ikiwiki 3.20180228 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * core: Don't send relative redirect URLs when behind a reverse proxy * core: Escape backticks etc. in directive error messages as HTML entities so that the error message is not subsequently parsed as Markdown * mdwn: Enable fenced code blocks, PHP Markdown Extra-style definition lists and GitHub-style extensions to HTML tag syntax when used with Discount >= 2.2.0 (Closes: #[888055](http://bugs.debian.org/888055)) * img: Fix auto-detection of image format (if enabled, which is strongly discouraged) with ImageMagick >= 6.9.8-3 * rst: Use Python 3 instead of Python 2 * build: `set -e` before each `for` loop, so that errors are reliably trapped * build: Use if/then instead of `||` so that the `-e` flag works * build: Ensure that pm\_to\_blib finishes before rewriting shebang lines * t: Make the img test pass with ImageMagick >= 6.9.8-3 (Closes: #[891647](http://bugs.debian.org/891647)) * debian: Remove unused Lintian overrides for duplicate word false positives * debian: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.3"""]]