path: root/paramiko/sftp_server.py
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authorJeremy T. Bouse <jbouse@debian.org>2009-11-27 16:20:09 -0500
committerJeremy T. Bouse <jbouse@debian.org>2009-11-27 16:20:09 -0500
commit176c6caf4ea7918e1698438634b237fab8456471 (patch)
tree6e2a8e5be1af2a6ec324fdbf99589aa099f1ec2a /paramiko/sftp_server.py
Imported Upstream version 1.5.2upstream/1.5.2
Diffstat (limited to 'paramiko/sftp_server.py')
1 files changed, 420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paramiko/sftp_server.py b/paramiko/sftp_server.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5905843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paramiko/sftp_server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Robey Pointer <robey@lag.net>
+# This file is part of paramiko.
+# Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# Paramiko is distrubuted in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+Server-mode SFTP support.
+import os
+import errno
+from Crypto.Hash import MD5, SHA
+from paramiko.common import *
+from paramiko.server import SubsystemHandler
+from paramiko.sftp import *
+from paramiko.sftp_si import *
+from paramiko.sftp_attr import *
+# known hash algorithms for the "check-file" extension
+_hash_class = {
+ 'sha1': SHA,
+ 'md5': MD5,
+class SFTPServer (BaseSFTP, SubsystemHandler):
+ """
+ Server-side SFTP subsystem support. Since this is a L{SubsystemHandler},
+ it can be (and is meant to be) set as the handler for C{"sftp"} requests.
+ Use L{Transport.set_subsystem_handler} to activate this class.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, channel, name, server, sftp_si=SFTPServerInterface, *largs, **kwargs):
+ """
+ The constructor for SFTPServer is meant to be called from within the
+ L{Transport} as a subsystem handler. C{server} and any additional
+ parameters or keyword parameters are passed from the original call to
+ L{Transport.set_subsystem_handler}.
+ @param channel: channel passed from the L{Transport}.
+ @type channel: L{Channel}
+ @param name: name of the requested subsystem.
+ @type name: str
+ @param server: the server object associated with this channel and
+ subsystem
+ @type server: L{ServerInterface}
+ @param sftp_si: a subclass of L{SFTPServerInterface} to use for handling
+ individual requests.
+ @type sftp_si: class
+ """
+ BaseSFTP.__init__(self)
+ SubsystemHandler.__init__(self, channel, name, server)
+ transport = channel.get_transport()
+ self.logger = util.get_logger(transport.get_log_channel() + '.' +
+ channel.get_name() + '.sftp')
+ self.ultra_debug = transport.get_hexdump()
+ self.next_handle = 1
+ # map of handle-string to SFTPHandle for files & folders:
+ self.file_table = { }
+ self.folder_table = { }
+ self.server = sftp_si(server, *largs, **kwargs)
+ def start_subsystem(self, name, transport, channel):
+ self.sock = channel
+ self._log(DEBUG, 'Started sftp server on channel %s' % repr(channel))
+ self._send_server_version()
+ self.server.session_started()
+ while True:
+ try:
+ t, data = self._read_packet()
+ except EOFError:
+ self._log(DEBUG, 'EOF -- end of session')
+ return
+ except Exception, e:
+ self._log(DEBUG, 'Exception on channel: ' + str(e))
+ self._log(DEBUG, util.tb_strings())
+ return
+ msg = Message(data)
+ request_number = msg.get_int()
+ self._process(t, request_number, msg)
+ def finish_subsystem(self):
+ self.server.session_ended()
+ # close any file handles that were left open (so we can return them to the OS quickly)
+ for f in self.file_table.itervalues():
+ f.close()
+ for f in self.folder_table.itervalues():
+ f.close()
+ self.file_table = {}
+ self.folder_table = {}
+ def convert_errno(e):
+ """
+ Convert an errno value (as from an C{OSError} or C{IOError}) into a
+ standard SFTP result code. This is a convenience function for trapping
+ exceptions in server code and returning an appropriate result.
+ @param e: an errno code, as from C{OSError.errno}.
+ @type e: int
+ @return: an SFTP error code like L{SFTP_NO_SUCH_FILE}.
+ @rtype: int
+ """
+ if e == errno.EACCES:
+ # permission denied
+ elif e == errno.ENOENT:
+ # no such file
+ else:
+ convert_errno = staticmethod(convert_errno)
+ def set_file_attr(filename, attr):
+ """
+ Change a file's attributes on the local filesystem. The contents of
+ C{attr} are used to change the permissions, owner, group ownership,
+ and/or modification & access time of the file, depending on which
+ attributes are present in C{attr}.
+ This is meant to be a handy helper function for translating SFTP file
+ requests into local file operations.
+ @param filename: name of the file to alter (should usually be an
+ absolute path).
+ @type filename: str
+ @param attr: attributes to change.
