TODO and possible bugs: * BUG: Too many options! Creeping featurism!! * Build dependency handles |, but not when [] and | exist. -- no package should be using it ? * Machine type specification in Build dependency should either have [!xxx !xxx !xxx ...] or [xxx xxx xxx ...] [!xxx xxx] formats are not parsed, and should really not exist. * Creating a "sbuilder" command, which cooperates with sbuild, and use sbuild if possible. * Please file a bug if you find that pbuilder does not exit with error condition on failure to build a package. * Remember to update the TODO file. * Support for apt-move. Some, mount --bind trick ? - documentation of how to do it - updating the script hooks interface (mount / umount) - putting example scripts. * Supporting really automatic/noninteractive "pbuilder upgrade" - how about passing "-o dpkg::Options=--force-confnew" to apt? and also making "start-stop-daemon" to be a dummy script? (shouldn't be necessary because the config files won't be overwritten?) - using policy-rc.d ? Get people to use invoke-rc.d? * Supporting arbitrary mount --bind for inside chroot. - some critical checking. - how to clean up afterwards safely. * Do not install Build-*-Indep: targets for binary-arch building. * $HOME, $TMP, $TMPDIR, etc. environment vars are set to bogus values * Lock-filing of $BASETGZ between processes. * check cross-compile support, maybe adding support for dpkg-cross into build-depends checker? * potato su does not like dpkg-source, executes as a bash script. $Id$