The XML-RPC API =============== Patchwork provides an XML-RPC API. This API can be used to be used to retrieve and modify information about patches, projects and more. .. important:: The XML-RPC API can be enabled/disabled by the administrator: it may not be available in every instance. Refer to ``/about`` on your given instance for the status of the API, e.g. Alternatively, simply attempt to make a request to the API. .. deprecated:: 2.0 The XML-RPC API is a legacy API and has been deprecated in favour of the :doc:`REST API `. It will be removed in Patchwork 3.0. Getting Started --------------- The Patchwork XML-RPC API provides a number of "methods". Some methods require authentication (via HTTP Basic Auth) while others do not. Authentication uses your Patchwork account and the on-server documentation will indicate where it is necessary. We will only cover the unauthenticated method here for brevity - consult the `xmlrpclib`_ documentation for more detailed examples: To interact with the Patchwork XML-RPC API, a XML-RPC library should be used. Python provides such a library - `xmlrpclib`_ - in its standard library. For example, to get the version of the XML-RPC API for a Patchwork instance hosted at ``, run: .. code-block:: pycon $ python >>> import xmlrpclib # or 'xmlrpc.client' for Python 3 >>> rpc = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('') >>> rpc.pw_rpc_version() 1.1 Once connected, the ``rpc`` object will be populated with a list of available functions (or procedures, in RPC terminology). In the above example, we used the ``pw_rpc_version`` method, however, it should be possible to use all the methods listed in the server documentation. Further Information ------------------- Patchwork provides automatically generated documentation for the XML-RPC API. You can find this at the following URL: where `` refers to the URL of your Patchwork instance. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Automatic documentation generation for the Patchwork API was introduced in Patchwork v1.1. Prior versions of Patchwork do not offer this functionality. .. _xmlrpclib: