[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawk3MUhMRflE8-Vg4fevsT1sadSetiAxVKg" nickname="Marius" subject="IT WORKS!!! Ikiwiki rules!" date="2011-06-23T09:42:00Z" content=""" Well, surprise, I tried a different approach and this time it worked perfectly. So, how I did it?... I created externally a html file with the slid-show I wanted and then put it (along with the javascript files and the images) in the source directory. I rebuilt the wiki and then inlined that html page in the wiki page where I wanted the slide-show. So, from now on my wiki will look like any wordpress or drupal eye-candy website but without all that bloat. Short outline: - put the slid-show files in the source directory - rebuild the wiki - on the wiki page you want some eye-candy inline the html page that contains the slid-show - that's it ;) Marius """]]