.TH "pbuilderrc" 5 "2006 May 24" "Debian" "pbuilder" .SH NAME pbuilderrc \- configuration files for personal package builder .SH DESCRIPTION .B "/etc/pbuilderrc" contains default values used in the .B "pbuilder" program invocation. .PP The file itself is sourced by a shell script, so it is required that the file conforms to shell script conventions. .SH "FORMAT" .TP .BI "BASETGZ=" "/var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz" Specifies the default location for the archived chroot image to be created and used. This is overridden with the option .BR "--basetgz" "." .TP .BI "EXTRAPACKAGES=" """ccache linda XXX""" Specifies extra packages which the system should install in the chroot on .BR "pbuilder create" "." This is a space-delimited list. Also this is installed on .B "pbuilder build" .TP .BI "export DEBIAN_BUILDARCH=" "athlon" Uses this variable as .BR "DEBIAN_BUILDARCH" "." This trick can be used for other environmental variables as well. .TP .BI "BUILDPLACE=" "/var/cache/pbuilder/build/" The default place which the chroot is constructed. .B pbuilder will use the directory .BR "$BUILDPLACE$$" "." which means, that it will use the directory and the PID to determine the directory to use. This should obtain an unique directory for concurrent runs of pbuilder in one machine. This is not guaranteed to happen on network shared drives, so be aware of this fact when playing with this option on NFS shared beowulf clusters. Change it to something like .I "/var/cache/pbuilder/build/$HOSTNAME/" when doing such a thing. .B "pbuilder clean" cleans up this directory. .TP .BI "MIRRORSITE=" "http://www.jp.debian.org/debian" Specify the mirror site which contains the main Debian distribution. Note that you cannot really use .B "file:/" kind of URL, because the location needs to be accessible from within the chroot. .TP .BI "OTHERMIRROR=" "deb http://xxx/xxx/ ./ " "[|" " other deb lines... " "]" The lines which is added to the sources.list, delimited with .B "|" Like .B "deb http://local/mirror stable main|deb file:/usr/local/mirror ./" The deb lines here are the ones that will appear at the top of the .B "sources.list" inside the chroot. Be sure to follow the syntax rules of .RI "sources.list (" 5 ")." These lines appear at the beginning of the constructed sources file, so this is the place to list your .B "local" mirror sites; apt will then use them in preference to the ones listed in .B "MIRRORSITE". To make changes on mirror site effective on .B update .B "--override-config" needs to be specified. .TP .BI "export http_proxy=" "http://your-proxy:8080/" Defines the proxy for http connection. .TP .BI "USEPROC=" "yes" Specify .B yes when it is desired to mount .B /proc interface. It is usually a good idea, since there are many software which fail miserably when there is no .B /proc being mounted. .TP .BI "USEDEVPTS=" "yes" Specify .B yes when it is desired to mount .B /dev/pts interface. It is usually a good idea, since there are many software which fail miserably when there is no .B /dev/pts being mounted. .TP .BI "BUILDRESULT=" "/var/cache/pbuilder/result/" Specify the default directory which the build result will be copied over to after the building. Unlike .B "--buildresult" command-line option. The path is not canonicalized, so you should specify a full-path, not a relative path. .TP .BI "DISTRIBUTION=" "sid" Specify the default distribution to use. This option only affects when doing .B "pbuilder create" or when .B "--override-config" is specified for .B "pbuilder update" option. .TP .BI "APTCACHE=" "/var/cache/pbuilder/aptcache" Specify the location that the packages downloaded by apt should be cached. Setting this value to "" will cause caching to be turned off. .TP .BI "APTCACHEHARDLINK=" "yes" Specify using hard links in apt cache handling. Changing this to no will disable hard linking and will copy the files. It is advised to set this to .B "no" if you are using user-mode-linux. .TP .BI "REMOVEPACKAGES=" "lilo" Specify the packages to be removed on creation of .B base.tgz Leaving lilo in the chroot is like keeping a timebomb... .TP .BI "HOOKDIR=" "/usr/lib/pbuilder/hooks" Specifies the default location for the user hooks directory. This is overridden with the option .BR "--hookdir" "." If this is specified, hooks are searched for in the chroot, when running .BR "pbuilder" "." If it is not defined, or is an empty string, hooks are not executed. For details, see .B "pbuilder.1" .TP .BI "DEBEMAIL=" "Maintainer Name " If