# Development This document describes the necessary steps to configure patchwork in a development environment. If you are interested in deploying patchwork in a production environment, please refer to [the deployment guide][doc-deployment] instead. ## Download Patchwork The latest version of Patchwork is available with git. To download: $ git clone git://github.com/getpatchwork/patchwork.git ## Vagrant-Based Installation patchwork provides a Vagrantfile that can be used to quickly configure patchwork in a delopment environment. Like any Vagrant VM, you can start this using the `vagrant up` command: $ cd patchwork # the path to the repo you cloned above $ vagrant up Once stacked, follow the on-screen instructions. For more information on Vagrant itself, please refer to the [Vagrant documentation](ref-vagrant). Alternatively, manual installation steps are provided below. ## Install Required Packages There are a number of different requirements for developing patchwork: * Python and libraries * A supported RDBMS These are detailed below. ### Python Requirements To develop Python-based software you first need Python. Patchwork supports both Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+. One of these will be installed by default on many installations, though they can also be installed manually using the `python` or `python3` packages. It's a good idea to use [virtual environments][ref-venv] to develop Python software. Virtual environments are "instances" of your system Python without any of the additional Python packages installed. They are useful to develop and possibly deploy patchwork against a "well known" set of dependencies, but they can also be used to test patchwork against several versions of Django. If you do not have `virtualenv` installed then you should install it now. This can be installed using the `python-virtualenv` or `python3-virtualenv` packages. Alternatively you can install these using `pip`. It is also helpful to install [`tox`][ref-tox] which is used for running tests in patchwork. This can be installed using the `python-tox` or `python3-tox` packages, or via `pip`. ### Database Requirements If not already installed, you may need to install an RDBMS. You can use either MariaDB/MySQL or PostgreSQL for this purpose. You should also install the development headers, known as `libmysqlclient-dev` or `libpq-dev` respectively on Debian-based Debian-based distros like Ubuntu and `mysql-devel` or `postgresql-devel` on RHEL-based distros. **NOTE:** While Django provides support for [multiple database backends][ref-django-db], patchwork itself is only tested against MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL. Should you wish to use a different backend, ensure you validate this first (and perhaps [upstream][doc-contributing] any changes you may find necessary). **NOTE:** You may be tempted to use SQLite to develop patchwork. We'd advise against doing this. SQLite supports a subset of the functionality of "full" RDBMS like MySQL: for example, case-sensitive matching of Unicode [is not supported][ref-sqlite-utf8]. You will find some tests provided by patchwork fail and some patches you develop may fail in production due to these differences. ### Example Installations An example for installing all these packages and the MySQL RDBMS on Ubuntu 15.04 is given below: $ sudo apt-get install python python-pip python-dev python-virtualenv \ python-tox mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev If you have an existing MariaDB/MySQL installation and have installed `pip` already/are using [Python 3.4+][ref-py34-pip] then you can install all packages using `pip`: $ sudo pip install virtualenv tox If you wish to use Python 3 then simply replace 'python' with 'python3' in the above command. ## Configure Virtual Environment **NOTE:** If you are interested in simply [testing patchwork][doc-testing], many of the the below steps are not required. tox will automatically install dependencies and use virtual environments when testing. Once these requirements are installed, you should create and activate a new virtual environment. This can be done like so: $ virtualenv .venv $ source .venv/bin/activate (.venv)$ **NOTE:** It you installed a Python 3.x-based virtual environment package, adjust the executable indicated above as necessary, e.g. `virtualenv-3.4`. Now install the packages. Patchwork provides three requirements files. * `requirements-dev.txt`: Packages required to configure a development environment * `requirements-prod.txt`: Packages required for deploying patchwork in production * `requirements-test.txt`: Packages required to run tests We're going to install the first of these, which can be done like so: (.venv)$ cd patchwork (.venv)$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt **NOTE:** Once configured this does not need to be done again *unless* the requirements change, e.g. patchwork requires an updated version of Django. ## Initialize the Database One installed, the database must be configured. We will assume you have root access to the database for these steps. To begin, export your database credentials as follows: (.venv)$ db_user=root (.venv)$ db_pass=password Now, create the database. If this is your first time configuring the database, you must create a `patchwork` user (or similar) along with the database instance itself. The commands below will do this, dropping existing databases if necessary: (.venv)$ mysql -u$db_user -p$db_pass << EOF DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS patchwork; CREATE DATABASE patchwork CHARACTER SET utf8; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON patchwork.