Package paramiko :: Class Agent
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Class Agent

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Client interface for using private keys from an SSH agent running on the local machine. If an SSH agent is running, this class can be used to connect to it and retreive PKey objects which can be used when attempting to authenticate to remote SSH servers.

Because the SSH agent protocol uses environment variables and unix-domain sockets, this probably doesn't work on Windows. It does work on most posix platforms though (Linux and MacOS X, for example).

Instance Methods
Open a session with the local machine's SSH agent, if one is running.
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Close the SSH agent connection.
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tuple of AgentKey
Return the list of keys available through the SSH agent, if any.
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Method Details


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Open a session with the local machine's SSH agent, if one is running. If no agent is running, initialization will succeed, but get_keys will return an empty tuple.

  • SSHException - if an SSH agent is found, but speaks an incompatible protocol


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Return the list of keys available through the SSH agent, if any. If no SSH agent was running (or it couldn't be contacted), an empty list will be returned.

Returns: tuple of AgentKey
a list of keys available on the SSH agent