[[!comment format=mdwn username="smcv" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/0ee943fe632ff995f6f0f25b7167d03b" subject="Please do not patch out the symlink check" date="2017-05-26T06:20:22Z" content=""" The check for symbolic links avoids a security vulnerability. Please do not patch it out. We will not support versions of ikiwiki that have been modified in this way. (In particular, if your wiki has more than one committer, then the other committers can use symbolic links to leak the contents of any file that is readable by the wiki.) If you want to store a separate assets directory, I would recommend using an underlay directory. You can use git-annex for this if it is placed in direct mode. I do want to support git-annex and some limited/safe subset of symlinks in ikiwiki, but not until we can do that without introducing a security flaw. """]]