[[!comment format=mdwn username="spalax" subject="More thought about the `pageversion` plugin" date="2016-06-14T15:36:32Z" content=""" I like your idea of a pagespec: # index.mdwn - assume ... is a glob that matches sismologie but not its subpages [[!report pages=\"first-trail-member(...)\"]] What I have in mind now, assuming that my website have the following structure: $ tree ├── blog.mdwn └── blog ├── bar.mdwn ├── bar │ ├── 20151108.mdwn │ └── 20160413.mdwn ├── foo.mdwn └── foo ├── 20160103.mdwn └── 20160605.mdwn I can have a plugin that implements: - a directive ``[[!versionof parent]]`` in every *actual* article (`bar/20151108.mdwn`, `bar/20160413`, `foo/20160103`, `foo/20160605`) which does two things: - it registers the pages as being a version of its parent page; - it displays a text ``Other versions of this article: ...``. - a pagespec function ``latestversion``, so that the ``blog.mdwn`` page can list the last version of each article using something like ``[[!report pages=\"*/* and latestversion()]]``; - a directive ``[[!redir_to_latest_version]]`` (or a nicer, shorter name) in *'meta'* articles (`foo.mdwn`, `bar.mdwn`), which redirects the page to the latest version of the article (so that ``http://example.com/blog/foo`` redirects to ``http://example.com/blog/foo/20160605`` (the latest version of ``foo``)). Anyway, thank you very much: it may not be the definitive form yet, but it is already much more clean than it was at the beginning. """]]