BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterAdd a couple of printers on level 2 of building 59Christopher Baines11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2014-08-31Add a couple of printers on level 2 of building 59HEADmasterChristopher Baines
2014-08-29Move a printer in ZeplerChristopher Baines
2014-08-29Add 5 more printers to Building 32Christopher Baines
2014-08-07Change format from YAML to OSM XML•••The yaml file was hard to edit, using OSM XML allows the use of JOSM as an editor. Christopher Baines
2014-02-19Add printer in building 1Christopher Baines
2014-02-19Fix a uriChristopher Baines
2014-02-19Add some printers in building 25Christopher Baines
2014-02-09Add some printers to the Murray buildingChristopher Baines
2014-02-07Replace the json file with yaml•••This allows for comments Christopher Baines
2014-02-05Add printer in building 32Christopher Baines