# Building First pull in the submodules: git submodule update --init cd libraries/leaflet-soton git submodule update --init Then, either run, or build jquery and leaflet from source: ./download-libraries.sh After this, you will need to fetch or build the data.json file. Either running: ./create-data.js # if you have a local OSM database OR wget http://maps.southampton.ac.uk/data.json -O libraries/leaflet-soton/data.json Then run: grunt Or, to build for release (with smaller js and css files): grunt release # Building the libraries Most of the libraries do not require building, but jquery and leaflet do. ## jquery npm run build ## leaflet npm install -g jake npm install This requires a local OSM database, and to setup config.json (use the template config.json.default). ./create-data.js