""" Models and managers for tagging. """ from django.db import models from django.db import connection from django.utils.encoding import smart_text from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey from tagging import settings from tagging.utils import LOGARITHMIC from tagging.utils import get_tag_list from tagging.utils import calculate_cloud from tagging.utils import parse_tag_input from tagging.utils import get_queryset_and_model qn = connection.ops.quote_name ############ # Managers # ############ class TagManager(models.Manager): def update_tags(self, obj, tag_names): """ Update tags associated with an object. """ ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) current_tags = list(self.filter(items__content_type__pk=ctype.pk, items__object_id=obj.pk)) updated_tag_names = parse_tag_input(tag_names) if settings.FORCE_LOWERCASE_TAGS: updated_tag_names = [t.lower() for t in updated_tag_names] # Remove tags which no longer apply tags_for_removal = [tag for tag in current_tags if tag.name not in updated_tag_names] if len(tags_for_removal): TaggedItem._default_manager.filter( content_type__pk=ctype.pk, object_id=obj.pk, tag__in=tags_for_removal).delete() # Add new tags current_tag_names = [tag.name for tag in current_tags] for tag_name in updated_tag_names: if tag_name not in current_tag_names: tag, created = self.get_or_create(name=tag_name) TaggedItem._default_manager.create(tag=tag, object=obj) def add_tag(self, obj, tag_name): """ Associates the given object with a tag. """ tag_names = parse_tag_input(tag_name) if not len(tag_names): raise AttributeError( _('No tags were given: "%s".') % tag_name) if len(tag_names) > 1: raise AttributeError( _('Multiple tags were given: "%s".') % tag_name) tag_name = tag_names[0] if settings.FORCE_LOWERCASE_TAGS: tag_name = tag_name.lower() tag, created = self.get_or_create(name=tag_name) ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) TaggedItem._default_manager.get_or_create( tag=tag, content_type=ctype, object_id=obj.pk) def get_for_object(self, obj): """ Create a queryset matching all tags associated with the given object. """ ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) return self.filter(items__content_type__pk=ctype.pk, items__object_id=obj.pk) def _get_usage(self, model, counts=False, min_count=None, extra_joins=None, extra_criteria=None, params=None): """ Perform the custom SQL query for ``usage_for_model`` and ``usage_for_queryset``. """ if min_count is not None: counts = True model_table = qn(model._meta.db_table) model_pk = '%s.%s' % (model_table, qn(model._meta.pk.column)) query = """ SELECT DISTINCT %(tag)s.id, %(tag)s.name%(count_sql)s FROM %(tag)s INNER JOIN %(tagged_item)s ON %(tag)s.id = %(tagged_item)s.tag_id INNER JOIN %(model)s ON %(tagged_item)s.object_id = %(model_pk)s %%s WHERE %(tagged_item)s.content_type_id = %(content_type_id)s %%s GROUP BY %(tag)s.id, %(tag)s.name %%s ORDER BY %(tag)s.name ASC""" % { 'tag': qn(self.model._meta.db_table), 'count_sql': counts and (', COUNT(%s)' % model_pk) or '', 'tagged_item': qn(TaggedItem._meta.db_table), 'model': model_table, 'model_pk': model_pk, 'content_type_id': ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model).pk, } min_count_sql = '' if min_count is not None: min_count_sql = 'HAVING COUNT(%s) >= %%s' % model_pk params.append(min_count) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query % (extra_joins, extra_criteria, min_count_sql), params) tags = [] for row in cursor.fetchall(): t = self.model(*row[:2]) if counts: t.count = row[2] tags.append(t) return tags def usage_for_model(self, model, counts=False, min_count=None, filters=None): """ Obtain a list of tags associated with instances of the given Model class. If ``counts`` is True, a ``count`` attribute will be added to each tag, indicating how many times it has been used against the Model class in question. If ``min_count`` is given, only tags which have a ``count`` greater than or equal to ``min_count`` will be returned. Passing a value for ``min_count`` implies ``counts=True``. To limit the tags (and counts, if specified) returned to those used by a subset of the Model's instances, pass a dictionary of field lookups to be applied to the given Model as the ``filters`` argument. """ if filters is None: filters = {} queryset = model._default_manager.filter() for f in filters.items(): queryset.query.add_filter(f) usage = self.usage_for_queryset(queryset, counts, min_count) return usage def usage_for_queryset(self, queryset, counts=False, min_count=None): """ Obtain a list of tags associated with instances of a model contained in the given queryset. If ``counts`` is True, a ``count`` attribute will be added to each tag, indicating how many times it has been used against the Model class in question. If ``min_count`` is given, only tags which have a ``count`` greater than or equal to ``min_count`` will be returned. Passing a value for ``min_count`` implies ``counts=True``. """ compiler = queryset.query.get_compiler(using=queryset.db) where, params = compiler.compile(queryset.query.where) extra_joins = ' '.join(compiler.get_from_clause()[0][1:]) if where: extra_criteria = 'AND %s' % where else: extra_criteria = '' return