path: root/paramiko/
diff options
authorJeremy T. Bouse <>2009-11-27 16:20:09 -0500
committerJeremy T. Bouse <>2009-11-27 16:20:09 -0500
commit176c6caf4ea7918e1698438634b237fab8456471 (patch)
tree6e2a8e5be1af2a6ec324fdbf99589aa099f1ec2a /paramiko/
Imported Upstream version 1.5.2upstream/1.5.2
Diffstat (limited to 'paramiko/')
1 files changed, 618 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paramiko/ b/paramiko/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fe89e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paramiko/
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Robey Pointer <>
+# This file is part of paramiko.
+# Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# Paramiko is distrubuted in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+Client-mode SFTP support.
+import errno
+import os
+import threading
+import weakref
+from paramiko.sftp import *
+from paramiko.sftp_attr import SFTPAttributes
+from paramiko.sftp_file import SFTPFile
+def _to_unicode(s):
+ "if a str is not ascii, decode its utf8 into unicode"
+ try:
+ return s.encode('ascii')
+ except:
+ return s.decode('utf-8')
+class SFTPClient (BaseSFTP):
+ """
+ SFTP client object. C{SFTPClient} is used to open an sftp session across
+ an open ssh L{Transport} and do remote file operations.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sock):
+ """
+ Create an SFTP client from an existing L{Channel}. The channel
+ should already have requested the C{"sftp"} subsystem.
+ An alternate way to create an SFTP client context is by using
+ L{from_transport}.
+ @param sock: an open L{Channel} using the C{"sftp"} subsystem.
+ @type sock: L{Channel}
+ """
+ BaseSFTP.__init__(self)
+ self.sock = sock
+ self.ultra_debug = False
+ self.request_number = 1
+ # lock for request_number
+ self._lock = threading.Lock()
+ self._cwd = None
+ # request # -> SFTPFile
+ self._expecting = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
+ if type(sock) is Channel:
+ # override default logger
+ transport = self.sock.get_transport()
+ self.logger = util.get_logger(transport.get_log_channel() + '.' +
+ self.sock.get_name() + '.sftp')
+ self.ultra_debug = transport.get_hexdump()
+ self._send_version()
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.close()
+ def from_transport(selfclass, t):
+ """
+ Create an SFTP client channel from an open L{Transport}.
+ @param t: an open L{Transport} which is already authenticated.
+ @type t: L{Transport}
+ @return: a new L{SFTPClient} object, referring to an sftp session
+ (channel) across the transport.
+ @rtype: L{SFTPClient}
+ """
+ chan = t.open_session()
+ if chan is None:
+ return None
+ if not chan.invoke_subsystem('sftp'):
+ raise SFTPError('Failed to invoke sftp subsystem')
+ return selfclass(chan)
+ from_transport = classmethod(from_transport)
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Close the SFTP session and its underlying channel.
+ @since: 1.4
+ """
+ self.sock.close()
+ def listdir(self, path='.'):
+ """
+ Return a list containing the names of the entries in the given C{path}.
+ The list is in arbitrary order. It does not include the special
+ entries C{'.'} and C{'..'} even if they are present in the folder.
+ This method is meant to mirror C{os.listdir} as closely as possible.
+ For a list of full L{SFTPAttributes} objects, see L{listdir_attr}.
+ @param path: path to list (defaults to C{'.'})
+ @type path: str
+ @return: list of filenames
+ @rtype: list of str
+ """
+ return [f.filename for f in self.listdir_attr(path)]
+ def listdir_attr(self, path='.'):
+ """
+ Return a list containing L{SFTPAttributes} objects corresponding to
+ files in the given C{path}. The list is in arbitrary order. It does
+ not include the special entries C{'.'} and C{'..'} even if they are
+ present in the folder.
+ @param path: path to list (defaults to C{'.'})
+ @type path: str
+ @return: list of attributes
+ @rtype: list of L{SFTPAttributes}
+ @since: 1.2
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ t, msg = self._request(CMD_OPENDIR, path)
+ if t != CMD_HANDLE:
+ raise SFTPError('Expected handle')
+ handle = msg.get_string()
+ filelist = []
+ while True:
+ try:
+ t, msg = self._request(CMD_READDIR, handle)
+ except EOFError, e:
+ # done with handle
+ break
+ if t != CMD_NAME:
+ raise SFTPError('Expected name response')
+ count = msg.get_int()
+ for i in range(count):
+ filename = _to_unicode(msg.get_string())
+ longname = _to_unicode(msg.get_string())
+ attr = SFTPAttributes._from_msg(msg, filename)
+ if (filename != '.') and (filename != '..'):
+ filelist.append(attr)
+ self._request(CMD_CLOSE, handle)
+ return filelist
+ def file(self, filename, mode='r', bufsize=-1):
+ """
+ Open a file on the remote server. The arguments are the same as for
+ python's built-in C{file} (aka C{open}). A file-like object is
+ returned, which closely mimics the behavior of a normal python file
+ object.
+ The mode indicates how the file is to be opened: C{'r'} for reading,
+ C{'w'} for writing (truncating an existing file), C{'a'} for appending,
+ C{'r+'} for reading/writing, C{'w+'} for reading/writing (truncating an
+ existing file), C{'a+'} for reading/appending. The python C{'b'} flag
+ is ignored, since SSH treats all files as binary. The C{'U'} flag is
+ supported in a compatible way.
+ Since 1.5.2, an C{'x'} flag indicates that the operation should only
+ succeed if the file was created and did not previously exist. This has
+ no direct mapping to python's file flags, but is commonly known as the
+ C{O_EXCL} flag in posix.
+ The file will be buffered in standard python style by default, but
+ can be altered with the C{bufsize} parameter. C{0} turns off
+ buffering, C{1} uses line buffering, and any number greater than 1
+ (C{>1}) uses that specific buffer size.
+ @param filename: name of the file to open.
+ @type filename: string
+ @param mode: mode (python-style) to open in.
+ @type mode: string
+ @param bufsize: desired buffering (-1 = default buffer size)
+ @type bufsize: int
+ @return: a file object representing the open file.
+ @rtype: SFTPFile
+ @raise IOError: if the file could not be opened.
+ """
+ filename = self._adjust_cwd(filename)
+ imode = 0
+ if ('r' in mode) or ('+' in mode):
+ imode |= SFTP_FLAG_READ
+ if ('w' in mode) or ('+' in mode) or ('a' in mode):
+ imode |= SFTP_FLAG_WRITE
+ if ('w' in mode):
+ if ('a' in mode):
+ if ('x' in mode):
+ attrblock = SFTPAttributes()
+ t, msg = self._request(CMD_OPEN, filename, imode, attrblock)
+ if t != CMD_HANDLE:
+ raise SFTPError('Expected handle')
+ handle = msg.get_string()
+ return SFTPFile(self, handle, mode, bufsize)
+ # python has migrated toward file() instead of open().
+ # and really, that's more easily identifiable.
+ open = file
+ def remove(self, path):
+ """
+ Remove the file at the given path.
+ @param path: path (absolute or relative) of the file to remove.
+ @type path: string
+ @raise IOError: if the path refers to a folder (directory). Use
+ L{rmdir} to remove a folder.
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ self._request(CMD_REMOVE, path)
+ unlink = remove
+ def rename(self, oldpath, newpath):
+ """
+ Rename a file or folder from C{oldpath} to C{newpath}.
+ @param oldpath: existing name of the file or folder.
+ @type oldpath: string
+ @param newpath: new name for the file or folder.
+ @type newpath: string
+ @raise IOError: if C{newpath} is a folder, or something else goes
+ wrong.
+ """
+ oldpath = self._adjust_cwd(oldpath)
+ newpath = self._adjust_cwd(newpath)
+ self._request(CMD_RENAME, oldpath, newpath)
+ def mkdir(self, path, mode=0777):
+ """
+ Create a folder (directory) named C{path} with numeric mode C{mode}.
+ The default mode is 0777 (octal). On some systems, mode is ignored.
+ Where it is used, the current umask value is first masked out.
+ @param path: name of the folder to create.
+ @type path: string
+ @param mode: permissions (posix-style) for the newly-created folder.
+ @type mode: int
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ attr = SFTPAttributes()
+ attr.st_mode = mode
+ self._request(CMD_MKDIR, path, attr)
+ def rmdir(self, path):
+ """
+ Remove the folder named C{path}.
+ @param path: name of the folder to remove.
+ @type path: string
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ self._request(CMD_RMDIR, path)
+ def stat(self, path):
+ """
+ Retrieve information about a file on the remote system. The return
+ value is an object whose attributes correspond to the attributes of
+ python's C{stat} structure as returned by C{os.stat}, except that it
+ contains fewer fields. An SFTP server may return as much or as little
+ info as it wants, so the results may vary from server to server.
+ Unlike a python C{stat} object, the result may not be accessed as a
+ tuple. This is mostly due to the author's slack factor.
+ The fields supported are: C{st_mode}, C{st_size}, C{st_uid}, C{st_gid},
+ C{st_atime}, and C{st_mtime}.
+ @param path: the filename to stat.
+ @type path: string
+ @return: an object containing attributes about the given file.
