' assert headers['Accept'] == 'application/json' assert headers['ACCEPT'] == 'application/json' def test_uppercase_scheme_redirect(self): parts = urlparse(httpbin('html')) url = "HTTP://" + parts.netloc + parts.path r = requests.get(httpbin('redirect-to'), params={'url': url}) assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.url.lower() == url.lower() def test_transport_adapter_ordering(self): s = requests.Session() order = ['https://', 'http://'] assert order == list(s.adapters) s.mount('http://git', HTTPAdapter()) s.mount('http://github', HTTPAdapter()) s.mount('http://github.com', HTTPAdapter()) s.mount('http://github.com/about/', HTTPAdapter()) order = [ 'http://github.com/about/', 'http://github.com', 'http://github', 'http://git', 'https://', 'http://', ] assert order == list(s.adapters) s.mount('http://gittip', HTTPAdapter()) s.mount('http://gittip.com', HTTPAdapter()) s.mount('http://gittip.com/about/', HTTPAdapter()) order = [ 'http://github.com/about/', 'http://gittip.com/about/', 'http://github.com', 'http://gittip.com', 'http://github', 'http://gittip', 'http://git', 'https://', 'http://', ] assert order == list(s.adapters) s2 = requests.Session() s2.adapters = {'http://': HTTPAdapter()} s2.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter()) assert 'http://' in s2.adapters assert 'https://' in s2.adapters def test_header_remove_is_case_insensitive(self): # From issue #1321 s = requests.Session() s.headers['foo'] = 'bar' r = s.get(httpbin('get'), headers={'FOO': None}) assert 'foo' not in r.request.headers def test_params_are_merged_case_sensitive(self): s = requests.Session() s.params['foo'] = 'bar' r = s.get(httpbin('get'), params={'FOO': 'bar'}) assert r.json()['args'] == {'foo': 'bar', 'FOO': 'bar'} def test_long_authinfo_in_url(self): url = 'http://{0}:{1}@{2}:9000/path?query#frag'.format( 'E8A3BE87-9E3F-4620-8858-95478E385B5B', 'EA770032-DA4D-4D84-8CE9-29C6D910BF1E', 'exactly-------------sixty-----------three------------characters', ) r = requests.Request('GET', url).prepare() assert r.url == url def test_header_keys_are_native(self): headers = {u'unicode': 'blah', 'byte'.encode('ascii'): 'blah'} r = requests.Request('GET', httpbin('get'), headers=headers) p = r.prepare() # This is testing that they are builtin strings. A bit weird, but there # we go. assert 'unicode' in p.headers.keys() assert 'byte' in p.headers.keys() def test_can_send_nonstring_objects_with_files(self): data = {'a': 0.0} files = {'b': 'foo'} r = requests.Request('POST', httpbin('post'), data=data, files=files) p = r.prepare() assert 'multipart/form-data' in p.headers['Content-Type'] def test_autoset_header_values_are_native(self): data = 'this is a string' length = '16' req = requests.Request('POST', httpbin('post'), data=data) p = req.prepare() assert p.headers['Content-Length'] == length def test_oddball_schemes_dont_check_URLs(self): test_urls = ( '', 'file:///etc/passwd', 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:be08f00302bc2d1d3cfa3af02024fa647a271431', ) for test_url in test_urls: req = requests.Request('GET', test_url) preq = req.prepare() assert test_url == preq.url class TestContentEncodingDetection(unittest.TestCase): def test_none(self): encodings = requests.utils.get_encodings_from_content('') assert not len(encodings) def test_html_charset(self): """HTML5 meta charset attribute""" content = '' encodings = requests.utils.get_encodings_from_content(content) assert len(encodings) == 1 assert encodings[0] == 'UTF-8' def test_html4_pragma(self): """HTML4 pragma directive""" content = '' encodings = requests.utils.get_encodings_from_content(content) assert len(encodings) == 1 assert encodings[0] == 'UTF-8' def test_xhtml_pragma(self): """XHTML 1.x served with text/html MIME type""" content = '' encodings = requests.utils.get_encodings_from_content(content) assert len(encodings) == 1 assert encodings[0] == 'UTF-8' def test_xml(self): """XHTML 1.x served as XML""" content = '' encodings = requests.utils.get_encodings_from_content(content) assert len(encodings) == 1 assert encodings[0] == 'UTF-8' def test_precedence(self): content = ''' '''.strip() encodings = requests.utils.get_encodings_from_content(content) assert encodings == ['HTML5', 'HTML4', 'XML'] class TestCaseInsensitiveDict(unittest.TestCase): def test_mapping_init(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({'Foo': 'foo','BAr': 'bar'}) assert len(cid) == 2 assert 'foo' in cid assert 'bar' in cid def test_iterable_init(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict([('Foo', 'foo'), ('BAr', 'bar')]) assert len(cid) == 2 assert 'foo' in cid assert 'bar' in cid def test_kwargs_init(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict(FOO='foo', BAr='bar') assert len(cid) == 2 assert 'foo' in cid assert 'bar' in cid def test_docstring_example(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict() cid['Accept'] = 'application/json' assert cid['aCCEPT'] == 'application/json' assert list(cid) == ['Accept'] def test_len(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({'a': 'a', 'b': 'b'}) cid['A'] = 'a' assert len(cid) == 2 def test_getitem(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({'Spam': 'blueval'}) assert cid['spam'] == 'blueval' assert cid['SPAM'] == 'blueval' def test_fixes_649(self): """__setitem__ should behave case-insensitively.""" cid = CaseInsensitiveDict() cid['spam'] = 'oneval' cid['Spam'] = 'twoval' cid['sPAM'] = 'redval' cid['SPAM'] = 'blueval' assert cid['spam'] == 'blueval' assert cid['SPAM'] == 'blueval' assert list(cid.keys()) == ['SPAM'] def test_delitem(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict() cid['Spam'] = 'someval' del cid['sPam'] assert 'spam' not in cid assert len(cid) == 0 def test_contains(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict() cid['Spam'] = 'someval' assert 'Spam' in cid assert 'spam' in cid assert 'SPAM' in cid assert 'sPam' in cid assert 'notspam' not in cid def test_get(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict() cid['spam'] = 'oneval' cid['SPAM'] = 'blueval' assert cid.get('spam') == 'blueval' assert cid.get('SPAM') == 'blueval' assert cid.get('sPam') == 'blueval' assert cid.get('notspam', 'default') == 'default' def test_update(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict() cid['spam'] = 'blueval' cid.update({'sPam': 'notblueval'}) assert cid['spam'] == 'notblueval' cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({'Foo': 'foo','BAr': 'bar'}) cid.update({'fOO': 'anotherfoo', 'bAR': 'anotherbar'}) assert len(cid) == 2 assert cid['foo'] == 'anotherfoo' assert cid['bar'] == 'anotherbar' def test_update_retains_unchanged(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'}) cid.update({'foo': 'newfoo'}) assert cid['bar'] == 'bar' def test_iter(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({'Spam': 'spam', 'Eggs': 'eggs'}) keys = frozenset(['Spam', 'Eggs']) assert frozenset(iter(cid)) == keys def test_equality(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({'SPAM': 'blueval', 'Eggs': 'redval'}) othercid = CaseInsensitiveDict({'spam': 'blueval', 'eggs': 'redval'}) assert cid == othercid del othercid['spam'] assert cid != othercid assert cid == {'spam': 'blueval', 'eggs': 'redval'} def test_setdefault(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({'Spam': 'blueval'}) assert cid.setdefault('spam', 'notblueval') == 'blueval' assert cid.setdefault('notspam', 'notblueval') == 'notblueval' def test_lower_items(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({ 'Accept': 'application/json', 'user-Agent': 'requests', }) keyset = frozenset(lowerkey for lowerkey, v in cid.lower_items()) lowerkeyset = frozenset(['accept', 'user-agent']) assert keyset == lowerkeyset def test_preserve_key_case(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({ 'Accept': 'application/json', 'user-Agent': 'requests', }) keyset = frozenset(['Accept', 'user-Agent']) assert frozenset(i[0] for i in cid.items()) == keyset assert frozenset(cid.keys()) == keyset assert frozenset(cid) == keyset def test_preserve_last_key_case(self): cid = CaseInsensitiveDict({ 'Accept': 'application/json', 'user-Agent': 'requests', }) cid.update({'ACCEPT': 'application/json'}) cid['USER-AGENT'] = 'requests' keyset = frozenset(['ACCEPT', 'USER-AGENT']) assert frozenset(i[0] for i in cid.items()) == keyset assert frozenset(cid.keys()) == keyset assert