Package paramiko :: Module packet
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Source Code for Module paramiko.packet

  1  # Copyright (C) 2003-2007  Robey Pointer <> 
  2  # 
  3  # This file is part of paramiko. 
  4  # 
  5  # Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the 
  6  # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free 
  7  # Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) 
  8  # any later version. 
  9  # 
 10  # Paramiko is distrubuted in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
 11  # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR 
 12  # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
 13  # details. 
 14  # 
 15  # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 
 16  # along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
 17  # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA. 
 19  """ 
 20  Packetizer. 
 21  """ 
 23  import errno 
 24  import select 
 25  import socket 
 26  import struct 
 27  import threading 
 28  import time 
 30  from paramiko.common import * 
 31  from paramiko import util 
 32  from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException 
 33  from paramiko.message import Message 
 36  got_r_hmac = False 
 37  try: 
 38      import r_hmac 
 39      got_r_hmac = True 
 40  except ImportError: 
 41      pass 
42 -def compute_hmac(key, message, digest_class):
43 if got_r_hmac: 44 return r_hmac.HMAC(key, message, digest_class).digest() 45 from Crypto.Hash import HMAC 46 return HMAC.HMAC(key, message, digest_class).digest()
47 48
49 -class NeedRekeyException (Exception):
50 pass
51 52
53 -class Packetizer (object):
54 """ 55 Implementation of the base SSH packet protocol. 56 """ 57 58 # READ the secsh RFC's before raising these values. if anything, 59 # they should probably be lower. 60 REKEY_PACKETS = pow(2, 30) 61 REKEY_BYTES = pow(2, 30) 62
63 - def __init__(self, socket):
64 self.__socket = socket 65 self.__logger = None 66 self.__closed = False 67 self.__dump_packets = False 68 self.__need_rekey = False 69 self.__init_count = 0 70 self.__remainder = '' 71 72 # used for noticing when to re-key: 73 self.__sent_bytes = 0 74 self.__sent_packets = 0 75 self.__received_bytes = 0 76 self.__received_packets = 0 77 self.__received_packets_overflow = 0 78 79 # current inbound/outbound ciphering: 80 self.__block_size_out = 8 81 self.__block_size_in = 8 82 self.__mac_size_out = 0 83 self.__mac_size_in = 0 84 self.__block_engine_out = None 85 self.__block_engine_in = None 86 self.__mac_engine_out = None 87 self.__mac_engine_in = None 88 self.__mac_key_out = '' 89 self.__mac_key_in = '' 90 self.__compress_engine_out = None 91 self.__compress_engine_in = None 92 self.__sequence_number_out = 0L 93 self.__sequence_number_in = 0L 94 95 # lock around outbound writes (packet computation) 96 self.__write_lock = threading.RLock() 97 98 # keepalives: 99 self.__keepalive_interval = 0 100 self.__keepalive_last = time.time() 101 self.__keepalive_callback = None
103 - def set_log(self, log):
104 """ 105 Set the python log object to use for logging. 106 """ 107 self.__logger = log
109 - def set_outbound_cipher(self, block_engine, block_size, mac_engine, mac_size, mac_key):
110 """ 111 Switch outbound data cipher. 112 """ 113 self.__block_engine_out = block_engine 114 self.__block_size_out = block_size 115 self.__mac_engine_out = mac_engine 116 self.__mac_size_out = mac_size 117 self.__mac_key_out = mac_key 118 self.__sent_bytes = 0 119 self.__sent_packets = 0 120 # wait until the reset happens in both directions before clearing rekey flag 121 self.__init_count |= 1 122 if self.__init_count == 3: 123 self.__init_count = 0 124 self.__need_rekey = False
126 - def set_inbound_cipher(self, block_engine, block_size, mac_engine, mac_size, mac_key):
