# Galician translation of pbuilder's debconf templates
# This file is distributed under the same license as the pbuilder package.
# Jacobo Tarrio <jtarrio@debian.org>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pbuilder\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pbuilder@packages.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-07 00:09+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-13 20:51+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jacobo Tarrio <jtarrio@debian.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <proxecto@trasno.net>\n"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../pbuilder.templates:1001
msgid "Default mirror site:"
msgstr "Réplica por defecto:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../pbuilder.templates:1001
msgid "Please enter the default mirror you want to be used by pbuilder."
msgstr "Introduza a réplica que pbuilder debe empregar por defecto."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../pbuilder.templates:1001
msgid ""
"If you leave this field blank, there will be one attempt to autodetect this "
"information. If this attempt fails, you will be prompted again to insert "
"some valid mirror information."
msgstr ""
"Se deixa este campo baleiro hase facer unha tentativa de autodetectar esta "
"información. Se esta tentativa falla, háselle pedir outra vez que introduza "
"información válida sobre as réplicas."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../pbuilder.templates:1001
msgid "Here is a valid mirror example: http://httpredir.debian.org/debian"
msgstr ""
"Velaquí un exemplo dunha réplica válida: http://httpredir.debian.org/debian"

#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../pbuilder.templates:2001
msgid "Default mirror not found"
msgstr "Non se atopou a réplica por defecto"

#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../pbuilder.templates:2001
msgid ""
"Mirror information detection failed and the user provided no mirror "
msgstr ""
"A detección da información das réplicas fallou, e o usuario non forneceu "
"información sobre as réplicas."

#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../pbuilder.templates:2001
msgid "Please enter valid mirror information."
msgstr "Introduza información válida sobre as réplicas."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../pbuilder.templates:3001
msgid "Overwrite current configuration?"
msgstr "¿Sobrescribir a configuración actual?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../pbuilder.templates:3001
msgid ""
"Your system seems to have already pbuilder configuration. Proceeding might "
"discard or overwrite part or the entire pbuilder's configuration."
msgstr ""
"Semella que o sistema xa ten unha configuración de pbuilder. Se continúa "
"pódese sobrescribir ou eliminar parcial ou totalmente a configuración de "