+ @type attr: L{SFTPAttributes}
+ """
+ if attr._flags & attr.FLAG_PERMISSIONS:
+ os.chmod(filename, attr.st_mode)
+ if attr._flags & attr.FLAG_UIDGID:
+ os.chown(filename, attr.st_uid, attr.st_gid)
+ if attr._flags & attr.FLAG_AMTIME:
+ os.utime(filename, (attr.st_atime, attr.st_mtime))
+ set_file_attr = staticmethod(set_file_attr)
+ ### internals...
+ def _response(self, request_number, t, *arg):
+ msg = Message()
+ msg.add_int(request_number)
+ for item in arg:
+ if type(item) is int:
+ msg.add_int(item)
+ elif type(item) is long:
+ msg.add_int64(item)
+ elif type(item) is str:
+ msg.add_string(item)
+ elif type(item) is SFTPAttributes:
+ item._pack(msg)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('unknown type for ' + repr(item) + ' type ' + repr(type(item)))
+ self._send_packet(t, str(msg))
+ def _send_handle_response(self, request_number, handle, folder=False):
+ if not issubclass(type(handle), SFTPHandle):
+ # must be error code
+ self._send_status(request_number, handle)
+ return
+ handle._set_name('hx%d' % self.next_handle)
+ self.next_handle += 1
+ if folder:
+ self.folder_table[handle._get_name()] = handle
+ else:
+ self.file_table[handle._get_name()] = handle
+ self._response(request_number, CMD_HANDLE, handle._get_name())
+ def _send_status(self, request_number, code, desc=None):
+ if desc is None:
+ desc = SFTP_DESC[code]
+ self._response(request_number, CMD_STATUS, code, desc)
+ def _open_folder(self, request_number, path):
+ resp = self.server.list_folder(path)
+ if issubclass(type(resp), list):
+ # got an actual list of filenames in the folder
+ folder = SFTPHandle()
+ folder._set_files(resp)
+ self._send_handle_response(request_number, folder, True)
+ return
+ # must be an error code
+ self._send_status(request_number, resp)
+ def _read_folder(self, request_number, folder):
+ flist = folder._get_next_files()
+ if len(flist) == 0:
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_EOF)
+ return
+ msg = Message()
+ msg.add_int(request_number)
+ msg.add_int(len(flist))
+ for attr in flist:
+ msg.add_string(attr.filename)
+ msg.add_string(str(attr))
+ attr._pack(msg)
+ self._send_packet(CMD_NAME, str(msg))
+ def _check_file(self, request_number, msg):
+ # this extension actually comes from v6 protocol, but since it's an
+ # extension, i feel like we can reasonably support it backported.
+ # it's very useful for verifying uploaded files or checking for
+ # rsync-like differences between local and remote files.
+ handle = msg.get_string()
+ alg_list = msg.get_list()
+ start = msg.get_int64()
+ length = msg.get_int64()
+ block_size = msg.get_int()
+ if not self.file_table.has_key(handle):
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_BAD_MESSAGE, 'Invalid handle')
+ return
+ f = self.file_table[handle]
+ for x in alg_list:
+ if x in _hash_class:
+ algname = x
+ alg = _hash_class[x]
+ break
+ else:
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_FAILURE, 'No supported hash types found')
+ return
+ if length == 0:
+ st = f.stat()
+ if not issubclass(type(st), SFTPAttributes):
+ self._send_status(request_number, st, 'Unable to stat file')
+ return
+ length = st.st_size - start
+ if block_size == 0:
+ block_size = length
+ if block_size < 256:
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_FAILURE, 'Block size too small')
+ return
+ sum = ''
+ offset = start
+ while offset < start + length:
+ blocklen = min(block_size, start + length - offset)
+ # don't try to read more than about 64KB at a time
+ chunklen = min(blocklen, 65536)
+ count = 0
+ hash = alg.new()
+ while count < blocklen:
+ data = f.read(offset, chunklen)
+ if not type(data) is str:
+ self._send_status(request_number, data, 'Unable to hash file')
+ return
+ hash.update(data)
+ count += len(data)
+ offset += count
+ sum += hash.digest()
+ msg = Message()
+ msg.add_int(request_number)
+ msg.add_string('check-file')
+ msg.add_string(algname)
+ msg.add_bytes(sum)
+ self._send_packet(CMD_EXTENDED_REPLY, str(msg))
+ def _convert_pflags(self, pflags):
+ "convert SFTP-style open() flags to python's os.open() flags"
+ if (pflags & SFTP_FLAG_READ) and (pflags & SFTP_FLAG_WRITE):
+ flags = os.O_RDWR
+ elif pflags & SFTP_FLAG_WRITE:
+ flags = os.O_WRONLY
+ else:
+ flags = os.O_RDONLY
+ if pflags & SFTP_FLAG_APPEND:
+ flags |= os.O_APPEND
+ if pflags & SFTP_FLAG_CREATE:
+ flags |= os.O_CREAT
+ if pflags & SFTP_FLAG_TRUNC:
+ flags |= os.O_TRUNC
+ if pflags & SFTP_FLAG_EXCL:
+ flags |= os.O_EXCL
+ return flags
+ def _process(self, t, request_number, msg):
+ self._log(DEBUG, 'Request: %s' % CMD_NAMES[t])
+ if t == CMD_OPEN:
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ flags = self._convert_pflags(msg.get_int())
