#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my $dir; BEGIN { $dir = "/tmp/ikiwiki-test-bzr.$$"; my $bzr=`which bzr`; chomp $bzr; if (! -x $bzr) { eval q{ use Test::More skip_all => "bzr not available" } } if (! mkdir($dir)) { die $@; } } use Test::More tests => 17; BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); } %config=IkiWiki::defaultconfig(); $config{rcs} = "bzr"; $config{srcdir} = "$dir/repo"; IkiWiki::loadplugins(); IkiWiki::checkconfig(); # XXX # This is a workaround for bzr's new requirement that bzr whoami be run # before committing. This makes the test suite work with an unconfigured # bzr, but ignores the need to have a properly configured bzr before # using ikiwiki with bzr. $ENV{HOME}=$dir; system 'bzr whoami test@example.com'; system "bzr init $config{srcdir}"; use CGI::Session; my $session=CGI::Session->new; $session->param("name", "Joe User"); # Web commit my $test1 = readfile("t/test1.mdwn"); writefile('test1.mdwn', $config{srcdir}, $test1); IkiWiki::rcs_add("test1.mdwn"); IkiWiki::rcs_commit( file => "test1.mdwn", message => "Added the first page", token => "moo", session => $session); my @changes; @changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3); is($#changes, 0); is($changes[0]{message}[0]{"line"}, "Added the first page"); is($changes[0]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "test1"); is($changes[0]{user}, "Joe User"); # Manual commit my $username = "Foo Bar"; my $user = "$username "; my $message = "Added the second page"; my $test2 = readfile("t/test2.mdwn"); writefile('test2.mdwn', $config{srcdir}, $test2); system "bzr add --quiet $config{srcdir}/test2.mdwn"; system "bzr commit --quiet --author \"$user\" -m \"$message\" $config{srcdir}"; @changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3); is($#changes, 1); is($changes[0]{message}[0]{"line"}, $message); is($changes[0]{user}, $username); is($changes[0]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "test2"); is($changes[1]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "test1"); my $ctime = IkiWiki::rcs_getctime("test2.mdwn"); ok($ctime >= time() - 20); my $mtime = IkiWiki::rcs_getmtime("test2.mdwn"); ok($mtime >= time() - 20); writefile('test3.mdwn', $config{srcdir}, $test1); IkiWiki::rcs_add("test3.mdwn"); IkiWiki::rcs_rename("test3.mdwn", "test4.mdwn"); IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged( message => "Added the 4th page", session => $session, ); @changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(4); is($#changes, 2); is($changes[0]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "test4"); ok(mkdir($config{srcdir}."/newdir")); IkiWiki::rcs_rename("test4.mdwn", "newdir/test5.mdwn"); IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged( message => "Added the 5th page", session => $session, ); @changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(4); is($#changes, 3); is($changes[0]{pages}[0]{"page"}, "newdir/test5"); IkiWiki::rcs_remove("newdir/test5.mdwn"); IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged( message => "Remove the 5th page", session => $session, ); system "rm -rf $dir";