Leaflet Indoor ===================== Provides basic tools to create indoor maps with [Leaflet](http://leafletjs.com). ## Demo You can see the demo included in the example directory [here](http://cbaines.github.io/leaflet-indoor/examples/). ## Using the plugin See the included example for usage. ### Basic Usage Create a L.Indoor, then add the data to it. ```javascript // where data is a GeoJSON feature collection var indoorLayer = new L.Indoor(data); // set the initial level to show indoorLayer.setLevel("0"); indoorLayer.addTo(map); var levelControl = new L.Control.Level({ level: "0", levels: indoorLayer.getLevels() }); // Connect the level control to the indoor layer levelControl.addEventListener("levelchange", indoorLayer.setLevel, indoorLayer); levelControl.addTo(map); ``` ## Events L.Control.Level will fire levelchange events when a level is selected. ## License Leaflet Indoor is free software, and may be redistributed under the BSD 2-Clause License.