language: python dist: trusty sudo: false python: - 2.7 - 3.4 - 3.5 - 3.6 addons: postgresql: 9.6 services: - mysql - postgresql env: matrix: - PW_TEST_DB_TYPE=postgres PW_TEST_DB_USER=postgres - PW_TEST_DB_TYPE=mysql PW_TEST_DB_USER=root global: - PW_TEST_DB_PASS="" - PW_TEST_DB_HOST="localhost" matrix: include: - addons: mariadb: 10.3 env: - PW_TEST_DB_TYPE=mysql - PW_TEST_DB_USER=root - addons: postgresql: 10 apt: packages: - postgresql-10 - postgresql-client-10 env: - PGPORT=5433 - PW_TEST_DB_HOST="" - PW_TEST_DB_PORT=5433 - PW_TEST_DB_TYPE=postgres - PW_TEST_DB_USER=travis python: 3.6 sudo: true before_install: - sudo -u postgres psql -c "grant ALL on DATABASE postgres to travis WITH GRANT OPTION;" before_script: - if [[ $PW_TEST_DB_TYPE == mysql ]]; then mysql -e "create database patchwork character set utf8;"; fi - if [[ $PW_TEST_DB_TYPE == postgres ]]; then psql -c "create database patchwork with ENCODING = 'UTF8';" -U $PW_TEST_DB_USER; fi install: - pip install tox-travis script: - > if [[ $PW_TEST_DB_TYPE == mysql ]]; then mysql -e "SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_USER();" -u $PW_TEST_DB_USER patchwork; else psql -c "SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_USER, current_database()" -U $PW_TEST_DB_USER patchwork; fi - tox - tox -e coverage after_success: - codecov