this was specified, .B dpkg-buildpackage command will be passed with the necessary sponsorship option .B "-mMaintainer Name " on building. Overridden with .B "--debemail" command-line option. The default configuration for .B pbuilder is empty for this value. .TP .BI "DEBBUILDOPTS=" "" The options given here will be passed on to .BR dpkg-buildpackage . This can be useful e.g. for binary-only builds. The command-line option .B "--debbuildopts" overrides any contents specified here. The default value is to build source and binary package. .TP .BI "BUILDSOURCEROOTCMD=" "fakeroot" This option is used on invocation of fakeroot for .B "dpkg-buildpackage" in .B "pdebuild" .TP .BI "PBUILDERROOTCMD=" "sudo" This option is used on invocation of .B "pbuilder build" in .B "pdebuild" .TP .BI "PBUILDERSATISFYDEPENDSCMD=" "/usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends" This option is used by various parts of pbuilder to satisfy (i.e. install) the build-dependencies of a package. There is an alternate experimental implementation, "pbuilder-satisfydepends-experimental", which might be useful to pull packages from experimental or from repositories with a low APT Pin Priority. .TP .BI "BUILDUSERID=" "1234" The uid to be used inside chroot. It should ideally not collide with user-id outside the chroot, to avoid user inside chroot having access to processes owned by the user id outside the chroot. .TP .BI "BUILDUSERNAME=" "pbuilder" The user name of the user the build will run as. Specifying this will enable the use of fakeroot inside pbuilder. Note that this will require fakeroot to be installed within the chroot, and fakeroot will automatically be installed. And .B "-rfakeroot" will be added to .B "DEBBUILDOPTS" .TP .BI "APTCONFDIR=" "/etc/apt" Configures where the apt configuration files are copied from. By default, this value is empty, allowing the usual configuration options to take effect. Setting this variable overrides other options. .TP .BI "TIMEOUT_TIME=" "2h" Sets timeout time. Build will be stoped with SIGTERM after the set time. .TP .BI "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=" "noninteractive" Sets interactiveness of pbuilder run. Setting this value to blank will cause the pbuilder run to be interactive. Change this value when noninteractive upgrades do not work. .TP .BI "USEDEVFS=" "no" Whether to use DEVFS or not. .TP .BI "BUILDRESULTUID=" .TP .BI "BUILDRESULTGID=" Set the UID and GID of the files built as result. They probably need to be set to numeric UID values, so that it works the same inside the chroot and outside the chroot. If sudo is used, the values specified by sudo is used. They are .BR "SUDO_UID" ", and" .BR "SUDO_GID" ". " The default value is .B "0" .TP .BI "AUTO_DEBSIGN=" "yes" When this value is set to yes, .B pdebuild will invoke debsign command after building. .TP .BI "BINDMOUNTS=" "directories-to-bind-mount" When this value is set, pbuilder will mount these directories using bind-mount. Example: .B "BINDMOUNTS=""/home /mnt/test """ Do not bind-mount .B "/" .TP .BI "USE_PDEBUILD_INTERNAL=" "yes" When this option is set to .I yes .B "pdebuild-internal" implementation of .B pdebuild is used. .TP .BI "DEBOOTSTRAPOPTS=" "'--variant=buildd'" When this option is set to .B "--variant=buildd" .B "pbuilder" will invoke .B "debootstrap" with "--variant=buildd" option, which results in debootstrap creating a minimal chroot for buildd instead of trying to create a minimal installation chroot. .TP .BI "DEBOOTSTRAP=" "debootstrap" Use this option to switch the implementation of debootstrap. Known implementations of debootstrap are .B "cdebootstrap" and .B "debootstrap" .TP .BI "PKGNAME_LOGFILE_EXTENTION=" ".build" The extension of filename used in pkgname-logfile option. .TP .BI "PKGNAME_LOGFILE=" "yes" Always run with .B "--pkgname-logfile" option, and create a logfile named after the package name. .TP .BI "PDEBUILD_PBUILDER=" "pbuilder" Specify what pbuilder implementation to use for pdebuild. The currently possible values are .B "pbuilder" and .B "cowbuilder" .SH "AUTHOR" Initial coding, and main maintenance is done by Junichi Uekawa . User hooks code added by Dale Amon The homepage is available at .B "\%http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/software/pbuilder.html" .SH "FILES" .I "/etc/pbuilderrc, ${HOME}/.pbuilderrc" .SH "SEE ALSO" .RI "pbuilder (" 8 "), " .RI "pdebuild (" 1 ")" \" LocalWords: interactiveness noninteractive pdebuild pbuilder buildd \" LocalWords: pbuilderrc