# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file # # name of the wiki wikiname: simple-kml # where the source of the wiki is located srcdir: simple # where to build the wiki destdir: dest/simple-kml # base url to the wiki url: 'http://localhost/~chris/ikiwiki/osm-examples/simple-kml' # plugins to add to the default configuration add_plugins: - osm # plugins to disable disable_plugins: [] # additional directory to search for template files templatedir: ikiwiki/templates # base wiki source location underlaydir: ikiwiki-dest/share/ikiwiki/basewiki underlaydirbase: ikiwiki-dest/share/ikiwiki # display verbose messages? verbose: 1 # log to syslog? #syslog: 1 # create output files named page/index.html? usedirs: 1 # use '!'-prefixed preprocessor directives? prefix_directives: 1 # use page/index.mdwn source files indexpages: 0 # enable Discussion pages? discussion: 1 # name of Discussion pages discussionpage: Discussion # generate HTML5? html5: 0 # only send cookies over SSL connections? sslcookie: 0 # extension to use for new pages default_pageext: mdwn # extension to use for html files htmlext: html # strftime format string to display date timeformat: '%c' # UTF-8 locale to use #locale: en_US.UTF-8 # put user pages below specified page userdir: '' # how many backlinks to show before hiding excess (0 to show all) numbacklinks: 10 # attempt to hardlink source files? (optimisation for large files) hardlink: 0 ###################################################################### # special-purpose plugins # (osm, underlay) ###################################################################### # osm plugin # the default zoom when you click on the map link #osm_default_zoom: 15 # the icon shown on links and on the main map #osm_default_icon: ikiwiki/images/osm.png # the alt tag of links, defaults to empty #osm_alt: '' # the output format for waypoints, can be KML, GeoJSON or CSV (one or many, comma-separated) osm_format: KML # the icon attached to a tag, displayed on the map for tagged pages #osm_tag_default_icon: icon.png # Url for the OpenLayers.js file #osm_openlayers_url: http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js # Layers to use in the map. Can be either the 'OSM' string or a type option for Google maps (GoogleNormal, GoogleSatellite, GoogleHybrid or GooglePhysical). It can also be an arbitrary URL in a syntax acceptable for OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.url parameter. #osm_layers: # OSM: GoogleSatellite # Google maps API key, Google layer not used if missing, see https://code.google.com/apis/console/ to get an API key #osm_google_apikey: ''