* TO 'patchwork'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; EOF **NOTE:** The `patchwork` username and `password` password are the defaults expected by the provided `dev` settings files. If using something different, please export the `PW_TEST_DB_USER` and `PW_TEST_DB_PASS` variables described in the [Environment Variables](#environment-variables) section below. Alternatively, you can create your own settings file with these variables hardcoded and change the value of `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` as described below. ## Load Initial Data Before continuing, we need to tell Django where it can find our configuration. patchwork provides a default development `settings.py` file for this purpose. To use this, export the `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` environment variable as described below: (.venv)$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=patchwork.settings.dev Alternatively you can provide your own `settings.py` file and provide the path to that instead. Once done, we need to create the tables in the database. This can be done using the `migrate` command of the `manage.py` executable: (.venv)$ ./manage.py migrate Next, you should load the initial fixtures into patchwork. These initial fixtures provide. * `default_tags.xml`: The tags that patchwork will extract from mails. Examples: `Acked-By`, `Reviewed-By` * `default_states.xml`: The states that a patch can be in. Examples: `Accepted`, `Rejected` * `default_projects.xml`: A default project that you can then upload patches for These can be loaded using the `loaddata` command: (.venv)$ ./manage.py loaddata patchwork/fixtures/default_tags.xml (.venv)$ ./manage.py loaddata patchwork/fixtures/default_states.xml (.venv)$ ./manage.py loaddata patchwork/fixtures/default_projects.xml You should also take the opportunity to create a "superuser". You can do this using the aptly-named `createsuperuser` command: (.venv)$ ./manage.py createsuperuser Once this is done, it's beneficial to load some real emails into the system. This can be done manually, however it's generally much easier to download an an archive from a Mailman instance and load these using the `parsearchive.py` tool. You can do this like so: (.venv)$ mm_user=myusername (.venv)$ mm_pass=mypassword (.venv)$ mm_host=https://lists.ozlabs.org (.venv)$ mm_url=$mm_host/private/patchwork.mbox/patchwork.mbox (.venv)$ curl -F username=$mm_user -F password=$mm_pass -k -O $mm_url Where `mm_user` and `mm_pass` are the username and password you have registered with on the Mailman instance found at `mm_host`. **NOTE:** We provide instructions for downloading archives from the patchwork mailing list, but almost any instance of Mailman will allow downloading of archives as seen above; simply change the `pw_url` variable defined. You can find more informations about this [here][ref-mman-bulk]. Load these archives into patchwork. Depending on the size of the downloaded archives this may take some time: (.venv)$ PYTHONPATH=. ./patchwork/bin/parsearchive.py \ --list-id=patchwork.ozlabs.org patchwork.mbox Finally, run the server and browse to the IP address of your board using your browser of choice: (.venv)$ ./manage.py runserver Once finished, you can kill the server (`Ctrl` + `C`) and exit the virtual environment: (.venv)$ deactivate $ Should you wish to re-enter this environment, simply source the `activate` script again. ## Environment Variables The following environment variables are available to configure settings when using the provided `dev` settings file.
PW_TEST_DB_NAME = 'patchwork'
Name of the database
PW_TEST_DB_USER = 'patchwork'
Username to access the database with
PW_TEST_DB_PASS = 'password'
Password to access the database with
PW_TEST_DB_TYPE = 'mysql'
Type of database to use. Options: 'mysql', 'postgresql'
[doc-contributing]: ../CONTRIBUTING.md [doc-deployment]: installation.md [doc-testing]: testing.md [ref-django-db]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/databases/ [ref-mman-bulk]: http://blog.behnel.de/posts/indexp118.html [ref-py34-pip]: http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0453/ [ref-sqlite-utf8]: https://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q18 [ref-tox]: https://tox.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ [ref-vagrant]: https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/getting-started/ [ref-venv]: https://virtualenv.readthedocs.org/en/latest/