#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use File::Temp; use Test::More; BEGIN { my $git = `which git`; chomp $git; plan(skip_all => 'git not available') unless -x $git; plan(skip_all => "IPC::Run not available") unless eval q{ use IPC::Run qw(run start); 1; }; use_ok('IkiWiki'); use_ok('YAML::XS'); } # We check for English error messages $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C'; use Cwd qw(getcwd); use Errno qw(ENOENT); my $installed = $ENV{INSTALLED_TESTS}; my $tmp = File::Temp->newdir(CLEANUP => 0); my @command; if ($installed) { @command = qw(ikiwiki); } else { ok(! system("make -s ikiwiki.out")); @command = ("perl", "-I".getcwd."/blib/lib", './ikiwiki.out', '--underlaydir='.getcwd.'/underlays/basewiki', '--set', 'underlaydirbase='.getcwd.'/underlays', '--templatedir='.getcwd.'/templates'); } sub write_old_file { my $name = shift; my $dir = shift; my $content = shift; writefile($name, $dir, $content); ok(utime(333333333, 333333333, "$dir/$name")); } sub write_setup_file { my %params = @_; my %setup = ( wikiname => 'this is the name of my wiki', srcdir => "$tmp/srcdir", destdir => "$tmp/out", url => 'http://example.com', cgiurl => 'http://example.com/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi', cgi_wrapper => "$tmp/ikiwiki.cgi", cgi_wrappermode => '0755', add_plugins => [qw(anonok attachment lockedit recentchanges)], disable_plugins => [qw(emailauth openid passwordauth)], anonok_pagespec => 'writable/*', locked_pages => '!writable/*', rcs => 'git', git_wrapper => "$tmp/repo.git/hooks/post-update", git_wrappermode => '0755', gitorigin_branch => 'test-repo', gitmaster_branch => 'master', untrusted_committers => [$params{trustme} ? 'nobody' : scalar getpwuid($<)], git_test_receive_wrapper => "$tmp/repo.git/hooks/pre-receive", ENV => { LC_ALL => 'C' }, verbose => 1, ); unless ($installed) { $setup{ENV}{'PERL5LIB'} = getcwd.'/blib/lib'; } writefile("test.setup", "$tmp", "# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file\n" . Dump(\%setup)); } sub thoroughly_rebuild { ok(unlink("$tmp/ikiwiki.cgi") || $!{ENOENT}); ok(unlink("$tmp/repo.git/hooks/post-update") || $!{ENOENT}); ok(unlink("$tmp/repo.git/hooks/pre-receive") || $!{ENOENT}); ok(! system(@command, qw(--setup), "$tmp/test.setup", qw(--rebuild --wrappers))); } sub try_run_git { my $args = shift; my %params = @_; my $git_dir = $params{chdir} || "$tmp/srcdir"; my ($in, $out, $err); my @redirections = ('>', \$in); if ($params{capture_stdout}) { push @redirections, '>', \$out; } else { push @redirections, '>', \*STDERR; } push @redirections, '2>', \$err if $params{capture_stderr}; my $h = start(['git', @$args], @redirections, init => sub { chdir $git_dir or die $!; my $name = 'The IkiWiki Tests'; my $email = 'nobody@ikiwiki-tests.invalid'; if ($args->[0] eq 'commit') { $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = $name; $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} = $email; } }); while ($h->pump) {}; $h->finish; return $h, $out, $err; } sub run_git { my (undef, $filename, $line) = caller; my $args = shift; my %params = @_; my $git_dir = $params{chdir} || "$tmp/srcdir"; my $desc = $params{desc} || join(' ', 'git', @$args); my ($h, $out, $err) = try_run_git($args, capture_stdout => 1, %params); is($h->full_result(0), 0, "'$desc' in $git_dir at $filename:$line"); return $out; } sub test { my ($h, $out, $err); my $sha1; write_old_file('.gitignore', "$tmp/srcdir", "/.ikiwiki/\n"); write_old_file('writable/one.mdwn', "$tmp/srcdir", 'This is the first test page'); write_old_file('writable/two.bin', "$tmp/srcdir", 'An attachment'); unless ($installed) { ok(! system(qw(cp -pRL doc/wikiicons), "$tmp/srcdir/")); ok(! system(qw(cp -pRL doc/recentchanges.mdwn), "$tmp/srcdir/")); } ok(mkdir "$tmp/repo.git"); run_git(['init', '--bare'], chdir => "$tmp/repo.git"); run_git(['init']); run_git(['add', '.']); run_git(['commit', '-m', 'Initial commit']); my $initial_sha1 = run_git(['rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD']); run_git(['remote', 'add', 'test-repo', "$tmp/repo.git"]); run_git(['push', 'test-repo', 'master:master']); run_git(['branch', '--set-upstream-to=test-repo/master']); run_git(['clone', '-otest-repo', "$tmp/repo.git", "$tmp/clone"], chdir => $tmp); writefile('writable/untrusted_user_says_hi.mdwn', "$tmp/clone", 'Hi!'); run_git(['add', 'writable'], chdir => "$tmp/clone"); run_git(['commit', '-m', 'Hi'], chdir => "$tmp/clone"); my $allowed_sha1 = run_git(['rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD'], chdir => "$tmp/clone"); diag 'Pushing unrestricted change as untrusted user'; write_setup_file(trustme => 0); thoroughly_rebuild(); $out = run_git([ 'push', 'test-repo', 'master:master', ], chdir => "$tmp/clone"); $sha1 = run_git(['rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD'], chdir => "$tmp/repo.git"); is($sha1, $allowed_sha1, 'allowed commit was pushed'); $sha1 = run_git(['rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD']); is($sha1, $allowed_sha1, 'allowed commit was pushed'); ok(-e "$tmp/srcdir/writable/untrusted_user_says_hi.mdwn"); ok(-e "$tmp/out/writable/untrusted_user_says_hi/index.html"); diag 'Pushing restricted change as untrusted user'; writefile('staff_only.mdwn', "$tmp/clone", 'Hi!'); run_git(['add', 'staff_only.mdwn'], chdir => "$tmp/clone"); run_git(['commit', '-m', 'Hi'], chdir => "$tmp/clone"); my $proposed_sha1 = run_git(['rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD'], chdir => "$tmp/clone"); ($h, $out, $err) = try_run_git([ 'push', 'test-repo', 'master:master', ], chdir => "$tmp/clone", capture_stdout => 1, capture_stderr => 1); isnt($h->full_result(0), 0); is($out, ''); like($err, qr{remote: <.*>staff only</.*> is locked and cannot be edited}); $sha1 = run_git(['rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD'], chdir => "$tmp/repo.git"); is($sha1, $allowed_sha1, 'proposed commit was not pushed'); $sha1 = run_git(['rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD']); is($sha1, $allowed_sha1, 'proposed commit was not pushed'); ok(! -e "$tmp/srcdir/staff_only.mdwn"); ok(! -e "$tmp/out/staff_only/index.html"); diag 'Pushing restricted change as trusted user'; write_setup_file(trustme => 1); thoroughly_rebuild(); $out = run_git([ 'push', 'test-repo', 'master:master', ], chdir => "$tmp/clone"); $sha1 = run_git(['rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD'], chdir => "$tmp/repo.git"); is($sha1, $proposed_sha1, 'proposed commit was pushed'); $sha1 = run_git(['rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD']); is($sha1, $proposed_sha1, 'proposed commit was pushed'); ok(-e "$tmp/srcdir/staff_only.mdwn"); ok(-e "$tmp/out/staff_only/index.html"); } test(); done_testing();