+ @rtype: SFTPAttributes
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ t, msg = self._request(CMD_STAT, path)
+ if t != CMD_ATTRS:
+ raise SFTPError('Expected attributes')
+ return SFTPAttributes._from_msg(msg)
+ def lstat(self, path):
+ """
+ Retrieve information about a file on the remote system, without
+ following symbolic links (shortcuts). This otherwise behaves exactly
+ the same as L{stat}.
+ @param path: the filename to stat.
+ @type path: string
+ @return: an object containing attributes about the given file.
+ @rtype: SFTPAttributes
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ t, msg = self._request(CMD_LSTAT, path)
+ if t != CMD_ATTRS:
+ raise SFTPError('Expected attributes')
+ return SFTPAttributes._from_msg(msg)
+ def symlink(self, source, dest):
+ """
+ Create a symbolic link (shortcut) of the C{source} path at
+ C{destination}.
+ @param source: path of the original file.
+ @type source: string
+ @param dest: path of the newly created symlink.
+ @type dest: string
+ """
+ dest = self._adjust_cwd(dest)
+ if type(source) is unicode:
+ source = source.encode('utf-8')
+ self._request(CMD_SYMLINK, source, dest)
+ def chmod(self, path, mode):
+ """
+ Change the mode (permissions) of a file. The permissions are
+ unix-style and identical to those used by python's C{os.chmod}
+ function.
+ @param path: path of the file to change the permissions of.
+ @type path: string
+ @param mode: new permissions.
+ @type mode: int
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ attr = SFTPAttributes()
+ attr.st_mode = mode
+ self._request(CMD_SETSTAT, path, attr)
+ def chown(self, path, uid, gid):
+ """
+ Change the owner (C{uid}) and group (C{gid}) of a file. As with
+ python's C{os.chown} function, you must pass both arguments, so if you
+ only want to change one, use L{stat} first to retrieve the current
+ owner and group.
+ @param path: path of the file to change the owner and group of.
+ @type path: string
+ @param uid: new owner's uid
+ @type uid: int
+ @param gid: new group id
+ @type gid: int
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ attr = SFTPAttributes()
+ attr.st_uid, attr.st_gid = uid, gid
+ self._request(CMD_SETSTAT, path, attr)
+ def utime(self, path, times):
+ """
+ Set the access and modified times of the file specified by C{path}. If
+ C{times} is C{None}, then the file's access and modified times are set
+ to the current time. Otherwise, C{times} must be a 2-tuple of numbers,
+ of the form C{(atime, mtime)}, which is used to set the access and
+ modified times, respectively. This bizarre API is mimicked from python
+ for the sake of consistency -- I apologize.
+ @param path: path of the file to modify.
+ @type path: string
+ @param times: C{None} or a tuple of (access time, modified time) in
+ standard internet epoch time (seconds since 01 January 1970 GMT).
+ @type times: tuple of int
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ if times is None:
+ times = (time.time(), time.time())
+ attr = SFTPAttributes()
+ attr.st_atime, attr.st_mtime = times
+ self._request(CMD_SETSTAT, path, attr)
+ def readlink(self, path):
+ """
+ Return the target of a symbolic link (shortcut). You can use
+ L{symlink} to create these. The result may be either an absolute or
+ relative pathname.
+ @param path: path of the symbolic link file.
+ @type path: str
+ @return: target path.
+ @rtype: str
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ t, msg = self._request(CMD_READLINK, path)
+ if t != CMD_NAME:
+ raise SFTPError('Expected name response')
+ count = msg.get_int()
+ if count == 0:
+ return None
+ if count != 1:
+ raise SFTPError('Readlink returned %d results' % count)
+ return _to_unicode(msg.get_string())
+ def normalize(self, path):
+ """
+ Return the normalized path (on the server) of a given path. This
+ can be used to quickly resolve symbolic links or determine what the
+ server is considering to be the "current folder" (by passing C{'.'}
+ as C{path}).
+ @param path: path to be normalized.
+ @type path: str
+ @return: normalized form of the given path.
+ @rtype: str
+ @raise IOError: if the path can't be resolved on the server
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ t, msg = self._request(CMD_REALPATH, path)
+ if t != CMD_NAME:
+ raise SFTPError('Expected name response')
+ count = msg.get_int()
+ if count != 1:
+ raise SFTPError('Realpath returned %d results' % count)
+ return _to_unicode(msg.get_string())
+ def chdir(self, path):
+ """
+ Change the "current directory" of this SFTP session. Since SFTP
+ doesn't really have the concept of a current working directory, this
+ is emulated by paramiko. Once you use this method to set a working
+ directory, all operations on this SFTPClient object will be relative
+ to that path.
+ @param path: new current working directory
+ @type path: str
+ @raise IOError: if the requested path doesn't exist on the server
+ @since: 1.4
+ """
+ self._cwd = self.normalize(path)
+ def getcwd(self):
+ """
+ Return the "current working directory" for this SFTP session, as
+ emulated by paramiko. If no directory has been set with L{chdir},
+ this method will return C{None}.
