path: root/paramiko/
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1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paramiko/ b/paramiko/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c0ac8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paramiko/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Robey Pointer <>
+# This file is part of paramiko.
+# Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# Paramiko is distrubuted in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+import base64
+from Crypto.Hash import SHA, HMAC
+import UserDict
+from paramiko.common import *
+from paramiko.dsskey import DSSKey
+from paramiko.rsakey import RSAKey
+class HostKeyEntry:
+ """
+ Representation of a line in an OpenSSH-style "known hosts" file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, hostnames=None, key=None):
+ self.valid = (hostnames is not None) and (key is not None)
+ self.hostnames = hostnames
+ self.key = key
+ def from_line(cls, line):
+ """
+ Parses the given line of text to find the names for the host,
+ the type of key, and the key data. The line is expected to be in the
+ format used by the openssh known_hosts file.
+ Lines are expected to not have leading or trailing whitespace.
+ We don't bother to check for comments or empty lines. All of
+ that should be taken care of before sending the line to us.
+ @param line: a line from an OpenSSH known_hosts file
+ @type line: str
+ """
+ fields = line.split(' ')
+ if len(fields) != 3:
+ # Bad number of fields
+ return None
+ names, keytype, key = fields
+ names = names.split(',')
+ # Decide what kind of key we're looking at and create an object
+ # to hold it accordingly.
+ if keytype == 'ssh-rsa':
+ key = RSAKey(data=base64.decodestring(key))
+ elif keytype == 'ssh-dss':
+ key = DSSKey(data=base64.decodestring(key))
+ else:
+ return None
+ return cls(names, key)
+ from_line = classmethod(from_line)
+ def to_line(self):
+ """
+ Returns a string in OpenSSH known_hosts file format, or None if
+ the object is not in a valid state. A trailing newline is
+ included.
+ """
+ if self.valid:
+ return '%s %s %s\n' % (','.join(self.hostnames), self.key.get_name(),
+ self.key.get_base64())
+ return None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<HostKeyEntry %r: %r>' % (self.hostnames, self.key)
+class HostKeys (UserDict.DictMixin):
+ """
+ Representation of an openssh-style "known hosts" file. Host keys can be
+ read from one or more files, and then individual hosts can be looked up to
+ verify server keys during SSH negotiation.
+ A HostKeys object can be treated like a dict; any dict lookup is equivalent
+ to calling L{lookup}.
+ @since: 1.5.3
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename=None):
+ """
+ Create a new HostKeys object, optionally loading keys from an openssh
+ style host-key file.
+ @param filename: filename to load host keys from, or C{None}
+ @type filename: str
+ """
+ # emulate a dict of { hostname: { keytype: PKey } }
+ self._entries = []
+ if filename is not None:
+ self.load(filename)
+ def add(self, hostname, keytype, key):
+ """
+ Add a host key entry to the table. Any existing entry for a
+ C{(hostname, keytype)} pair will be replaced.
+ @param hostname: the hostname (or IP) to add
+ @type hostname: str
+ @param keytype: key type (C{"ssh-rsa"} or C{"ssh-dss"})
+ @type keytype: str
+ @param key: the key to add
+ @type key: L{PKey}
+ """
+ for e in self._entries:
+ if (hostname in e.hostnames) and (e.key.get_name() == keytype):
+ e.key = key
+ return
+ self._entries.append(HostKeyEntry([hostname], key))
+ def load(self, filename):
+ """
+ Read a file of known SSH host keys, in the format used by openssh.
+ This type of file unfortunately doesn't exist on Windows, but on
+ posix, it will usually be stored in
+ C{os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/known_hosts")}.
+ If this method is called multiple times, the host keys are merged,
+ not cleared. So multiple calls to C{load} will just call L{add},
+ replacing any existing entries and adding new ones.
+ @param filename: name of the file to read host keys from
+ @type filename: str
+ @raise IOError: if there was an error reading the file
+ """
+ f = open(filename, 'r')
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if (len(line) == 0) or (line[0] == '#'):
+ continue
+ e = HostKeyEntry.from_line(line)
+ if e is not None:
+ self._entries.append(e)
+ f.close()
+ def save(self, filename):
+ """
+ Save host keys into a file, in the format used by openssh. The order of
+ keys in the file will be preserved when possible (if these keys were
+ loaded from a file originally). The single exception is that combined
+ lines will be split into individual key lines, which is arguably a bug.
