import urllib from html5lib.tokenizer import HTMLTokenizer from import eq_ from bleach import linkify, url_re, DEFAULT_CALLBACKS as DC def test_url_re(): def no_match(s): match = if match: assert not match, 'matched %s' % s[slice(*match.span())] yield no_match, 'just what i am looking' def test_empty(): eq_('', linkify('')) def test_simple_link(): eq_('a' ' link', linkify('a link')) eq_('a' ' link', linkify('a link')) eq_('an link', linkify('an link')) def test_trailing_slash(): eq_('', linkify('')) eq_('' '', linkify('')) eq_('' '', linkify('')) def test_mangle_link(): """We can muck with the href attribute of the link.""" def filter_url(attrs, new=False): attrs['href'] = (u'http://bouncer/?u=%s' % urllib.quote_plus(attrs['href'])) return attrs eq_('' '', linkify('', DC + [filter_url])) def test_mangle_text(): """We can muck with the inner text of a link.""" def ft(attrs, new=False): attrs['_text'] = 'bar' return attrs eq_('bar bar', linkify(' foo', [ft])) def test_email_link(): tests = ( ('a mailto', False, 'a mailto'), ('a mailto', False, 'a mailto'), ('a mailto', True, 'a mailto'), ('aussie ' ' mailto', True, 'aussie mailto'), # This is kind of a pathological case. I guess we do our best here. ('email to ' '', True, 'email to'), ) def _check(o, p, i): eq_(o, linkify(i, parse_email=p)) for (o, p, i) in tests: yield _check, o, p, i def test_email_link_escaping(): tests = ( ('''''' '''"james"''', '"james"'), ('''''' '''"j'ames"''', '"j\'ames"'), ('''''' '''"ja>mes"''', '"ja>mes"'), ) def _check(o, i): eq_(o, linkify(i, parse_email=True)) for (o, i) in tests: yield _check, o, i def test_prevent_links(): """Returning None from any callback should remove links or prevent them from being created.""" def no_new_links(attrs, new=False): if new: return None return attrs def no_old_links(attrs, new=False): if not new: return None return attrs def noop(attrs, new=False): return attrs in_text = 'a example' out_text = 'a example' tests = ( ([noop], ('a ' 'example'), 'noop'), ([no_new_links, noop], in_text, 'no new, noop'), ([noop, no_new_links], in_text, 'noop, no new'), ([no_old_links, noop], out_text, 'no old, noop'), ([noop, no_old_links], out_text, 'noop, no old'), ([no_old_links, no_new_links], 'a example', 'no links'), ) def _check(cb, o, msg): eq_(o, linkify(in_text, cb), msg) for (cb, o, msg) in tests: yield _check, cb, o, msg def test_set_attrs(): """We can set random attributes on links.""" def set_attr(attrs, new=False): attrs['rev'] = 'canonical' return attrs eq_('', linkify('', [set_attr])) def test_only_proto_links(): """Only create links if there's a protocol.""" def only_proto(attrs, new=False): if new and not attrs['_text'].startswith(('http:', 'https:')): return None return attrs in_text = 'a bar' out_text = ('a ' 'bar') eq_(out_text, linkify(in_text, [only_proto])) def test_stop_email(): """Returning None should prevent a link from being created.""" def no_email(attrs, new=False): if attrs['href'].startswith('mailto:'): return None return attrs text = 'do not link' eq_(text, linkify(text, parse_email=True, callbacks=[no_email])) def test_tlds(): eq_('', linkify('')) eq_('', linkify('')) eq_('', linkify('')) eq_('', linkify('')) eq_(' brie', linkify(' brie')) eq_('', linkify('')) def test_escaping(): eq_('< unrelated', linkify('< unrelated')) def test_nofollow_off(): eq_('', linkify(u'', [])) def test_link_in_html(): eq_('', linkify('')) eq_('' '', linkify('')) def test_links_https(): eq_('', linkify('')) def test_add_rel_nofollow(): """Verify that rel="nofollow" is