The REST API ============ Patchwork provides a REST API. This API can be used to retrieve and modify information about patches, projects and more. This guide provides an overview of how one can interact with the REST API. For detailed information on type and response format of the various resources exposed by the API, refer to the web browsable API. This can be found at: where `` refers to the URL of your Patchwork instance. .. important:: The REST API can be enabled/disabled by the administrator: it may not be available in every instance. Refer to ``/about`` on your given instance for the status of the API, e.g. .. versionadded:: 2.0 The REST API was introduced in Patchwork v2.0. Users of earlier Patchwork versions should instead refer to :doc:`XML-RPC API ` documentation. .. versionchanged:: 2.1 The API version was bumped to v1.1 in Patchwork v2.1. The older v1.0 API is still supported. For more information, refer to :ref:`rest-api-versions`. Getting Started --------------- The easiest way to start experimenting with the API is to use the web browsable API, as described above. REST APIs run over plain HTTP(S), thus, the API can be interfaced using applications or libraries that support this widespread protocol. One such application is `curl`_, which can be used to both retrieve and send information to the REST API. For example, to get the version of the REST API for a Patchwork instance hosted at ``, run: .. code-block:: shell $ curl -s '' | python -m json.tool { "bundles": "", "covers": "", "events": "", "patches": "", "people": "", "projects": "", "series": "", "users": "" } In addition, a huge variety of libraries are available for interacting with and parsing the output of REST APIs. The `requests`_ library is wide-spread and well-supported. To repeat the above example using `requests`:, run .. code-block:: pycon $ python >>> import json >>> import requests >>> r = requests.get('') >>> print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=2)) { "bundles": "", "covers": "", "events": "", "patches": "", "people": "", "projects": "", "series": "", "users": "" } Tools like `curl` and libraries like `requests` can be used to build anything from small utilities to full-fledged clients targeting the REST API. For an overview of existing API clients, refer to :doc:`../usage/clients`. .. tip:: While you can do a lot with existing installations, it's possible that you might not have access to all resources or may not wish to modify any existing resources. In this case, it might be better to :doc:`deploy your own instance of Patchwork locally <../development/installation>` and experiment with that instead. Versioning ---------- By default, all requests will receive the latest version of the API: currently ``1.1``: .. code-block:: http GET /api HTTP/1.1 You should explicitly request this version through the URL to prevent API changes breaking your application: .. code-block:: http GET /api/1.1 HTTP/1.1 Older API versions will be deprecated and removed over time. For more information, refer to :ref:`rest-api-versions`. Schema ------ Responses are returned as JSON. Blank fields are returned as ``null``, rather than being omitted. Timestamps use the ISO 8601 format, times are by default in UTC:: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ Requests should use either query parameters or form-data, depending on the method. Further information is provided `below `__. Summary Representations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some resources are particularly large or expensive to compute. When listing these resources, a summary representation is returned that omits certain fields. To get all fields, fetch the detailed representation. For example, listing patches will return summary representations for each patch: .. code-block:: http GET /patches HTTP/1.1 Detailed Representations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When fetching an individual resource, all fields will be returned. For example, fetching a patch with an ID of ``123`` will return all available fields for that particular resource: .. code-block:: http GET /patches/123 HTTP/1.1 .. _rest_parameters: Parameters ---------- Most API methods take optional parameters. For ``GET`` requests, these parameters are mostly used for filtering and should be passed as a HTTP query string parameters: .. code-block:: shell $ curl '' For all other types of requests, including ``POST`` and ``PATCH``, these parameters should be passed as form-encoded data: .. code-block:: shell $ curl -X PATCH -F 'state=under-review' \ '' .. versionchanged:: 2.1 API version 1.1 allows filters to be specified multiple times. Prior to this, only the last value for a given filter key would be used. Authentication -------------- Patchwork supports authentication using your username and password (basic authentication) or with a token (token authentication). The latter is recommended. To authenticate with token authentication, you must first obtain a token. This can be done from your profile, e.g. Once you have a token, run: .. code-block:: shell $ curl -H "Authorization: Token ${token}" \ '' To authenticate using basic auth, you should use your Patchwork username and password. To do this, run: .. code-block:: shell $ curl -u ${username}:${password} \ '' Not all resources require authentication. Those that do will return ``404 (Not Found)`` if authentication is not provided to avoid leaking information. Pagination ---------- Requests that return multiple items will be paginated by 30 items by default, though this can vary from instance to instance. You can change page using the ``?page`` parameter. You can also set custom page sizes up to 100 on most endpoints using the ``?per_page`` parameter. .. code-block:: shell $ curl '' Link Header ~~~~~~~~~~~ The `Link header`_ includes pagination information:: Link: ; rel="next", ; rel="last" The possible ``rel`` values are: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description * - ``next`` - The link relation for the immediate next page of results. * - ``last`` - The link relation for the last page of results. * - ``first`` - The link relation for the first page of results. * - ``prev`` - The link relation for the immediate previous page of results. .. _rest-api-versions: Supported Versions ------------------ .. csv-table:: :header: "API Version", "Since", "Supported?" 1.0, 2.0, ✓ 1.1, 2.1, ✓ Further information about this and more can typically be found in :doc:`the release notes `. .. Links .. _curl: .. _requests: .. _Link header: