#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import time import threading from . import core try: import resource _PAGESIZE = resource.getpagesize() except ImportError: # Not Unix _PAGESIZE = 4096 class ProcessCollector(object): """Collector for Standard Exports such as cpu and memory.""" def __init__(self, namespace='', pid=lambda: 'self', proc='/proc', registry=core.REGISTRY): self._namespace = namespace self._pid = pid self._proc = proc if namespace: self._prefix = namespace + '_process_' else: self._prefix = 'process_' self._ticks = 100.0 try: self._ticks = os.sysconf('SC_CLK_TCK') except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass # This is used to test if we can access /proc. self._btime = 0 try: self._btime = self._boot_time() except IOError: pass if registry: registry.register(self) def _boot_time(self): with open(os.path.join(self._proc, 'stat')) as stat: for line in stat: if line.startswith('btime '): return float(line.split()[1]) def collect(self): if not self._btime: return [] try: pid = os.path.join(self._proc, str(self._pid()).strip()) except: # File likely didn't exist, fail silently. raise return [] result = [] try: with open(os.path.join(pid, 'stat')) as stat: parts = (stat.read().split(')')[-1].split()) vmem = core.GaugeMetricFamily(self._prefix + 'virtual_memory_bytes', 'Virtual memory size in bytes', value=float(parts[20])) rss = core.GaugeMetricFamily(self._prefix + 'resident_memory_bytes', 'Resident memory size in bytes', value=float(parts[21]) * _PAGESIZE) start_time_secs = float(parts[19]) / self._ticks start_time = core.GaugeMetricFamily(self._prefix + 'start_time_seconds', 'Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.', value=start_time_secs + self._btime) utime = float(parts[11]) / self._ticks stime = float(parts[12]) / self._ticks cpu = core.CounterMetricFamily(self._prefix + 'cpu_seconds_total', 'Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.', value=utime + stime) result.extend([vmem, rss, start_time, cpu]) except IOError: pass try: with open(os.path.join(pid, 'limits')) as limits: for line in limits: if line.startswith('Max open file'): max_fds = core.GaugeMetricFamily(self._prefix + 'max_fds', 'Maximum number of open file descriptors.', value=float(line.split()[3])) break open_fds = core.GaugeMetricFamily(self._prefix + 'open_fds', 'Number of open file descriptors.', len(os.listdir(os.path.join(pid, 'fd')))) result.extend([open_fds, max_fds]) except IOError: pass return result PROCESS_COLLECTOR = ProcessCollector() """Default ProcessCollector in default Registry REGISTRY."""