127 """ 128 Switch inbound data cipher. 129 """ 130 self.__block_engine_in = block_engine 131 self.__block_size_in = block_size 132 self.__mac_engine_in = mac_engine 133 self.__mac_size_in = mac_size 134 self.__mac_key_in = mac_key 135 self.__received_bytes = 0 136 self.__received_packets = 0 137 self.__received_packets_overflow = 0 138 # wait until the reset happens in both directions before clearing rekey flag 139 self.__init_count |= 2 140 if self.__init_count == 3: 141 self.__init_count = 0 142 self.__need_rekey = False
144 - def set_outbound_compressor(self, compressor):
145 self.__compress_engine_out = compressor
147 - def set_inbound_compressor(self, compressor):
148 self.__compress_engine_in = compressor
150 - def close(self):
151 self.__closed = True 152 self.__socket.close()
154 - def set_hexdump(self, hexdump):
155 self.__dump_packets = hexdump
157 - def get_hexdump(self):
158 return self.__dump_packets
160 - def get_mac_size_in(self):
161 return self.__mac_size_in
163 - def get_mac_size_out(self):
164 return self.__mac_size_out
166 - def need_rekey(self):
167 """ 168 Returns C{True} if a new set of keys needs to be negotiated. This 169 will be triggered during a packet read or write, so it should be 170 checked after every read or write, or at least after every few. 171 172 @return: C{True} if a new set of keys needs to be negotiated 173 """ 174 return self.__need_rekey
176 - def set_keepalive(self, interval, callback):
177 """ 178 Turn on/off the callback keepalive. If C{interval} seconds pass with 179 no data read from or written to the socket, the callback will be 180 executed and the timer will be reset. 181 """ 182 self.__keepalive_interval = interval 183 self.__keepalive_callback = callback 184 self.__keepalive_last = time.time()
186 - def read_all(self, n, check_rekey=False):
187 """ 188 Read as close to N bytes as possible, blocking as long as necessary. 189 190 @param n: number of bytes to read 191 @type n: int 192 @return: the data read 193 @rtype: str 194 @raise EOFError: if the socket was closed before all the bytes could 195 be read 196 """ 197 out = '' 198 # handle over-reading from reading the banner line 199 if len(self.__remainder) > 0: 200 out = self.__remainder[:n] 201 self.__remainder = self.__remainder[n:] 202 n -= len(out) 203 if PY22: 204 return self._py22_read_all(n, out) 205 while n > 0: 206 got_timeout = False 207 try: 208 x = self.__socket.recv(n) 209 if len(x) == 0: 210 raise EOFError() 211 out += x 212 n -= len(x) 213 except socket.timeout: 214 got_timeout = True 215 except socket.error, e: 216 # on Linux, sometimes instead of socket.timeout, we get 217 # EAGAIN. this is a bug in recent (> 2.6.9) kernels but 218 # we need to work around it. 219 if (type(e.args) is tuple) and (len(e.args) > 0) and (e.args[0] == errno.EAGAIN): 220 got_timeout = True 221 elif (type(e.args) is tuple) and (len(e.args) > 0) and (e.args[0] == errno.EINTR): 222 # syscall interrupted; try again 223 pass 224 elif self.__closed: 225 raise EOFError() 226 else: 227 raise 228 if got_timeout: 229 if self.__closed: 230 raise EOFError() 231 if check_rekey and (len(out) == 0) and self.__need_rekey: 232 raise NeedRekeyException() 233 self._check_keepalive() 234 return out
236 - def write_all(self, out):
237 self.__keepalive_last = time.time() 238 while len(out) > 0: 239 got_timeout = False 240 try: 241 n = self.__socket.send(out) 242 except socket.timeout: 243 got_timeout = True 244 except socket.error, e: 245 if (type(e.args) is tuple) and (len(e.args) > 0) and (e.args[0] == errno.EAGAIN): 246 got_timeout = True 247 elif (type(e.args) is tuple) and (len(e.args) > 0) and (e.args[0] == errno.EINTR): 248 # syscall interrupted; try again 249 pass 250 else: 251 n = -1 252 except Exception: 253 # could be: (32, 'Broken pipe') 254 n = -1 255 if got_timeout: 256 n = 0 257 if self.__closed: 258 n = -1 259 if n < 0: 260 raise EOFError() 261 if n == len(out): 262 break 263 out = out[n:] 264 return
