/* Based on the Simple OpenID Plugin http://code.google.com/p/openid-selector/ This code is licenced under the New BSD License. */ var selections_large = { email: { name: 'Email', icon: 'wikiicons/email.png', label: 'Enter your email address:', url: null }, openid: { name: 'OpenID', icon: 'wikiicons/openidlogin-bg.gif', label: 'Enter your OpenID:', url: null }, }; var selections_small = { verisign: { name: 'Verisign', icon: 'ikiwiki/openid/verisign.png', label: 'Enter your Verisign username:', url: 'http://{username}.pip.verisignlabs.com/' }, yahoo: { name: 'Yahoo', icon: 'ikiwiki/openid/goa-account-yahoo.png', url: 'http://me.yahoo.com/' }, flickr: { name: 'Flickr', icon: 'ikiwiki/openid/goa-account-flickr.png', label: 'Enter your Flickr username:', url: 'http://flickr.com/photos/{username}/' }, wordpress: { name: 'Wordpress', icon: 'ikiwiki/openid/wordpress.png', label: 'Enter your Wordpress.com username:', url: 'http://{username}.wordpress.com/' }, aol: { name: 'AOL', icon: 'ikiwiki/openid/aol.png', label: 'Enter your AOL username:', url: 'http://openid.aol.com/{username}' } }; var selections = $.extend({}, selections_large, selections_small); var selector = { ajaxHandler: null, cookie_expires: 6*30, // 6 months. cookie_name: 'openid_selection', // historical name cookie_path: '/', img_path: 'images/', input_id: null, selection_url: null, selection_id: null, othersignin_id: null, init: function(input_id, othersignin_id, othersignin_label) { var selector_btns = $('#login_btns'); this.input_id = input_id; $('#login_choice').show(); $('#login_input_area').empty(); // add box for each selection for (id in selections_large) { selector_btns.append(this.getBoxHTML(selections_large[id], 'large')); } if (othersignin_label != "") { this.othersignin_label=othersignin_label; } else { this.othersignin_label="other"; } if (othersignin_id != "") { this.othersignin_id=othersignin_id; selector_btns.prepend( '' + '' + ' ' + this.othersignin_label + '' ); $('#'+this.othersignin_id).hide(); } if (selections_small) { selector_btns.append('
'); for (id in selections_small) { selector_btns.append(this.getBoxHTML(selections_small[id], 'small')); } } $('#login_selector_form').submit(this.submit); var box_id = this.readCookie(); if (box_id) { this.signin(box_id, true); } }, getBoxHTML: function(selection, box_size) { var label=""; var title="" if (box_size == 'large') { label=' ' + selection["name"]; } else { title=' title="'+selection["name"]+'"'; } var box_id = selection["name"].toLowerCase(); return '' + '' + label + ''; }, /* selection image click */ signin: function(box_id, onload) { if (box_id == 'othersignin') { this.highlight(box_id); $('#login_input_area').empty(); $('#'+this.othersignin_id).show(); this.setCookie(box_id); return; } else { if (this.othersignin_id) { $('#'+this.othersignin_id).hide(); } } var selection = selections[box_id]; if (! selection) { return; } this.highlight(box_id); this.selection_id = box_id; this.selection_url = selection['url']; // prompt user for input? if (selection['label']) { this.setCookie(box_id); this.useInputBox(selection); } else { this.setCookie(''); $('#login_input_area').empty(); if (! onload) { $('#login_selector_form').submit(); } } }, /* Sign-in button click */ submit: function() { var url = selector.selection_url; if (url) { url = url.replace('{username}', $('#entry').val()); selector.setOpenIdUrl(url); } else { selector.setOpenIdUrl(""); } if(selector.ajaxHandler) { selector.ajaxHandler(selector.selection_id, document.getElementById(selector.input_id).value); return false; } return true; }, setOpenIdUrl: function (url) { var hidden = $('#'+this.input_id); if (hidden.length > 0) { hidden.value = url; } else { $('#login_selector_form').append(''); } }, highlight: function (box_id) { // remove previous highlight. var highlight = $('#login_highlight'); if (highlight) { highlight.replaceWith($('#login_highlight a')[0]); } // add new highlight. $('.'+box_id).wrap('
'); }, setCookie: function (value) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(this.cookie_expires*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); document.cookie = this.cookie_name+"="+value+expires+"; path=" + this.cookie_path; }, readCookie: function () { var nameEQ = this.cookie_name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; }, useInputBox: function (selection) { var input_area = $('#login_input_area'); var html = ''; var id = 'entry'; var value = ''; var label = selection['label']; var style = ''; if (selection['name'] == 'OpenID') { id = this.input_id; value = ''; style = 'background:#FFF url(wikiicons/openidlogin-bg.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 50%; padding-left:18px;'; } if (label) { html = ''; } html += '' html += '' + ''; input_area.empty(); input_area.append(html); $('#'+id).focus(); }, setAjaxHandler: function (ajaxFunction) { this.ajaxHandler = ajaxFunction; } };