:1. Preparing the cowbuilder: ============================ sudo aptitude install cowdancer grep-dctrl wget sudo cowbuilder --create --distribution lenny --basepath /var/cache/pbuilder/testing-base.cow 2. Getting the list of packages to build: ========================================= getlist lenny Will fetch the Sources.gz for main and contrib of the distribution you choose and creates two files: 1. list.lenny 2. list.lenny.i368 The first list contains the name of all packages followed by all architectures it can be build on. The second list Contains the names of all packages which can be build on your arch. 3. Setting the rebuild variables: ================================= The only setting should change is the BASEPATH variable. It must match the --basepath option you gave. The other settings BUILDDIR and LOGDIR are optional. 4. Rebuilding the archive ========================= rebuild list.lenny.i386 lenny Will attempt to build all packages appearing in list.testing.i368. It will temporarily build them in $BUILDDIR/$PACKAGE and will use $LOGDIR to create lock- and logfiles. NOTES: ====== - On a machine with more than one processor you can run multiple instances of the rebuild script in order to speed up the build process by building multiple packages concurrently - When building for a different distribution (testing) than the one the host system is running (sid) you got to make sure that apt-get source fetches the right sources. Otherwise you'll rebuild the packages from sid in a testing environment and get false-positive FTBFS. -- 2007-02-21, Bastian Venthur