266 - def readline(self, timeout):
267 """ 268 Read a line from the socket. We assume no data is pending after the 269 line, so it's okay to attempt large reads. 270 """ 271 buf = self.__remainder 272 while not '\n' in buf: 273 buf += self._read_timeout(timeout) 274 n = buf.index('\n') 275 self.__remainder = buf[n+1:] 276 buf = buf[:n] 277 if (len(buf) > 0) and (buf[-1] == '\r'): 278 buf = buf[:-1] 279 return buf
281 - def send_message(self, data):
282 """ 283 Write a block of data using the current cipher, as an SSH block. 284 """ 285 # encrypt this sucka 286 data = str(data) 287 cmd = ord(data[0]) 288 if cmd in MSG_NAMES: 289 cmd_name = MSG_NAMES[cmd] 290 else: 291 cmd_name = '$%x' % cmd 292 orig_len = len(data) 293 self.__write_lock.acquire() 294 try: 295 if self.__compress_engine_out is not None: 296 data = self.__compress_engine_out(data) 297 packet = self._build_packet(data) 298 if self.__dump_packets: 299 self._log(DEBUG, 'Write packet <%s>, length %d' % (cmd_name, orig_len)) 300 self._log(DEBUG, util.format_binary(packet, 'OUT: ')) 301 if self.__block_engine_out != None: 302 out = self.__block_engine_out.encrypt(packet) 303 else: 304 out = packet 305 # + mac 306 if self.__block_engine_out != None: 307 payload = struct.pack('>I', self.__sequence_number_out) + packet 308 out += compute_hmac(self.__mac_key_out, payload, self.__mac_engine_out)[:self.__mac_size_out] 309 self.__sequence_number_out = (self.__sequence_number_out + 1) & 0xffffffffL 310 self.write_all(out) 311 312 self.__sent_bytes += len(out) 313 self.__sent_packets += 1 314 if (self.__sent_packets % 100) == 0: 315 # stirring the randpool takes 30ms on my ibook!! 316 randpool.stir() 317 if ((self.__sent_packets >= self.REKEY_PACKETS) or (self.__sent_bytes >= self.REKEY_BYTES)) \ 318 and not self.__need_rekey: 319 # only ask once for rekeying 320 self._log(DEBUG, 'Rekeying (hit %d packets, %d bytes sent)' % 321 (self.__sent_packets, self.__sent_bytes)) 322 self.__received_packets_overflow = 0 323 self._trigger_rekey() 324 finally: 325 self.__write_lock.release()
327 - def read_message(self):
328 """ 329 Only one thread should ever be in this function (no other locking is 330 done). 331 332 @raise SSHException: if the packet is mangled 333 @raise NeedRekeyException: if the transport should rekey 334 """ 335 header = self.read_all(self.__block_size_in, check_rekey=True) 336 if self.__block_engine_in != None: 337 header = self.__block_engine_in.decrypt(header) 338 if self.__dump_packets: 339 self._log(DEBUG, util.format_binary(header, 'IN: ')); 340 packet_size = struct.unpack('>I', header[:4])[0] 341 # leftover contains decrypted bytes from the first block (after the length field) 342 leftover = header[4:] 343 if (packet_size - len(leftover)) % self.__block_size_in != 0: 344 raise SSHException('Invalid packet blocking') 345 buf = self.read_all(packet_size + self.__mac_size_in - len(leftover)) 346 packet = buf[:packet_size - len(leftover)] 347 post_packet = buf[packet_size - len(leftover):] 348 if self.__block_engine_in != None: 349 packet = self.__block_engine_in.decrypt(packet) 350 if self.__dump_packets: 351 self._log(DEBUG, util.format_binary(packet, 'IN: ')); 352 packet = leftover + packet 353 354 if self.__mac_size_in > 0: 355 mac = post_packet[:self.__mac_size_in] 356 mac_payload = struct.pack('>II', self.__sequence_number_in, packet_size) + packet 357 my_mac = compute_hmac(self.__mac_key_in, mac_payload, self.__mac_engine_in)[:self.__mac_size_in] 358 if my_mac != mac: 359 raise SSHException('Mismatched MAC') 360 padding = ord(packet[0]) 361 payload = packet[1:packet_size - padding] 362 randpool.add_event() 363 if self.