#!/usr/bin/perl package IkiWiki; use warnings; use strict; use XML::Twig; use Test::More; BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); } BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki::Render"); } BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki::Plugin::map"); } BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki::Plugin::mdwn"); } ok(! system("rm -rf t/tmp; mkdir t/tmp")); $config{verbose} = 1; $config{srcdir} = 't/tmp'; $config{underlaydir} = 't/tmp'; $config{underlaydirbase} = '.'; $config{templatedir} = 'templates'; $config{usedirs} = 1; $config{htmlext} = 'html'; $config{wiki_file_chars} = "-[:alnum:]+/.:_"; $config{userdir} = "users"; $config{tagbase} = "tags"; $config{default_pageext} = "mdwn"; $config{wiki_file_prune_regexps} = [qr/^\./]; $config{autoindex_commit} = 0; is(checkconfig(), 1); %oldrenderedfiles=%pagectime=(); %pagesources=%pagemtime=%oldlinks=%links=%depends=%typedlinks=%oldtypedlinks= %destsources=%renderedfiles=%pagecase=%pagestate=(); my @pages = qw( alpha alpha/1 alpha/1/i alpha/1/ii alpha/1/iii alpha/1/iv alpha/2 alpha/2/a alpha/2/b alpha/3 beta ); foreach my $page (@pages) { # we use a non-default extension for these, so they're distinguishable # from programmatically-created pages $pagesources{$page} = "$page.mdwn"; $destsources{$page} = "$page.mdwn"; $pagemtime{$page} = $pagectime{$page} = 1000000; writefile("$page.mdwn", "t/tmp", "your ad here"); } sub node { my $name = shift; my $kids = shift; my %stuff = @_; return { %stuff, name => $name, kids => $kids }; } sub check_nodes { my $ul = shift; my $expected = shift; is($ul->tag, 'ul'); # expected is a list of hashes # ul is a list of li foreach my $li ($ul->children) { my @kids = $li->children; is($li->tag, 'li'); my $expectation = shift @$expected; is($kids[0]->tag, 'a'); my $a = $kids[0]; if ($expectation->{parent}) { is($a->att('class'), 'mapparent'); } else { is($a->att('class'), 'mapitem'); } is_deeply([$a->text], [$expectation->{name}]); if (@{$expectation->{kids}}) { is(scalar @kids, 2); check_nodes($kids[1], $expectation->{kids}); } else { is_deeply([@kids], [$a]); } } } sub check { my $pagespec = shift; my $expected = shift; print "*** $pagespec ***\n"; my $html = IkiWiki::Plugin::map::preprocess(pages => $pagespec, page => 'map', destpage => 'map'); my $tree = XML::Twig->new(pretty_print => 'indented'); eval { $tree->parse($html); }; if ($@) { print "malformed XML: $@\n$html\n"; ok(0); } my $fragment = $tree->root; is($fragment->tag, 'div'); is($fragment->att('class'), 'map'); if (@$expected) { check_nodes(($fragment->children)[0], $expected); } else { ok(! $fragment->children); } $tree->dispose; print "\n"; } check('doesnotexist', []); check('alpha', [node('alpha', [])]); check('alpha/*', [ node('1', [ node('i', []), node('ii', []), node('iii', []), node('iv', []), ]), node('2', [ node('a', []), node('b', []), ]), node('3', []), ]); check('alpha or alpha/*', [ node('alpha', [ node('1', [ node('i', []), node('ii', []), node('iii', []), node('iv', []), ]), node('2', [ node('a', []), node('b', []), ]), node('3', []), ]), ]); check('alpha or alpha/1 or beta', [ node('alpha', [ node('1', []), ]), node('beta', []), ]); check('alpha/1 or beta', [ node('alpha', [ node('1', []), ], parent => 1), node('beta', []), ]); check('alpha/1/i* or alpha/2/a or beta', [ node('alpha', [ node('1', [ node('i', []), node('ii', []), node('iii', []), node('iv', []), ], parent => 1), node('2', [ node('a', []), ], parent => 1), ], parent => 1), node('beta', []), ]); check('alpha/1/i* or alpha/2/a', [ node('1', [ node('i', []), node('ii', []), node('iii', []), node('iv', []), ], parent => 1), node('2', [ node('a', []), ], parent => 1), ]); check('alpha/1/i*', [ node('i', []), node('ii', []), node('iii', []), node('iv', []), ]); done_testing; 1;