[[!comment format=mdwn username="smcv" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/0ee943fe632ff995f6f0f25b7167d03b" subject="I suggest asking macOS/brew people" date="2017-05-22T11:02:44Z" content=""" The multimarkdown option is not necessarily a good idea. The default and recommended Markdown implementation in ikiwiki is Discount, which already supports many of the same extensions as multimarkdown (in released versions of ikiwiki, footnotes are a notable omission, but those will be enabled by default in the next release). If you want to use multimarkdown anyway, please check what the search path is for the version of Perl that you are using to run ikiwiki. In particular, the most reliable setup is likely to be one where you get Perl, Text::MultiMarkdown and IkiWiki from the same vendor (for example Homebrew or pkgsrc) without mixing those vendors. If you obtained one of those packages (for example ikiwiki) by building it yourself from source code, its author is unlikely to be able to help you unless they happen to be a macOS user themselves, which most of the ikiwiki contributors are not. If you are doing this, you should make sure you understand how Perl finds libraries (for example this is described in the perlrun man page). It might be necessary to add ``` ENV: PERL5LIB: /some/path:/some/other/path ``` (YAML syntax) or ``` ENV => { PERL5LIB => \"/some/path:/some/other/path\", }, ``` (Perl syntax) to your [[setup file|setup]]. """]]