Package paramiko :: Class HostKeys
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Class HostKeys

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UserDict.DictMixin --+

Representation of an openssh-style "known hosts" file. Host keys can be read from one or more files, and then individual hosts can be looked up to verify server keys during SSH negotiation.

A HostKeys object can be treated like a dict; any dict lookup is equivalent to calling lookup.

Since: 1.5.3

Instance Methods
__getitem__(self, key) source code
__init__(self, filename=None)
Create a new HostKeys object, optionally loading keys from an openssh style host-key file.
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__setitem__(self, hostname, entry) source code
add(self, hostname, keytype, key)
Add a host key entry to the table.
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check(self, hostname, key)
Return True if the given key is associated with the given hostname in this dictionary.
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Remove all host keys from the dictionary.
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keys(self) source code
load(self, filename)
Read a file of known SSH host keys, in the format used by openssh.
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dict(str, PKey)
lookup(self, hostname)
Find a hostkey entry for a given hostname or IP.
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save(self, filename)
Save host keys into a file, in the format used by openssh.
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values(self) source code

Inherited from UserDict.DictMixin: __cmp__, __contains__, __iter__, __len__, __repr__, get, has_key, items, iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues, pop, popitem, setdefault, update

Static Methods
hash_host(hostname, salt=None)
Return a "hashed" form of the hostname, as used by openssh when storing hashed hostnames in the known_hosts file.
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Method Details

__init__(self, filename=None)

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Create a new HostKeys object, optionally loading keys from an openssh style host-key file.

  • filename (str) - filename to load host keys from, or None

add(self, hostname, keytype, key)

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Add a host key entry to the table. Any existing entry for a (hostname, keytype) pair will be replaced.

  • hostname (str) - the hostname (or IP) to add
  • keytype (str) - key type ("ssh-rsa" or "ssh-dss")
  • key (PKey) - the key to add

check(self, hostname, key)

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Return True if the given key is associated with the given hostname in this dictionary.

  • hostname (str) - hostname (or IP) of the SSH server
  • key (PKey) - the key to check
Returns: bool
True if the key is associated with the hostname; False if not


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Remove all host keys from the dictionary.

Overrides: UserDict.DictMixin.clear

hash_host(hostname, salt=None)
Static Method

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Return a "hashed" form of the hostname, as used by openssh when storing hashed hostnames in the known_hosts file.

  • hostname (str) - the hostname to hash
  • salt (str) - optional salt to use when hashing (must be 20 bytes long)
Returns: str
the hashed hostname

load(self, filename)

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Read a file of known SSH host keys, in the format used by openssh. This type of file unfortunately doesn't exist on Windows, but on posix, it will usually be stored in os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/known_hosts").

If this method is called multiple times, the host keys are merged, not cleared. So multiple calls to load will just call add, replacing any existing entries and adding new ones.

  • filename (str) - name of the file to read host keys from
  • IOError - if there was an error reading the file

lookup(self, hostname)

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Find a hostkey entry for a given hostname or IP. If no entry is found, None is returned. Otherwise a dictionary of keytype to key is returned. The keytype will be either "ssh-rsa" or "ssh-dss".

  • hostname (str) - the hostname (or IP) to lookup
Returns: dict(str, PKey)
keys associated with this host (or None)

save(self, filename)

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Save host keys into a file, in the format used by openssh. The order of keys in the file will be preserved when possible (if these keys were loaded from a file originally). The single exception is that combined lines will be split into individual key lines, which is arguably a bug.

  • filename (str) - name of the file to write
  • IOError - if there was an error writing the file

Since: 1.6.1


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Overrides: UserDict.DictMixin.values