[[!comment format=mdwn username="spalax" ip="" subject="Plugin compile" date="2014-10-04T10:37:16Z" content=""" Hello, I enventually wrote a plugin that might fit your need: [[plugins/contrib/compile]]. In setup file, you specify which command is to be applied to files. For instance, to convent `odt` files to `pdf`, you can use: compile_filetypes = ' \"odt\": { \"build\": \"libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf %{srcname}s\", \"destname\": \"%{basename}s.pdf\" } }' Then, in your wiki pages, you can use `\[[!compile files=\"foo.odt\"]]`. This will convert file to pdf, and render as a link to the `pdf` file. If option `inline` is set, you can also simply use a wikilink `\[[foo.odt]]`, which will have the same effect. The only problem I see is that when linking several times to the same file, it will be compiled several times. I marked it as [[a feature request|http://atelier.gresille.org/issues/420]] to the plugin. Regards, -- [[Louis|spalax]] """]]