__dump_packets: 364 self._log(DEBUG, 'Got payload (%d bytes, %d padding)' % (packet_size, padding)) 365 366 if self.__compress_engine_in is not None: 367 payload = self.__compress_engine_in(payload) 368 369 msg = Message(payload[1:]) 370 msg.seqno = self.__sequence_number_in 371 self.__sequence_number_in = (self.__sequence_number_in + 1) & 0xffffffffL 372 373 # check for rekey 374 self.__received_bytes += packet_size + self.__mac_size_in + 4 375 self.__received_packets += 1 376 if self.__need_rekey: 377 # we've asked to rekey -- give them 20 packets to comply before 378 # dropping the connection 379 self.__received_packets_overflow += 1 380 if self.__received_packets_overflow >= 20: 381 raise SSHException('Remote transport is ignoring rekey requests') 382 elif (self.__received_packets >= self.REKEY_PACKETS) or \ 383 (self.__received_bytes >= self.REKEY_BYTES): 384 # only ask once for rekeying 385 self._log(DEBUG, 'Rekeying (hit %d packets, %d bytes received)' % 386 (self.__received_packets, self.__received_bytes)) 387 self.__received_packets_overflow = 0 388 self._trigger_rekey() 389 390 cmd = ord(payload[0]) 391 if cmd in MSG_NAMES: 392 cmd_name = MSG_NAMES[cmd] 393 else: 394 cmd_name = '$%x' % cmd 395 if self.__dump_packets: 396 self._log(DEBUG, 'Read packet <%s>, length %d' % (cmd_name, len(payload))) 397 return cmd, msg
398 399 400 ########## protected 401 402
403 - def _log(self, level, msg):
404 if self.__logger is None: 405 return 406 if issubclass(type(msg), list): 407 for m in msg: 408 self.__logger.log(level, m) 409 else: 410 self.__logger.log(level, msg)
412 - def _check_keepalive(self):
413 if (not self.__keepalive_interval) or (not self.__block_engine_out) or \ 414 self.__need_rekey: 415 # wait till we're encrypting, and not in the middle of rekeying 416 return 417 now = time.time() 418 if now > self.__keepalive_last + self.__keepalive_interval: 419 self.__keepalive_callback() 420 self.__keepalive_last = now
422 - def _py22_read_all(self, n, out):
423 while n > 0: 424 r, w, e =[self.__socket], [], [], 0.1) 425 if self.__socket not in r: 426 if self.__closed: 427 raise EOFError() 428 self._check_keepalive() 429 else: 430 x = self.__socket.recv(n) 431 if len(x) == 0: 432 raise EOFError() 433 out += x 434 n -= len(x) 435 return out
437 - def _py22_read_timeout(self, timeout):
438 start = time.time() 439 while True: 440 r, w, e =[self.__socket], [], [], 0.1) 441 if self.__socket in r: 442 x = self.__socket.recv(1) 443 if len(x) == 0: 444 raise EOFError() 445 break 446 if self.__closed: 447 raise EOFError() 448 now = time.time() 449 if now - start >= timeout: 450 raise socket.timeout() 451 return x
453 - def _read_timeout(self, timeout):
454 if PY22: 455 return self._py22_read_timeout(timeout) 456 start = time.time() 457 while True: 458 try: 459 x = self.__socket.recv(128) 460 if len(x) == 0: 461 raise EOFError() 462 break 463 except socket.timeout: 464 pass 465 if self.__closed: 466 raise EOFError() 467 now = time.time() 468 if now - start >= timeout: 469 raise socket.timeout() 470 return x
472 - def _build_packet(self, payload):
473 # pad up at least 4 bytes, to nearest block-size (usually 8) 474 bsize = self.__block_size_out 475 padding = 3 + bsize - ((len(payload) + 8) % bsize) 476 packet = struct.pack('>IB', len(payload) + padding + 1, padding) 477 packet += payload 478 if self.__block_engine_out is not None: 479 packet += randpool.get_bytes(padding) 480 else: 481 # cute trick i caught openssh doing: if we're not encrypting, 482 # don't waste random bytes for the padding 483 packet += (chr(0) * padding) 484 return packet
486 - def _trigger_rekey(self):
487 # outside code should check for this flag 488 self.__need_rekey = True