Package paramiko :: Class SFTPFile
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Type SFTPFile

  object --+    
BufferedFile --+

Proxy object for a file on the remote server, in client mode SFTP.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, sftp, handle, mode, bufsize)
str check(self, hash_algorithm, offset, length, block_size)
Ask the server for a hash of a section of this file.
Close the file.
float gettimeout(self)
Returns the timeout in seconds (as a float) associated with the socket or ssh Channel used for this file.
Pre-fetch the remaining contents of this file in anticipation of future read calls.
  seek(self, offset, whence)
Set the file's current position, like stdio's fseek.
  set_pipelined(self, pipelined)
Turn on/off the pipelining of write operations to this file.
  setblocking(self, blocking)
Set blocking or non-blocking mode on the underiying socket or ssh Channel.
  settimeout(self, timeout)
Set a timeout on read/write operations on the underlying socket or ssh Channel.
SFTPAttributes stat(self)
Retrieve information about this file from the remote system.
    Inherited from BufferedFile
iterator __iter__(self)
Returns an iterator that can be used to iterate over the lines in this file.
Write out any data in the write buffer.
str next(self)
Returns the next line from the input, or raises StopIteration when EOF is hit.
str read(self, size)
Read at most size bytes from the file (less if we hit the end of the file first).
str readline(self, size)
Read one entire line from the file.
list readlines(self, sizehint)
Read all remaining lines using readline and return them as a list.
int tell(self)
Return the file's current position.
  write(self, data)
Write data to the file.
  writelines(self, sequence)
Write a sequence of strings to the file.
iterator xreadlines(self)
Identical to iter(f).
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
  __new__(T, S, ...)
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Class Variable Summary
int MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = 32768                                                                 
    Inherited from BufferedFile
int SEEK_CUR = 1                                                                     
int SEEK_END = 2                                                                     
int SEEK_SET = 0                                                                     

Method Details

check(self, hash_algorithm, offset=0, length=0, block_size=0)

Ask the server for a hash of a section of this file. This can be used to verify a successful upload or download, or for various rsync-like operations.

The file is hashed from offset, for length bytes. If length is 0, the remainder of the file is hashed. Thus, if both offset and length are zero, the entire file is hashed.

Normally, block_size will be 0 (the default), and this method will return a byte string representing the requested hash (for example, a string of length 16 for MD5, or 20 for SHA-1). If a non-zero block_size is given, each chunk of the file (from offset to offset + length) of block_size bytes is computed as a separate hash. The hash results are all concatenated and returned as a single string.

For example, check('sha1', 0, 1024, 512) will return a string of length 40. The first 20 bytes will be the SHA-1 of the first 512 bytes of the file, and the last 20 bytes will be the SHA-1 of the next 512 bytes.
hash_algorithm - the name of the hash algorithm to use (normally "sha1" or "md5")
offset - offset into the file to begin hashing (0 means to start from the beginning)
           (type=int or long)
length - number of bytes to hash (0 means continue to the end of the file)
           (type=int or long)
block_size - number of bytes to hash per result (must not be less than 256; 0 means to compute only one hash of the entire segment)
string of bytes representing the hash of each block, concatenated together
IOError - if the server doesn't support the "check-file" extension, or possibly doesn't support the hash algorithm requested

Note: Many (most?) servers don't support this extension yet.

Since: 1.4

close(self, _async=False)

Close the file. Future read and write operations will fail.
paramiko.BufferedFile.close (inherited documentation)


Returns the timeout in seconds (as a float) associated with the socket or ssh Channel used for this file.

See Also: Channel.gettimeout


Pre-fetch the remaining contents of this file in anticipation of future read calls. If reading the entire file, pre-fetching can dramatically improve the download speed by avoiding roundtrip latency. The file's contents are incrementally buffered in a background thread.

Since: 1.5.1

seek(self, offset, whence=0)

Set the file's current position, like stdio's fseek. Not all file objects support seeking.
offset - position to move to within the file, relative to whence.
whence - type of movement: 0 = absolute; 1 = relative to the current position; 2 = relative to the end of the file.
IOError - if the file doesn't support random access.
Overrides: (inherited documentation)

Note: If a file is opened in append mode ('a' or 'a+'), any seek operations will be undone at the next write (as the file position will move back to the end of the file).

set_pipelined(self, pipelined=True)

Turn on/off the pipelining of write operations to this file. When pipelining is on, paramiko won't wait for the server response after each write operation. Instead, they're collected as they come in. At the first non-write operation (including close), all remaining server responses are collected. This means that if there was an error with one of your later writes, an exception might be thrown from within close instead of write.

By default, files are not pipelined.
pipelined - True if pipelining should be turned on for this file; False otherwise

Since: 1.5

setblocking(self, blocking)

Set blocking or non-blocking mode on the underiying socket or ssh Channel.
blocking - 0 to set non-blocking mode; non-0 to set blocking mode.

See Also: Channel.setblocking

settimeout(self, timeout)

Set a timeout on read/write operations on the underlying socket or ssh Channel.
timeout - seconds to wait for a pending read/write operation before raising socket.timeout, or None for no timeout

See Also: Channel.settimeout


Retrieve information about this file from the remote system. This is exactly like SFTP.stat, except that it operates on an already-open file.
an object containing attributes about this file.

Class Variable Details



Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Dec 4 11:16:47 2005