+ @return: the current working directory on the server, or C{None}
+ @rtype: str
+ @since: 1.4
+ """
+ return self._cwd
+ def put(self, localpath, remotepath):
+ """
+ Copy a local file (C{localpath}) to the SFTP server as C{remotepath}.
+ Any exception raised by operations will be passed through. This
+ method is primarily provided as a convenience.
+ The SFTP operations use pipelining for speed.
+ @param localpath: the local file to copy
+ @type localpath: str
+ @param remotepath: the destination path on the SFTP server
+ @type remotepath: str
+ @since: 1.4
+ """
+ fl = file(localpath, 'rb')
+ fr = self.file(remotepath, 'wb')
+ fr.set_pipelined(True)
+ size = 0
+ while True:
+ data =
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ break
+ fr.write(data)
+ size += len(data)
+ fl.close()
+ fr.close()
+ s = self.stat(remotepath)
+ if s.st_size != size:
+ raise IOError('size mismatch in put! %d != %d' % (s.st_size, size))
+ def get(self, remotepath, localpath):
+ """
+ Copy a remote file (C{remotepath}) from the SFTP server to the local
+ host as C{localpath}. Any exception raised by operations will be
+ passed through. This method is primarily provided as a convenience.
+ @param remotepath: the remote file to copy
+ @type remotepath: str
+ @param localpath: the destination path on the local host
+ @type localpath: str
+ @since: 1.4
+ """
+ fr = self.file(remotepath, 'rb')
+ fr.prefetch()
+ fl = file(localpath, 'wb')
+ size = 0
+ while True:
+ data =
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ break
+ fl.write(data)
+ size += len(data)
+ fl.close()
+ fr.close()
+ s = os.stat(localpath)
+ if s.st_size != size:
+ raise IOError('size mismatch in get! %d != %d' % (s.st_size, size))
+ ### internals...
+ def _request(self, t, *arg):
+ num = self._async_request(type(None), t, *arg)
+ return self._read_response(num)
+ def _async_request(self, fileobj, t, *arg):
+ # this method may be called from other threads (prefetch)
+ self._lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ msg = Message()
+ msg.add_int(self.request_number)
+ for item in arg:
+ if type(item) is int:
+ msg.add_int(item)
+ elif type(item) is long:
+ msg.add_int64(item)
+ elif type(item) is str:
+ msg.add_string(item)
+ elif type(item) is SFTPAttributes:
+ item._pack(msg)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('unknown type for %r type %r' % (item, type(item)))
+ num = self.request_number
+ self._expecting[num] = fileobj
+ self._send_packet(t, str(msg))
+ self.request_number += 1
+ finally:
+ self._lock.release()
+ return num
+ def _read_response(self, waitfor=None):
+ while True:
+ t, data = self._read_packet()
+ msg = Message(data)
+ num = msg.get_int()
+ if num not in self._expecting:
+ # might be response for a file that was closed before responses came back
+ self._log(DEBUG, 'Unexpected response #%d' % (num,))
+ if waitfor is None:
+ # just doing a single check
+ return
+ continue
+ fileobj = self._expecting[num]
+ del self._expecting[num]
+ if num == waitfor:
+ # synchronous
+ if t == CMD_STATUS:
+ self._convert_status(msg)
+ return t, msg
+ if fileobj is not type(None):
+ fileobj._async_response(t, msg)
+ if waitfor is None:
+ # just doing a single check
+ return
+ def _finish_responses(self, fileobj):
+ while fileobj in self._expecting.values():
+ self._read_response()
+ fileobj._check_exception()
+ def _convert_status(self, msg):
+ """
+ Raises EOFError or IOError on error status; otherwise does nothing.
+ """
+ code = msg.get_int()
+ text = msg.get_string()
+ if code == SFTP_OK:
+ return
+ elif code == SFTP_EOF:
+ raise EOFError(text)
+ elif code == SFTP_NO_SUCH_FILE:
+ # clever idea from john a. meinel: map the error codes to errno
+ raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, text)
+ raise IOError(errno.EACCES, text)
+ else:
+ raise IOError(text)
+ def _adjust_cwd(self, path):
+ """
+ Return an adjusted path if we're emulating a "current working
+ directory" for the server.
+ """
+ if type(path) is unicode:
+ path = path.encode('utf-8')
+ if self._cwd is None:
+ return path
+ if (len(path) > 0) and (path[0] == '/'):
+ # absolute path
+ return path
+ return self._cwd + '/' + path
+class SFTP (SFTPClient):
+ "an alias for L{SFTPClient} for backwards compatability"
+ pass