frozenset(cid) == keyset class UtilsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_super_len_io_streams(self): """ Ensures that we properly deal with different kinds of IO streams. """ # uses StringIO or io.StringIO (see import above) from io import BytesIO from requests.utils import super_len assert super_len(StringIO.StringIO()) == 0 assert super_len(StringIO.StringIO('with so much drama in the LBC')) == 29 assert super_len(BytesIO()) == 0 assert super_len(BytesIO(b"it's kinda hard bein' snoop d-o-double-g")) == 40 try: import cStringIO except ImportError: pass else: assert super_len(cStringIO.StringIO('but some how, some way...')) == 25 def test_get_environ_proxies_ip_ranges(self): """ Ensures that IP addresses are correctly matches with ranges in no_proxy variable """ from requests.utils import get_environ_proxies os.environ['no_proxy'] = ",,localhost.localdomain," assert get_environ_proxies('') == {} assert get_environ_proxies('') == {} assert get_environ_proxies('') == {} assert get_environ_proxies('') == {} assert get_environ_proxies('') != {} assert get_environ_proxies('') != {} def test_get_environ_proxies(self): """ Ensures that IP addresses are correctly matches with ranges in no_proxy variable """ from requests.utils import get_environ_proxies os.environ['no_proxy'] = ",localhost.localdomain,," assert get_environ_proxies('http://localhost.localdomain:5000/v1.0/') == {} assert get_environ_proxies('http://www.requests.com/') != {} def test_is_ipv4_address(self): from requests.utils import is_ipv4_address assert is_ipv4_address('') assert not is_ipv4_address('') assert not is_ipv4_address('localhost.localdomain') def test_is_valid_cidr(self): from requests.utils import is_valid_cidr assert not is_valid_cidr('') assert is_valid_cidr('') def test_dotted_netmask(self): from requests.utils import dotted_netmask assert dotted_netmask(8) == '' assert dotted_netmask(24) == '' assert dotted_netmask(25) == '' def test_address_in_network(self): from requests.utils import address_in_network assert address_in_network('', '') assert not address_in_network('', '') def test_get_auth_from_url(self): """ Ensures that username and password in well-encoded URI as per RFC 3986 are correclty extracted """ from requests.utils import get_auth_from_url from requests.compat import quote percent_encoding_test_chars = "%!*'();:@&=+$,/?#[] " url_address = "request.com/url.html#test" url = "http://" + quote(percent_encoding_test_chars, '') + ':' + quote(percent_encoding_test_chars, '') + '@' + url_address (username, password) = get_auth_from_url(url) assert username == percent_encoding_test_chars assert password == percent_encoding_test_chars class TestMorselToCookieExpires(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for morsel_to_cookie when morsel contains expires.""" def test_expires_valid_str(self): """Test case where we convert expires from string time.""" morsel = Morsel() morsel['expires'] = 'Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT' cookie = morsel_to_cookie(morsel) assert cookie.expires == 1 def test_expires_invalid_int(self): """Test case where an invalid type is passed for expires.""" morsel = Morsel() morsel['expires'] = 100 with pytest.raises(TypeError): morsel_to_cookie(morsel) def test_expires_invalid_str(self): """Test case where an invalid string is input.""" morsel = Morsel() morsel['expires'] = 'woops' with pytest.raises(ValueError): morsel_to_cookie(morsel) def test_expires_none(self): """Test case where expires is None.""" morsel = Morsel() morsel['expires'] = None cookie = morsel_to_cookie(morsel) assert cookie.expires is None class TestMorselToCookieMaxAge(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for morsel_to_cookie when morsel contains max-age.""" def test_max_age_valid_int(self): """Test case where a valid max age in seconds is passed.""" morsel = Morsel() morsel['max-age'] = 60 cookie = morsel_to_cookie(morsel) assert isinstance(cookie.expires, int) def test_max_age_invalid_str(self): """Test case where a invalid max age is passed.""" morsel = Morsel() morsel['max-age'] = 'woops' with pytest.raises(TypeError): morsel_to_cookie(morsel) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()