self._get_usage(queryset.model, counts, min_count, extra_joins, extra_criteria, params) def related_for_model(self, tags, model, counts=False, min_count=None): """ Obtain a list of tags related to a given list of tags - that is, other tags used by items which have all the given tags. If ``counts`` is True, a ``count`` attribute will be added to each tag, indicating the number of items which have it in addition to the given list of tags. If ``min_count`` is given, only tags which have a ``count`` greater than or equal to ``min_count`` will be returned. Passing a value for ``min_count`` implies ``counts=True``. """ if min_count is not None: counts = True tags = get_tag_list(tags) tag_count = len(tags) tagged_item_table = qn(TaggedItem._meta.db_table) query = """ SELECT %(tag)s.id, %(tag)s.name%(count_sql)s FROM %(tagged_item)s INNER JOIN %(tag)s ON %(tagged_item)s.tag_id = %(tag)s.id WHERE %(tagged_item)s.content_type_id = %(content_type_id)s AND %(tagged_item)s.object_id IN ( SELECT %(tagged_item)s.object_id FROM %(tagged_item)s, %(tag)s WHERE %(tagged_item)s.content_type_id = %(content_type_id)s AND %(tag)s.id = %(tagged_item)s.tag_id AND %(tag)s.id IN (%(tag_id_placeholders)s) GROUP BY %(tagged_item)s.object_id HAVING COUNT(%(tagged_item)s.object_id) = %(tag_count)s ) AND %(tag)s.id NOT IN (%(tag_id_placeholders)s) GROUP BY %(tag)s.id, %(tag)s.name %(min_count_sql)s ORDER BY %(tag)s.name ASC""" % { 'tag': qn(self.model._meta.db_table), 'count_sql': counts and ', COUNT(%s.object_id)' % tagged_item_table or '', 'tagged_item': tagged_item_table, 'content_type_id': ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model).pk, 'tag_id_placeholders': ','.join(['%s'] * tag_count), 'tag_count': tag_count, 'min_count_sql': min_count is not None and ( 'HAVING COUNT(%s.object_id) >= %%s' % tagged_item_table) or '', } params = [tag.pk for tag in tags] * 2 if min_count is not None: params.append(min_count) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, params) related = [] for row in cursor.fetchall(): tag = self.model(*row[:2]) if counts is True: tag.count = row[2] related.append(tag) return related def cloud_for_model(self, model, steps=4, distribution=LOGARITHMIC, filters=None, min_count=None): """ Obtain a list of tags associated with instances of the given Model, giving each tag a ``count`` attribute indicating how many times it has been used and a ``font_size`` attribute for use in displaying a tag cloud. ``steps`` defines the range of font sizes - ``font_size`` will be an integer between 1 and ``steps`` (inclusive). ``distribution`` defines the type of font size distribution algorithm which will be used - logarithmic or linear. It must be either ``tagging.utils.LOGARITHMIC`` or ``tagging.utils.LINEAR``. To limit the tags displayed in the cloud to those associated with a subset of the Model's instances, pass a dictionary of field lookups to be applied to the given Model as the ``filters`` argument. To limit the tags displayed in the cloud to those with a ``count`` greater than or equal to ``min_count``, pass a value for the ``min_count`` argument. """ tags = list(self.usage_for_model(model, counts=True, filters=filters, min_count=min_count)) return calculate_cloud(tags, steps, distribution) class TaggedItemManager(models.Manager): """ FIXME There's currently no way to get the ``GROUP BY`` and ``HAVING`` SQL clauses required by many of this manager's methods into Django's ORM. For now, we manually execute a query to retrieve the PKs of objects we're interested in, then use the ORM's ``__in`` lookup to return a ``QuerySet``. Now that the queryset-refactor branch is in the trunk, this can be tidied up significantly. """ def get_by_model(self, queryset_or_model, tags): """ Create a ``QuerySet`` containing instances of the specified model associated with a given tag or list of tags. """ tags = get_tag_list(tags) tag_count = len(tags) if tag_count == 0: # No existing tags were given queryset, model = get_queryset_and_model(queryset_or_model) return model._default_manager.none() elif tag_count == 1: # Optimisation for single tag - fall through to the simpler # query below. tag = tags[0] else: return self.get_intersection_by_model(queryset_or_model, tags) queryset, model = get_queryset_and_model(queryset_or_model) content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model) opts = self.model._meta tagged_item_table = qn(opts.db_table) return queryset.extra( tables=[opts.db_table], where=[ '%s.content_type_id = %%s' % tagged_item_table, '%s.tag_id = %%s' % tagged_item_table, '%s.%s = %s.object_id' % (qn(model._meta.db_table), qn(model._meta.pk.column), tagged_item_table) ], params=[content_type.pk, tag.pk], ) def get_intersection_by_model(self, queryset_or_model, tags): """ Create a ``QuerySet`` containing instances of the specified model associated with *all* of the given list of tags. """ tags = get_tag_list(tags) tag_count = len(tags) queryset, model = get_queryset_and_model(queryset_or_model) if not tag_count: return model._default_manager.none() model_table = qn(model._meta.db_table) # This query selects the ids of all objects which have all the # given tags. query = """ SELECT %(model_pk)s FROM %(model)s, %(tagged_item)s WHERE %(tagged_item)s.content_type_id = %(content_type_id)s AND %(tagged_item)s.tag_id IN (%(tag_id_placeholders)s) AND %(model_pk)s = %(tagged_item)s.object_id GROUP BY %(model_pk)s HAVING COUNT(%(model_pk)s) = %(tag_count)s""" % { 'model_pk': '%s.