Package paramiko :: Module util
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Module paramiko.util

Useful functions used by the rest of paramiko.

Function Summary
  deflate_long(n, add_sign_padding)
turns a long-int into a normalized byte string (adapted from Crypto.Util.number)
  format_binary(data, prefix)
string generate_key_bytes(hashclass, salt, key, nbytes)
Given a password, passphrase, or other human-source key, scramble it through a secure hash into some keyworthy bytes.
turn a string into a hex sequence
  inflate_long(s, always_positive)
turns a normalized byte string into a long-int (adapted from Crypto.Util.number)
dict(hostname, dict(keytype, PKey)) load_host_keys(filename)
Read a file of known SSH host keys, in the format used by openssh, and return a compound dict of hostname -> keytype -> PKey.
  log_to_file(filename, level)
send paramiko logs to a logfile, if they're not already going somewhere
  lookup_ssh_host_config(hostname, config)
Return a dict of config options for a given hostname.
  mod_inverse(x, m)
object parse_ssh_config(file_obj)
Parse a config file of the format used by OpenSSH, and return an object that can be used to make queries to lookup_ssh_host_config.
turn a hex sequence back into a string

Function Details

deflate_long(n, add_sign_padding=True)

turns a long-int into a normalized byte string (adapted from Crypto.Util.number)

generate_key_bytes(hashclass, salt, key, nbytes)

Given a password, passphrase, or other human-source key, scramble it through a secure hash into some keyworthy bytes. This specific algorithm is used for encrypting/decrypting private key files.
hashclass - class from Crypto.Hash that can be used as a secure hashing function (like MD5 or SHA).
salt - data to salt the hash with.
key - human-entered password or passphrase.
nbytes - number of bytes to generate.
key data


turn a string into a hex sequence

inflate_long(s, always_positive=False)

turns a normalized byte string into a long-int (adapted from Crypto.Util.number)


Read a file of known SSH host keys, in the format used by openssh, and return a compound dict of hostname -> keytype -> PKey. The hostname may be an IP address or DNS name. The keytype will be either "ssh-rsa" or "ssh-dss".

This type of file unfortunately doesn't exist on Windows, but on posix, it will usually be stored in os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/known_hosts").
filename - name of the file to read host keys from
dict of host keys, indexed by hostname and then keytype
           (type=dict(hostname, dict(keytype, PKey)))

log_to_file(filename, level=10)

send paramiko logs to a logfile, if they're not already going somewhere

lookup_ssh_host_config(hostname, config)

Return a dict of config options for a given hostname. The config object must come from parse_ssh_config.

The host-matching rules of OpenSSH's ssh_config man page are used, which means that all configuration options from matching host specifications are merged, with more specific hostmasks taking precedence. In other words, if "Port" is set under "Host *" and also "Host *", and the lookup is for "", then the port entry for "Host *" will win out.

The keys in the returned dict are all normalized to lowercase (look for "port", not "Port". No other processing is done to the keys or values.
hostname - the hostname to lookup
config - the config object to search


Parse a config file of the format used by OpenSSH, and return an object that can be used to make queries to lookup_ssh_host_config. The format is described in OpenSSH's ssh_config man page. This method is provided primarily as a convenience to posix users (since the OpenSSH format is a de-facto standard on posix) but should work fine on Windows too.

The return value is currently a list of dictionaries, each containing host-specific configuration, but this is considered an implementation detail and may be subject to change in later versions.
file_obj - a file-like object to read the config file from
opaque configuration object


turn a hex sequence back into a string

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Dec 4 11:16:48 2005