+ @param filename: name of the file to write
+ @type filename: str
+ @raise IOError: if there was an error writing the file
+ @since: 1.6.1
+ """
+ f = open(filename, 'w')
+ for e in self._entries:
+ line = e.to_line()
+ if line:
+ f.write(line)
+ f.close()
+ def lookup(self, hostname):
+ """
+ Find a hostkey entry for a given hostname or IP. If no entry is found,
+ C{None} is returned. Otherwise a dictionary of keytype to key is
+ returned. The keytype will be either C{"ssh-rsa"} or C{"ssh-dss"}.
+ @param hostname: the hostname (or IP) to lookup
+ @type hostname: str
+ @return: keys associated with this host (or C{None})
+ @rtype: dict(str, L{PKey})
+ """
+ class SubDict (UserDict.DictMixin):
+ def __init__(self, hostname, entries, hostkeys):
+ self._hostname = hostname
+ self._entries = entries
+ self._hostkeys = hostkeys
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ for e in self._entries:
+ if e.key.get_name() == key:
+ return e.key
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ def __setitem__(self, key, val):
+ for e in self._entries:
+ if e.key is None:
+ continue
+ if e.key.get_name() == key:
+ # replace
+ e.key = val
+ break
+ else:
+ # add a new one
+ e = HostKeyEntry([hostname], val)
+ self._entries.append(e)
+ self._hostkeys._entries.append(e)
+ def keys(self):
+ return [e.key.get_name() for e in self._entries if e.key is not None]
+ entries = []
+ for e in self._entries:
+ for h in e.hostnames:
+ if (h.startswith('|1|') and (self.hash_host(hostname, h) == h)) or (h == hostname):
+ entries.append(e)
+ if len(entries) == 0:
+ return None
+ return SubDict(hostname, entries, self)
+ def check(self, hostname, key):
+ """
+ Return True if the given key is associated with the given hostname
+ in this dictionary.
+ @param hostname: hostname (or IP) of the SSH server
+ @type hostname: str
+ @param key: the key to check
+ @type key: L{PKey}
+ @return: C{True} if the key is associated with the hostname; C{False}
+ if not
+ @rtype: bool
+ """
+ k = self.lookup(hostname)
+ if k is None:
+ return False
+ host_key = k.get(key.get_name(), None)
+ if host_key is None:
+ return False
+ return str(host_key) == str(key)
+ def clear(self):
+ """
+ Remove all host keys from the dictionary.
+ """
+ self._entries = []
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ ret = self.lookup(key)
+ if ret is None:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ return ret
+ def __setitem__(self, hostname, entry):
+ # don't use this please.
+ if len(entry) == 0:
+ self._entries.append(HostKeyEntry([hostname], None))
+ return
+ for key_type in entry.keys():
+ found = False
+ for e in self._entries:
+ if (hostname in e.hostnames) and (e.key.get_name() == key_type):
+ # replace
+ e.key = entry[key_type]
+ found = True
+ if not found:
+ self._entries.append(HostKeyEntry([hostname], entry[key_type]))
+ def keys(self):
+ # python 2.4 sets would be nice here.
+ ret = []
+ for e in self._entries:
+ for h in e.hostnames:
+ if h not in ret:
+ ret.append(h)
+ return ret
+ def values(self):
+ ret = []
+ for k in self.keys():
+ ret.append(self.lookup(k))
+ return ret
+ def hash_host(hostname, salt=None):
+ """
+ Return a "hashed" form of the hostname, as used by openssh when storing
+ hashed hostnames in the known_hosts file.
+ @param hostname: the hostname to hash
+ @type hostname: str
+ @param salt: optional salt to use when hashing (must be 20 bytes long)
+ @type salt: str
+ @return: the hashed hostname
+ @rtype: str
+ """
+ if salt is None:
+ salt = randpool.get_bytes(SHA.digest_size)
+ else:
+ if salt.startswith('|1|'):
+ salt = salt.split('|')[2]
+ salt = base64.decodestring(salt)
+ assert len(salt) == SHA.digest_size
+ hmac = HMAC.HMAC(salt, hostname, SHA).digest()
+ hostkey = '|1|%s|%s' % (base64.encodestring(salt), base64.encodestring(hmac))
+ return hostkey.replace('\n', '')
+ hash_host = staticmethod(hash_host)