%s' % (model_table, qn(model._meta.pk.column)), 'model': model_table, 'tagged_item': qn(self.model._meta.db_table), 'content_type_id': ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model).pk, 'tag_id_placeholders': ','.join(['%s'] * tag_count), 'tag_count': tag_count, } cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, [tag.pk for tag in tags]) object_ids = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] if len(object_ids) > 0: return queryset.filter(pk__in=object_ids) else: return model._default_manager.none() def get_union_by_model(self, queryset_or_model, tags): """ Create a ``QuerySet`` containing instances of the specified model associated with *any* of the given list of tags. """ tags = get_tag_list(tags) tag_count = len(tags) queryset, model = get_queryset_and_model(queryset_or_model) if not tag_count: return model._default_manager.none() model_table = qn(model._meta.db_table) # This query selects the ids of all objects which have any of # the given tags. query = """ SELECT %(model_pk)s FROM %(model)s, %(tagged_item)s WHERE %(tagged_item)s.content_type_id = %(content_type_id)s AND %(tagged_item)s.tag_id IN (%(tag_id_placeholders)s) AND %(model_pk)s = %(tagged_item)s.object_id GROUP BY %(model_pk)s""" % { 'model_pk': '%s.%s' % (model_table, qn(model._meta.pk.column)), 'model': model_table, 'tagged_item': qn(self.model._meta.db_table), 'content_type_id': ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model).pk, 'tag_id_placeholders': ','.join(['%s'] * tag_count), } cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, [tag.pk for tag in tags]) object_ids = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] if len(object_ids) > 0: return queryset.filter(pk__in=object_ids) else: return model._default_manager.none() def get_related(self, obj, queryset_or_model, num=None): """ Retrieve a list of instances of the specified model which share tags with the model instance ``obj``, ordered by the number of shared tags in descending order. If ``num`` is given, a maximum of ``num`` instances will be returned. """ queryset, model = get_queryset_and_model(queryset_or_model) model_table = qn(model._meta.db_table) content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) related_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model) query = """ SELECT %(model_pk)s, COUNT(related_tagged_item.object_id) AS %(count)s FROM %(model)s, %(tagged_item)s, %(tag)s, %(tagged_item)s related_tagged_item WHERE %(tagged_item)s.object_id = %%s AND %(tagged_item)s.content_type_id = %(content_type_id)s AND %(tag)s.id = %(tagged_item)s.tag_id AND related_tagged_item.content_type_id = %(related_content_type_id)s AND related_tagged_item.tag_id = %(tagged_item)s.tag_id AND %(model_pk)s = related_tagged_item.object_id""" if content_type.pk == related_content_type.pk: # Exclude the given instance itself if determining related # instances for the same model. query += """ AND related_tagged_item.object_id != %(tagged_item)s.object_id""" query += """ GROUP BY %(model_pk)s ORDER BY %(count)s DESC %(limit_offset)s""" query = query % { 'model_pk': '%s.%s' % (model_table, qn(model._meta.pk.column)), 'count': qn('count'), 'model': model_table, 'tagged_item': qn(self.model._meta.db_table), 'tag': qn(self.model._meta.get_field('tag').rel.to._meta.db_table), 'content_type_id': content_type.pk, 'related_content_type_id': related_content_type.pk, # Hardcoding this for now just to get tests working again - this # should now be handled by the query object. 'limit_offset': num is not None and 'LIMIT %s' or '', } cursor = connection.cursor() params = [obj.pk] if num is not None: params.append(num) cursor.execute(query, params) object_ids = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] if len(object_ids) > 0: # Use in_bulk here instead of an id__in lookup, # because id__in would clobber the ordering. object_dict = queryset.in_bulk(object_ids) return [object_dict[object_id] for object_id in object_ids if object_id in object_dict] else: return [] ########## # Models # ########## @python_2_unicode_compatible class Tag(models.Model): """ A tag. """ name = models.CharField( _('name'), max_length=settings.MAX_TAG_LENGTH, unique=True, db_index=True) objects = TagManager() class Meta: ordering = ('name',) verbose_name = _('tag') verbose_name_plural = _('tags') def __str__(self): return self.name @python_2_unicode_compatible class TaggedItem(models.Model): """ Holds the relationship between a tag and the item being tagged. """ tag = models.ForeignKey( Tag, verbose_name=_('tag'), related_name='items') content_type = models.ForeignKey( ContentType, verbose_name=_('content type')) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField( _('object id'), db_index=True) object = GenericForeignKey( 'content_type', 'object_id') objects = TaggedItemManager() class Meta: # Enforce unique tag association per object unique_together = (('tag', 'content_type', 'object_id'),) verbose_name = _('tagged item') verbose_name_plural = _('tagged items') def __str__(self): return '%s [%s]' % (smart_text(self.object), smart_text(self.tag))