[[!comment format=mdwn username="svetlana@192500fb6a2e2ef8e78d1a08cca64b1bca9833b9" nickname="svetlana" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/5821f2dec97d186ce3b455b806d33035" subject="comment 3" date="2017-02-19T21:59:25Z" content=""" I removed /home/public (the wiki build destination) and rebuilt it, re-enabled po plugin with \"* or */* or */*/* or */*/*/*\" in its pagespec settings, but it still only picks up root level pages. Subpages are not marked as translatable. This is a problem. The backlinks issue seems to not have resolved itself, either. Remarkably, removing sandbox.pot and sandbox.ru.po from ~/wiki made the sandbox page not translatable. It seems that the po plugin is looking for foo/bar.mdwn and foo/bar.pot and foo/bar.po.ru rather than foo/bar/index.mdwn, foo/bar/index.ru.po, foo/bar/index.pot and so on? I tried to disable \"use page/index.mdwn source files\" and rebuild the wiki, but now I have \"foo/bar/index/\" URIs and `[[foo/bar]]` is an unknown link marked with a question mark, so I'm going to fix it all up in the source files by hand and see if it helps... """]]