(function() { "use strict"; LS.imagePath = 'images/'; LS.dataPath = 'data.json'; var $buildingsSidebar = $('#buildingsSidebar'); var $sitesSidebar = $('#sitesSidebar'); var $navBuildingsLi = $('#navBuildingsLi'); var $navSitesLi = $('#navSitesLi'); function hideSitesSidebar() { $sitesSidebar.hide(); $navSitesLi.removeClass("active"); } function hideBuildingsSidebar() { $buildingsSidebar.hide(); $navBuildingsLi.removeClass("active"); } var buildingsSidebarLink = document.getElementById("buildingsSidebarLink") buildingsSidebarLink.onclick = function() { hideSitesSidebar(); $navBuildingsLi.toggleClass("active"); $buildingsSidebar.toggle(); map.invalidateSize(); return false; }; var sitesSidebarLink = document.getElementById("sitesSidebarLink") sitesSidebarLink.onclick = function() { hideBuildingsSidebar(); $navSitesLi.toggleClass("active"); $sitesSidebar.toggle(); map.invalidateSize(); return false; }; var buildingsSidebarHideButton = document.getElementById("buildingsSidebarHideButton"); buildingsSidebarHideButton.onclick = function() { hideBuildingsSidebar(); map.invalidateSize(); return false; }; var sitesSidebarHideButton = document.getElementById("sitesSidebarHideButton"); sitesSidebarHideButton.onclick = function() { hideSitesSidebar(); map.invalidateSize(); return false; }; var map = LS.map('map', { workstations: true, indoor: true, popupWidth: 400, popupHeight: 550, zoomControl: false, levelControlPosition: 'bottomleft' }); /* map.showInfo = function(content, latlng, options) { var $content = $(content); var contentTitle = $content.children('h2'); var titleText = contentTitle.text(); contentTitle.remove(); $("#feature-title").html(titleText); $("#feature-info").html(content); $("#featureModal").modal("show"); }; map.closeInfo = function() { $("#featureModal").modal("hide"); }; */ var zoomControl = L.control.zoom({ position: "bottomright" }).addTo(map); /* GPS enabled geolocation control set to follow the user's location */ var locateControl = L.control.locate({ position: "bottomright", drawCircle: true, follow: true, setView: true, keepCurrentZoomLevel: true, markerStyle: { weight: 1, opacity: 0.8, fillOpacity: 0.8 }, circleStyle: { weight: 1, clickable: false }, icon: "icon-direction", metric: false, strings: { title: "My location", popup: "You are within {distance} {unit} from this point", outsideMapBoundsMsg: "You seem located outside the boundaries of the map" }, locateOptions: { maxZoom: 18, watch: true, enableHighAccuracy: true, maximumAge: 10000, timeout: 10000 } }).addTo(map); 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/* Hide sidebars and go to the map on small screens */ if (document.body.clientWidth <= 767) { hideSitesSidebar(); hideBuildingsSidebar(); map.invalidateSize(); } }; } var buildingstbody = $("#buildingsList tbody"); data.buildings.features.forEach(function(building) { if (!("loc_ref" in building.properties) || building.properties.name.length === 0) { return; } var loc_ref = document.createTextNode(building.properties.loc_ref); var name = document.createTextNode(building.properties.name); var tr = buildRow(loc_ref, name); tr.onclick = show(building.properties.uri); buildingstbody.append(tr); }); var buildingsList = new List("buildings", { valueNames: [ "feature-ref", "feature-name" ] }); buildingsList.sort("feature-name", { order:"asc" }); buildingsList.on("filterStart", function() { console.log("filterComplete"); console.log(buildingsList.matchingItems); }); var sitestbody = $("#sitesList tbody"); data.sites.features.forEach(function(site) { if (!("name" in site.properties)) { return; 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", suggestion: function(feature) { return feature.properties.name + "
 " + feature.properties.loc_ref + ""; } } }, { name: "Sites", displayKey: "name", source: sitesBH.ttAdapter(), templates: { header: "


", suggestion: function(feature) { return feature.properties.name + "
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