added to an existing link""" eq_('', linkify('')) def test_url_with_path(): eq_('' '', linkify('')) def test_link_ftp(): eq_('' '', linkify('')) def test_link_query(): eq_('' '', linkify('')) eq_('' '', linkify('')) eq_('' '', linkify('')) def test_link_fragment(): eq_('' '', linkify('')) def test_link_entities(): eq_('' '', linkify('')) def test_escaped_html(): """If I pass in escaped HTML, it should probably come out escaped.""" s = '<em>strong</em>' eq_(s, linkify(s)) def test_link_http_complete(): eq_('' '', linkify('')) def test_non_url(): """document.vulnerable should absolutely not be linkified.""" s = 'document.vulnerable' eq_(s, linkify(s)) def test_javascript_url(): """javascript: urls should never be linkified.""" s = 'javascript:document.vulnerable' eq_(s, linkify(s)) def test_unsafe_url(): """Any unsafe char ({}[]<>, etc.) in the path should end URL scanning.""" eq_('All your{""}base are', linkify('All your{""}base are')) def test_skip_pre(): """Skip linkification in
    simple = '
' linked = (' ' '
') all_linked = (' ' ''
') eq_(linked, linkify(simple, skip_pre=True)) eq_(all_linked, linkify(simple)) already_linked = '
' nofollowed = '
' eq_(nofollowed, linkify(already_linked)) eq_(nofollowed, linkify(already_linked, skip_pre=True)) def test_libgl(): """ should not be linkified.""" eq_('', linkify('')) def test_end_of_sentence(): """ should match.""" out = u'%s%s' in_ = u'%s%s' def check(u, p): eq_(out % (u, u, p), linkify(in_ % (u, p))) tests = ( ('', '.'), ('', '...'), ('', '.'), ('', '....'), ) for u, p in tests: yield check, u, p def test_end_of_clause(): """, shouldn't include the ,""" eq_(', bar', linkify(', bar')) def test_sarcasm(): """Jokes should crash.""" dirty = u'Yeah right ' clean = u'Yeah right <sarcasm/>' eq_(clean, linkify(dirty)) def test_wrapping_parentheses(): """URLs wrapped in parantheses should not include them.""" out = u'%s%s%s' tests = ( ('(', out % ('(', '', '', ')')), ('(', out % ('(', '', '', ')')), ('(', out % ('(', '', '', ')')), ('(((', out % ('(((', '', '', ')))')), ('', out % ('', '', '', '')), ('', out % ('', '', '', '')), ('(', out % ('(', '', '', ')')), ('((', out % ('((', '', '', '))')), ('(', out % ('(', '', '', ')')), ('(', out % ('(', '', '', '')), ) def check(test, expected_output): eq_(expected_output, linkify(test)) for test, expected_output in tests: yield check, test, expected_output def test_ports(): """URLs can contain port numbers.""" tests = ( ('', ('', '')), ('', ('', '')), ('', ('', ':xkcd')), ('', ('', '')), ('', ('', ':')), ) def check(test, output): eq_(u'{0}{1}'.format(*output), linkify(test)) for test, output in tests: yield check, test, output def test_tokenizer(): """Linkify doesn't always have to sanitize.""" raw = 'test' eq_('test<x></x>', linkify(raw)) eq_(raw, linkify(raw, tokenizer=HTMLTokenizer)) def test_ignore_bad_protocols(): eq_('foohttp://bar', linkify('foohttp://bar')) eq_('foo', linkify('foo')) def test_max_recursion_depth(): """If we hit the max recursion depth, just return the string.""" test = '' * 2000 + 'foo' + '' * 2000 eq_(test, linkify(test)) def test_link_emails_and_urls(): """parse_email=True shouldn't prevent URLs from getting linkified.""" output = ('' ' ' '') eq_(output, linkify('', parse_email=True)) def test_links_case_insensitive(): """Protocols and domain names are case insensitive.""" expect = ('' 'HTTP://EXAMPLE.COM') eq_(expect, linkify('HTTP://EXAMPLE.COM')) def test_elements_inside_links(): eq_(u'hello
', linkify('hello
')) eq_(u'bold hello
', linkify('bold hello