[[!comment format=mdwn username="smcv" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/0ee943fe632ff995f6f0f25b7167d03b" subject="comment 3" date="2017-07-23T17:52:11Z" content=""" azzamsa: It looks as though your `gitorigin_branch` and `gitmaster_branch` settings might be incorrect. Set `gitorigin_branch` to be an empty string (`''`) for now. When you have committed the wiki content at least once, push it to the `origin` repository with git push origin master then change `gitorigin_branch` back to `origin`. It might be useful to look at how `ikiwiki-makeremote` does this. In particular, its first commit is done during setup, contains a `.gitignore` that ignores the `.ikiwiki` directory, and is pushed to `origin` before running `ikiwiki` for the first time. """]]