Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Add python-django to Build-Depends for the test suite.Raphaël Hertzog2014-08-06
* Actually call the test suite from debian/rulesRaphaël Hertzog2014-08-06
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 and debhelper compat to 9.Raphaël Hertzog2014-08-06
* * Add fix-testsuite.patch and now run the testsuite.Raphaël Hertzog2014-08-06
| | | | | * Add django-1.7-compat.patch to make it work with Django 1.7. Closes: #755624
* Drop David Spreen from Uploaders. Closes: #738932Raphaël Hertzog2014-02-14
* Drop David Spreen from Uploaders. Closes #738932Raphaël Hertzog2014-02-14
* bumped standards version, added myself as uploader, added epochJonas Genannt2013-09-01
* Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.Jakub Wilk2013-05-05
* * Switch to dh_python2 instead of python-support.Raphaël Hertzog2011-11-02
| | | | | | | * Bump debhelper compat level to 8. * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no change needed). * Drop the article from the description (lintian warning). * Update Vcs-Browser URL to point to the new location.
* * New upstream release.svn/0.3.1-1Raphaël Hertzog2010-01-27
| | | | | | | * Change build-depends on python-all-dev to python-all. * Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt). * Drop useless README.source. * Register documentation with doc-base.
* * New upstream release. Closes: #549612svn/0.3-1Raphaël Hertzog2009-10-05
| | | | | | * Update watch file to match new scheme. * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no changes needed. * Add a README.source pointing to quilt's README.source.
* Fix syntax mistake in changelog.svn/0.2.1+svn154-2Raphaël Hertzog2009-05-08
* Closes: #525770Raphaël Hertzog2009-05-08
* * New SVN snapshot. Upload to unstable now that Django 1.0 is there.svn/0.2.1+svn154-1Raphaël Hertzog2009-03-13
| | | | | | | | | | * Drop debian/patches/01_remove_django_builddeps as setup.py got fixed upstream. * Standards-Version bumped to 3.8.1, no changes needed. * Switch to debhelper 7 and drop CDBS. * Drop useless debian/pycompat file. * Drop duplicate Priority field. * Add ${misc:Depends} variable in Depends.
* switching Vcs-Browser field to viewsvnSandro Tosi2008-11-03
* Uploading to experimental.svn/0.2.1+svn147-1David Spreen2008-08-22
* Addint patchdir.David Spreen2008-08-21
* * SVN snapshot to ensure compatibility with upcoming Django 1.0 release.David Spreen2008-08-21
| | | | | | | * debian/control: Depend on python-django >= 1.0~beta1. * debian/patches/01_remove_django_builddeps: Added patch to remove build-dep on python-django and the need to install the package from within $PYTHON_PATH. Issue is known upstream: http://code.google.com/p/django-tagging/issues/detail?id=110.
* * New upstream release.svn/0.2.1-1Raphaël Hertzog2008-03-02
| | | | | | | | * Updated Standards-Version to 3.7.3. * Moved some build dependencies to Build-Depends-Indep as they are only needed during build. * Updated the dependency on python-django to make sure 0.96.1 doesn't satisfy it accidentally.
* uniforming Vcs-* fieldsSandro Tosi2008-01-03
* * Update the Vcs-Browser URL to match the python-modules standard.Raphaël Hertzog2007-10-04
* [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunksvn/0.1+svn102-1Raphaël Hertzog2007-10-04