[ Module Hierarchy
| Class Hierarchy ]
Class Hierarchy
- paramiko.Agent:
Client interface for using private keys from an SSH agent running
on the local machine.
- UserDict.DictMixin
- paramiko.hostkeys.HostKeyEntry:
Representation of a line in an OpenSSH-style "known
hosts" file.
- paramiko.util.enumerate
- object:
The most base type
- paramiko.ber.BER:
Robey's tiny little attempt at a BER decoder.
- exceptions.BaseException:
Common base class for all exceptions
- exceptions.Exception:
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
- paramiko.BaseSFTP
- paramiko.BufferedFile:
Reusable base class to implement python-style file buffering around
a simpler stream.
- paramiko.ChannelFile:
A file-like wrapper around Channel.
- paramiko.SFTPFile:
Proxy object for a file on the remote server, in client mode SFTP.
- paramiko.buffered_pipe.BufferedPipe:
A buffer that obeys normal read (with timeout) & close
semantics for a file or socket, but is fed data from another
- paramiko.Channel:
A secure tunnel across an SSH Transport.
- paramiko.transport.ChannelMap
- paramiko.logging22.Formatter
- paramiko.kex_gex.KexGex
- paramiko.kex_group1.KexGroup1
- paramiko.Message:
An SSH2 Message is a stream of bytes that encodes some
combination of strings, integers, bools, and infinite-precision
integers (known in python as longs).
- paramiko.MissingHostKeyPolicy:
Interface for defining the policy that SSHClient
should use when the SSH server's hostname is not in either the
system host keys or the application's keys.
- paramiko.primes.ModulusPack:
convenience object for holding the contents of the /etc/ssh/moduli
file, on systems that have such a file.
- paramiko.pipe.OrPipe
- paramiko.util.PFilter
- paramiko.PKey:
Base class for public keys.
- paramiko.AgentKey:
Private key held in a local SSH agent.
- paramiko.DSSKey:
Representation of a DSS key which can be used to sign an verify
SSH2 data.
- paramiko.RSAKey:
Representation of an RSA key which can be used to sign and verify
SSH2 data.
- paramiko.win_pageant.PageantConnection:
Mock "connection" to an agent which roughly approximates
the behavior of a unix local-domain socket (as used by Agent).
- paramiko.pipe.PosixPipe
- paramiko.SFTPAttributes:
Representation of the attributes of a file (or proxied file) for
SFTP in client or server mode.
- paramiko.SFTPHandle:
Abstract object representing a handle to an open file (or folder)
in an SFTP server implementation.
- paramiko.SFTPServerInterface:
This class defines an interface for controlling the behavior of
paramiko when using the SFTPServer subsystem to provide an SFTP server.
- paramiko.SSHClient:
A high-level representation of a session with an SSH server.
- paramiko.SSHConfig:
Representation of config information as stored in the format used
by OpenSSH.
- paramiko.SecurityOptions:
Simple object containing the security preferences of an ssh
- paramiko.ServerInterface:
This class defines an interface for controlling the behavior of
paramiko in server mode.
- paramiko.logging22.StreamHandler
- paramiko.rng.StrongLockingRandomPool:
Wrapper around RandomPool guaranteeing strong random numbers.
- paramiko.pipe.WindowsPipe:
On Windows, only an OS-level "WinSock" may be used in
select(), but reads and writes must be to the actual socket object.
- paramiko.compress.ZlibCompressor
- paramiko.compress.ZlibDecompressor
- threading._Verbose
- threading.Thread
- paramiko.SubsystemHandler:
Handler for a subsytem in server mode.
- paramiko.Transport:
An SSH Transport attaches to a stream (usually a socket),
negotiates an encrypted session, authenticates, and then creates
stream tunnels, called Channels, across the session.
- paramiko.logging22.logger