[[!comment format=mdwn username="smcv" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/0ee943fe632ff995f6f0f25b7167d03b" subject="comment 2" date="2017-05-14T12:01:08Z" content=""" The AsciiDoc plugin is not part of ikiwiki, and none of the ikiwiki maintainers develop or use it. You might get better results by contacting its authors, or by reading its source code or the source code of the third-party libraries or tools that it uses. [Searching for the error message](https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=ifeval+invalid+safe+document) is probably a good starting point for understanding what is happening here. I suspect that what is happening might be that the plugin puts asciidoc into some sort of \"safe mode\" so that wiki editors cannot cause arbitrary code execution, but you are making use of asciidoc features that can execute arbitrary code, which the asciidoc implementation forbids. In general, ikiwiki plugins are expected to arrange for filtering or configuration to be carried out so that the ability to edit the wiki does not give an attacker the ability to execute arbitrary code on the server. """]]