path: root/patchwork/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'patchwork/')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/patchwork/ b/patchwork/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ed9e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patchwork/
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+# Patchwork - automated patch tracking system
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Jeremy Kerr <>
+# This file is part of the Patchwork package.
+# Patchwork is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Patchwork is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Patchwork; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import itertools
+import datetime
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
+from django.template.loader import render_to_string
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
+from django.db.models import Max, Q, F
+from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
+from patchwork.forms import MultiplePatchForm
+from patchwork.models import Bundle, Project, BundlePatch, UserProfile, \
+ PatchChangeNotification, EmailOptout, EmailConfirmation
+def get_patch_ids(d, prefix = 'patch_id'):
+ ids = []
+ for (k, v) in d.items():
+ a = k.split(':')
+ if len(a) != 2:
+ continue
+ if a[0] != prefix:
+ continue
+ if not v:
+ continue
+ ids.append(a[1])
+ return ids
+class Order(object):
+ order_map = {
+ 'date': 'date',
+ 'name': 'name',
+ 'state': 'state__ordering',
+ 'submitter': 'submitter__name',
+ 'delegate': 'delegate__username',
+ }
+ default_order = ('date', True)
+ def __init__(self, str = None, editable = False):
+ self.reversed = False
+ self.editable = editable
+ (self.order, self.reversed) = self.default_order
+ if self.editable:
+ return
+ if str is None or str == '':
+ return
+ reversed = False
+ if str[0] == '-':
+ str = str[1:]
+ reversed = True
+ if str not in self.order_map.keys():
+ return
+ self.order = str
+ self.reversed = reversed
+ def __str__(self):
+ str = self.order
+ if self.reversed:
+ str = '-' + str
+ return str
+ def name(self):
+ return self.order
+ def reversed_name(self):
+ if self.reversed:
+ return self.order
+ else:
+ return '-' + self.order
+ def apply(self, qs):
+ q = self.order_map[self.order]
+ if self.reversed:
+ q = '-' + q
+ orders = [q]
+ # if we're using a non-default order, add the default as a secondary
+ # ordering. We reverse the default if the primary is reversed.
+ (default_name, default_reverse) = self.default_order
+ if self.order != default_name:
+ q = self.order_map[default_name]
+ if self.reversed ^ default_reverse:
+ q = '-' + q
+ orders.append(q)
+ return qs.order_by(*orders)
+bundle_actions = ['create', 'add', 'remove']
+def set_bundle(user, project, action, data, patches, context):
+ # set up the bundle
+ bundle = None
+ if action == 'create':
+ bundle_name = data['bundle_name'].strip()
+ if '/' in bundle_name:
+ return ['Bundle names can\'t contain slashes']
+ if not bundle_name:
+ return ['No bundle name was specified']
+ if Bundle.objects.filter(owner = user, name = bundle_name).count() > 0:
+ return ['You already have a bundle called "%s"' % bundle_name]
+ bundle = Bundle(owner = user, project = project,
+ name = bundle_name)
+ context.add_message("Bundle %s created" %
+ elif action =='add':
+ bundle = get_object_or_404(Bundle, id = data['bundle_id'])
+ elif action =='remove':
+ bundle = get_object_or_404(Bundle, id = data['removed_bundle_id'])
+ if not bundle:
+ return ['no such bundle']
+ for patch in patches:
+ if action == 'create' or action == 'add':
+ bundlepatch_count = BundlePatch.objects.filter(bundle = bundle,
+ patch = patch).count()
+ if bundlepatch_count == 0:
+ bundle.append_patch(patch)
+ context.add_message("Patch '%s' added to bundle %s" % \
+ (,
+ else:
+ context.add_message("Patch '%s' already in bundle %s" % \
+ (,
+ elif action == 'remove':
+ try:
+ bp = BundlePatch.objects.get(bundle = bundle, patch = patch)
+ bp.delete()
+ context.add_message("Patch '%s' removed from bundle %s\n" % \
+ (,
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ return []
+def send_notifications():
+ date_limit = - \
+ datetime.timedelta(minutes =
+ # This gets funky: we want to filter out any notifications that should
+ # be grouped with other notifications that aren't ready to go out yet. To
+ # do that, we join back onto PatchChangeNotification (PCN -> Patch ->
+ # Person -> Patch -> max(PCN.last_modified)), filtering out any maxima
+ # that are with the date_limit.
+ qs = PatchChangeNotification.objects \
+ .annotate(m = Max('patch__submitter__patch__patchchangenotification'
+ '__last_modified')) \
+ .filter(m__lt = date_limit)
+ groups = itertools.groupby(qs.order_by('patch__submitter'),
+ lambda n: n.patch.submitter)
+ errors = []
+ for (recipient, notifications) in groups:
+ notifications = list(notifications)
+ projects = set([ n.patch.project.linkname for n in notifications ])
+ def delete_notifications():
+ pks = [ for n in notifications ]
+ PatchChangeNotification.objects.filter(pk__in = pks).delete()
+ if EmailOptout.is_optout(
+ delete_notifications()
+ continue
+ context = {
+ 'site': Site.objects.get_current(),
+ 'person': recipient,
+ 'notifications': notifications,
+ 'projects': projects,
+ }
+ subject = render_to_string(
+ 'patchwork/patch-change-notification-subject.text',
+ context).strip()
+ content = render_to_string('patchwork/patch-change-notification.mail',
+ context)
+ message = EmailMessage(subject = subject, body = content,
+ from_email = settings.NOTIFICATION_FROM_EMAIL,
+ to = [],
+ headers = {'Precedence': 'bulk'})
+ try:
+ message.send()
+ except ex:
+ errors.append((recipient, ex))
+ continue
+ delete_notifications()
+ return errors
+def do_expiry():
+ # expire any pending confirmations
+ q = (Q(date__lt = - EmailConfirmation.validity) |
+ Q(active = False))
+ EmailConfirmation.objects.filter(q).delete()
+ # expire inactive users with no pending confirmation
+ pending_confs = EmailConfirmation.objects.values('user')
+ users = User.objects.filter(
+ is_active = False,
+ last_login = F('date_joined')
+ ).exclude(
+ id__in = pending_confs
+ )
+ # delete users
+ users.delete()