[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://launchpad.net/~tale" nickname="tale" subject="comment 2" date="2011-12-27T16:18:31Z" content=""" In both old and new host gitorigin_branch is empty string in ikiwiki.setup. tale@tugelbend:~$ grep -i gitorigin ikiwiki.setup gitorigin_branch => '', The branches subdir is empty on both hosts: tale@tugelbend:~$ LANG=C ls -lha wiki/src.git/branches/ total 8.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 tale tale 4.0K Dec 24 2009 . drwxr-xr-x 7 tale tale 4.0K Dec 24 2009 .. tale@tugelbend:~$ I do not know what value I should assign to gitorigin_branch. I tried wiki.git/hooks/post-update but nothing seems to happen. No output, web page stays the same. File timestamps are not updated on the dest directory. """]]