[[!comment format=mdwn username="svetlana@192500fb6a2e2ef8e78d1a08cca64b1bca9833b9" nickname="svetlana" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/5821f2dec97d186ce3b455b806d33035" subject="comment 6" date="2017-02-21T03:56:18Z" content=""" I misread \"nobacklinks\" as \"no backlinks\". Turns out setting it to 0 after applying that patch fixes the problem. This whole discussion is now resolved in short term. In long term, there are a few remaining questions. - Is .po plugin able to work if the user chooses to use foo/index.mdwn ? - Is ikiwiki able to move files back and forth when the user toggles the 'use foo/index.mwdn' setting? - In the case the user toggles this setting, does the .po plugin adapt to the new value (both ways) and move its files around too? """]]