+ attr = SFTPAttributes._from_msg(msg)
+ self._send_handle_response(request_number, self.server.open(path, flags, attr))
+ elif t == CMD_CLOSE:
+ handle = msg.get_string()
+ if self.folder_table.has_key(handle):
+ del self.folder_table[handle]
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_OK)
+ return
+ if self.file_table.has_key(handle):
+ self.file_table[handle].close()
+ del self.file_table[handle]
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_OK)
+ return
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_BAD_MESSAGE, 'Invalid handle')
+ elif t == CMD_READ:
+ handle = msg.get_string()
+ offset = msg.get_int64()
+ length = msg.get_int()
+ if not self.file_table.has_key(handle):
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_BAD_MESSAGE, 'Invalid handle')
+ return
+ data = self.file_table[handle].read(offset, length)
+ if type(data) is str:
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_EOF)
+ else:
+ self._response(request_number, CMD_DATA, data)
+ else:
+ self._send_status(request_number, data)
+ elif t == CMD_WRITE:
+ handle = msg.get_string()
+ offset = msg.get_int64()
+ data = msg.get_string()
+ if not self.file_table.has_key(handle):
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_BAD_MESSAGE, 'Invalid handle')
+ return
+ self._send_status(request_number, self.file_table[handle].write(offset, data))
+ elif t == CMD_REMOVE:
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ self._send_status(request_number, self.server.remove(path))
+ elif t == CMD_RENAME:
+ oldpath = msg.get_string()
+ newpath = msg.get_string()
+ self._send_status(request_number, self.server.rename(oldpath, newpath))
+ elif t == CMD_MKDIR:
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ attr = SFTPAttributes._from_msg(msg)
+ self._send_status(request_number, self.server.mkdir(path, attr))
+ elif t == CMD_RMDIR:
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ self._send_status(request_number, self.server.rmdir(path))
+ elif t == CMD_OPENDIR:
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ self._open_folder(request_number, path)
+ return
+ elif t == CMD_READDIR:
+ handle = msg.get_string()
+ if not self.folder_table.has_key(handle):
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_BAD_MESSAGE, 'Invalid handle')
+ return
+ folder = self.folder_table[handle]
+ self._read_folder(request_number, folder)
+ elif t == CMD_STAT:
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ resp = self.server.stat(path)
+ if issubclass(type(resp), SFTPAttributes):
+ self._response(request_number, CMD_ATTRS, resp)
+ else:
+ self._send_status(request_number, resp)
+ elif t == CMD_LSTAT:
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ resp = self.server.lstat(path)
+ if issubclass(type(resp), SFTPAttributes):
+ self._response(request_number, CMD_ATTRS, resp)
+ else:
+ self._send_status(request_number, resp)
+ elif t == CMD_FSTAT:
+ handle = msg.get_string()
+ if not self.file_table.has_key(handle):
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_BAD_MESSAGE, 'Invalid handle')
+ return
+ resp = self.file_table[handle].stat()
+ if issubclass(type(resp), SFTPAttributes):
+ self._response(request_number, CMD_ATTRS, resp)
+ else:
+ self._send_status(request_number, resp)
+ elif t == CMD_SETSTAT:
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ attr = SFTPAttributes._from_msg(msg)
+ self._send_status(request_number, self.server.chattr(path, attr))
+ elif t == CMD_FSETSTAT:
+ handle = msg.get_string()
+ attr = SFTPAttributes._from_msg(msg)
+ if not self.file_table.has_key(handle):
+ self._response(request_number, SFTP_BAD_MESSAGE, 'Invalid handle')
+ return
+ self._send_status(request_number, self.file_table[handle].chattr(attr))
+ elif t == CMD_READLINK:
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ resp = self.server.readlink(path)
+ if type(resp) is str:
+ self._response(request_number, CMD_NAME, 1, resp, '', SFTPAttributes())
+ else:
+ self._send_status(request_number, resp)
+ elif t == CMD_SYMLINK:
+ # the sftp 2 draft is incorrect here! path always follows target_path
+ target_path = msg.get_string()
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ self._send_status(request_number, self.server.symlink(target_path, path))
+ elif t == CMD_REALPATH:
+ path = msg.get_string()
+ rpath = self.server.canonicalize(path)
+ self._response(request_number, CMD_NAME, 1, rpath, '', SFTPAttributes())
+ elif t == CMD_EXTENDED:
+ tag = msg.get_string()
+ if tag == 'check-file':
+ self._check_file(request_number, msg)
+ else:
+ send._send_status(request_number, SFTP_OP_UNSUPPORTED)
+ else:
+ self._send_status(request_number, SFTP_OP_UNSUPPORTED)
+from paramiko.sftp_handle import SFTPHandle