Package paramiko :: Class Message
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Type Message

object --+

An SSH2 Message is a stream of bytes that encodes some combination of strings, integers, bools, and infinite-precision integers (known in python as longs). This class builds or breaks down such a byte stream.

Normally you don't need to deal with anything this low-level, but it's exposed for people implementing custom extensions, or features that paramiko doesn't support yet.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, content)
Create a new SSH2 Message.
string __repr__(self)
Returns a string representation of this object, for debugging.
string __str__(self)
Return the byte stream content of this Message, as a string.
  add(self, *seq)
Add a sequence of items to the stream.
  add_boolean(self, b)
Add a boolean value to the stream.
  add_byte(self, b)
Write a single byte to the stream, without any formatting.
  add_bytes(self, b)
Write bytes to the stream, without any formatting.
  add_int(self, n)
Add an integer to the stream.
  add_int64(self, n)
Add a 64-bit int to the stream.
  add_list(self, l)
Add a list of strings to the stream.
  add_mpint(self, z)
Add a long int to the stream, encoded as an infinite-precision integer.
  add_string(self, s)
Add a string to the stream.
bool get_boolean(self)
Fetch a boolean from the stream.
string get_byte(self)
Return the next byte of the Message, without decomposing it.
string get_bytes(self, n)
Return the next n bytes of the Message, without decomposing into an int, string, etc.
int get_int(self)
Fetch an int from the stream.
long get_int64(self)
Fetch a 64-bit int from the stream.
list of strings get_list(self)
Fetch a list of strings from the stream.
long get_mpint(self)
Fetch a long int (mpint) from the stream.
string get_remainder(self)
Return the bytes of this Message that haven't already been parsed and returned.
string get_so_far(self)
Returns the bytes of this Message that have been parsed and returned.
string get_string(self)
Fetch a string from the stream.
Rewind the message to the beginning as if no items had been parsed out of it yet.
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
  __new__(T, S, ...)
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value

Method Details

__init__(self, content=None)

Create a new SSH2 Message.
content - the byte stream to use as the Message content (passed in only when decomposing a Message).

(Representation operator)

Returns a string representation of this object, for debugging.

(Informal representation operator)

Return the byte stream content of this Message, as a string.
the contents of this Message.

add(self, *seq)

Add a sequence of items to the stream. The values are encoded based on their type: str, int, bool, list, or long.
seq - the sequence of items

Bug: longs are encoded non-deterministically. Don't use this method.

add_boolean(self, b)

Add a boolean value to the stream.
b - boolean value to add

add_byte(self, b)

Write a single byte to the stream, without any formatting.
b - byte to add

add_bytes(self, b)

Write bytes to the stream, without any formatting.
b - bytes to add

add_int(self, n)

Add an integer to the stream.
n - integer to add

add_int64(self, n)

Add a 64-bit int to the stream.
n - long int to add

add_list(self, l)

Add a list of strings to the stream. They are encoded identically to a single string of values separated by commas. (Yes, really, that's how SSH2 does it.)
l - list of strings to add

add_mpint(self, z)

Add a long int to the stream, encoded as an infinite-precision integer. This method only works on positive numbers.
z - long int to add

add_string(self, s)

Add a string to the stream.
s - string to add


Fetch a boolean from the stream.
True or False (from the Message).


Return the next byte of the Message, without decomposing it. This is equivalent to get_bytes(1).
the next byte of the Message, or '' if there aren't any bytes remaining.

get_bytes(self, n)

Return the next n bytes of the Message, without decomposing into an int, string, etc. Just the raw bytes are returned.
a string of the next n bytes of the Message, or a string of n zero bytes, if there aren't n bytes remaining.


Fetch an int from the stream.
a 32-bit unsigned integer.


Fetch a 64-bit int from the stream.
a 64-bit unsigned integer.


Fetch a list of strings from the stream. These are trivially encoded as comma-separated values in a string.
a list of strings.
           (type=list of strings)


Fetch a long int (mpint) from the stream.
an arbitrary-length integer.


Return the bytes of this Message that haven't already been parsed and returned.
a string of the bytes not parsed yet.


Returns the bytes of this Message that have been parsed and returned. The string passed into a Message's constructor can be regenerated by concatenating get_so_far and get_remainder.
a string of the bytes parsed so far.


Fetch a string from the stream. This could be a byte string and may contain unprintable characters. (It's not unheard of for a string to contain another byte-stream Message.)
a string.


Rewind the message to the beginning as if no items had been parsed out of it yet.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Sun Dec 4 11:16:46 2005